Ling Jingxuan said his thoughts without thinking. This was what he decided that day after confirming the intentions of those children. Of course, this was only his wishful thinking. Wait until he has seen them and confirmed with them in person before making arrangements.

"Let Qin Muyan and Li Ruhong train them? Are you sure you really want to help them?"

Sikong Jue's forehead turned black. He had seen the training of the Thunder team on weekdays. It was not something that could be done easily by humans, okay? Even An Shaonong and the others who have a background in martial arts often practice to the point of death. Is he really sure that those children can survive?

"You're stupid, the weight of the drill is completely controllable, okay?"

Ling Jingxuan glanced at him angrily, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help laughing, of course he knew that those children couldn't be the Thunder team's envoys, he didn't plan to make them the second Thunder team, he just let Qin Muyan and them hone their physical and willpower In the later stage, he will personally design training programs for them, and formulate training methods according to their respective habits. For example, if the brain is good, he will train him to study military books, teach them unique insights, etc., with good eyes. He let them learn to use his improved bow and crossbow, so that they can use arrows like gods, pierce Yang with a hundred steps, and let them learn advanced martial arts with good health. The most powerful fighting force in the Daqing Kingdom!

"That's pretty much it, so when are you going to tell them?"

Not minding his teasing at all, Sikong Jue asked with great interest, and his intuition told him that Jing Xuan's arrangements were probably more than what he said.

"Tomorrow, the new year must have a new look. If possible, I hope this young eagle team can officially set sail on the first day of the new year."

There will always be a time when the young eagles will grow up. When they are full of wings and have the power to fight the sky, it