"Uuu...but, but...people's pàopào...pàopào..."

Seeing that the third brother had no intention of returning it to him, Daddy didn't seem to be ready to help. The little dumpling cried even more heartbroken, and his voice became louder. Ling Jingxuan couldn't bear it, rubbed his ears and snatched it back from the little bun. Pào fights to him: "labor and capital have lost to you, please don't cry, okay?"

God knows that he is most afraid that his magic sound will penetrate his brain. Those who have not experienced it personally will never be able to appreciate the sour taste.

"Um... thank you, thank you dad..."

Finally going back to the pào battle, the little dumpling choked and put the pào battle into his bag, not forgetting to use one hand to hold the bag's opening, when he saw this "financial fan" Appearance, Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan are all powerless to hold their foreheads, just a few pào fights, what about him?

Chapter 671 Thousands of orphans, for resettlement

Yelan City can't be compared with the capital city. In just a few days, the children have become familiar with everywhere, especially the little dumplings and Gun Gunyi Tiger Brother. Well, Gun Gun and the little dumplings are very popular with the soldiers and those children. Brother Hu made them particularly painful, but the small dumplings carried it with authority wherever they went, so everyone had to force themselves to get used to Brother Hu.

A few pào battles in the morning caused an earth-shattering disaster. When it was determined that the little dumplings were playing pào battles, they all obediently took a long incense and set it on fire from afar. They didn't bother to care about him, just told Gun Gun and Hu Brother, pay attention, the little dumplings are like wild horses that have taken off their reins, dàng outside all day long, no, they disappeared after taking a nap in the afternoon.

"What are your father and son doing? Why didn't you see the little dumplings?"

When Chu Yunhan and Si Kongyuan came out, Ling Jingxuan and his son were chatting around the table. Tie Wazi and Yan Shangqing were not there. Recently, other cities have also sent a lot of large and small ones because of the war or something. The orphans who lost their families because of the reason, without waiting for Ling Jingxuan's orders, Tiewazi asked Qin Muyan and others who were just bored to make a yard for them in the city, and brought a lot of tables, chairs, pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Yan Shangqing taught those children to read and write together, and the two seemed to be little teachers.

"Are you up? The little dumpling is probably going to have a pào fight at the door. There are too many children. Tomorrow is Chinese New Year. He's going crazy."

Speaking of the petty perverts in their family, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but smile helplessly on his face. He still had a fresh memory of the earth-shattering tumult that morning, and it gave him a headache just thinking about it.

"It's no wonder that you kept him in the yard when you were in the southern border, and you have tossed all the way here a few days after returning to the capital. I'm afraid he has been suffocated long ago, right?"

Chu Yunhan also sighed weakly. That child was a lively and active person. If he didn't toss one day, he probably should be worried.

"Hehe... Maybe."

Ling Jingxuan smiled slightly, maybe, he was born accustomed to this kind of life? The little dumpling was definitely the most unrecognizable child he had ever seen. Even the little buns back then were not as capable as him, so they could naturally integrate into the new environment.

"what is this?"

Sikong Jue, who was sitting next to them, picked up the basic booklet in front of them. Some of the ink marks on it were not yet clear, and were neatly written with information such as names, age, and gender. The children's information, the oldest is only fourteen, the youngest is six or seven years old, both men and women, several booklets are all "It is the information of those children who lost their families because of the war, Xiaowen they have already counted them, Among them, there are as many as 500 boys over the age of ten, more than 300 girls, more than 100 boys under the age of 10, and more than 80 girls, adding up to nearly 1,000 people. I'm thinking about placing them there."

Ling Jingxuan is not a man who is pitiful, but even he couldn't help being surprised when he saw the statistics. Originally, he thought that there would be two or three hundred people at most, but he didn't expect... a few children near the border town. It adds up to this many, and it doesn't even count those girls who can't live to die early, or some older girls who get married early. If there is a family behind every orphan, then the number is even more so. It's unimaginable.

Hearing this, Sikong Yuan, who was holding the booklet, froze for a moment, unable to react stupidly. He was obviously frightened by the huge number, but Chu Yunhan snatched the booklet in his hand, almost tremblingly flipping through it. The above data is only for a few cities. There are thousands of orphans who have lost their relatives because of the war. As a former queen empress dowager, the pain in Chu Yunhan's heart is unimaginable for ordinary people.


"Damn northern barbarians!"

Pressing the booklet on the table violently, Chu Yunhan was very angry, and his phoenix eyes that had always been clean and unwavering burst into sparks of anger. These were all the people of his Great Qing Kingdom!

"Is this the case in every country's border towns?"

Sikong Jue was also filled with righteous indignation, and asked almost gnashing his teeth, he never knew that the war was so terrible, a thousand orphans, plus their relatives, how many people? Not counting those whose whole family died tragically, and this was based on a few years of peace, so this is war?

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it is possible that only the Qing country is the most serious. Beiman and the east country have a nest of snakes and rats, and the western country used to have a steel knife in hand, and basically no one dares to provoke it. I can't say for sure in the future. It can be said that after this war, there will be more orphans and widows, not only in the Qing Kingdom, but also in the East Kingdom, West Kingdom, and Beiman. The war is like this, cruel and bloody, and there will always be only death."

To be honest, he

I don't like countries at war. I remember that in my previous life, all other killer mercenaries like him liked to roam in countries at war. Only he would stay in the peaceful small mountain village of Huaxia when he had no mission. He didn't like it. Killing, even if he himself represents killing, where he appears is often shrouded in death.

Just because he saw so much death, he didn't like saving people, and he didn't like giving others illusory hope.

"How are you going to place them?"

I don't know how long it took, Chu Yunhan broke the silence solemnly, so many children, they can't all stay here, they can't be in Yelan City all the time, and they can't take them to the battlefield.

"I want Jingpeng to send all children under ten years old to the capital to give to Jinghan. The boy will arrange for them to enter Hanling Academy to study, and see if they will be able to obtain fame or learn accounting or something in the future. In the future, they will come to our stores to be accountants and wait for them to choose when they grow up in the future. All girls will be sent away regardless of age. Jiāo will train them by Xiao Sui and let them go to Baiyun Pavilion's factory to learn a skill and wait for their age. When they are old, those who are willing to marry will marry, and those who are unwilling to marry can continue to live in the factory, at least they can support themselves. We can only help them temporarily. If they want to live their own lives, they must rely on themselves. ."

This is the solution he got after thinking for a long time. The financial resources of any of them are enough to feed them, but he does not want them to become rice bugs that will only depend on them. In just a few days, this is the best thing he came up with. The solution can not only place them, but also cultivate talents for themselves. Hundreds of children, it is impossible for all of them to become talents, there will always be a few outstanding, maybe one day in the future, who will be among them? May become the right-hand man of the children, who can say what will happen in the future?

"Well, this is a good method. I will instruct them to build more houses for students at Hanling Academy, and try to exempt them from all expenses. I will also ask Shaoqing to tell Qingzi at Baiyun Pavilion, Provide them with accommodation and three meals, at least let them have a home, so that they will not be lonely and helpless."

With the best solution, Chu Yunhan's anger finally subsided, his tone was full of infinite pity, they were all poor children!

"What about boys over ten years old? More than 500 people, not a small number."

While secretly admiring Ling Jingxuan's brain, Sikong Jue asked again in confusion.

"I asked Xiao Wu and Xiao Huzi to ask. Those children all want to join the army, and letting them join Sheng Rui's command will undoubtedly be a death sentence. I want to set up a separate youth army. They belong to the country's regular army and have independent designations, but Unlike ordinary soldiers, my initial plan is to have Xiao Wu as their captain and Xiao Huzi as their vice captain. The following ten people will set up a team leader and a squad of 100 people, collectively referred to as the squad leader, and their designation is temporarily named Young Eagle Team. , Qin Muyan Li Ruhong will personally serve as their instructor to train them, as long as they can survive the training, I will let Cheng Rui report it directly to the imperial court and ask them to give them a general rank."

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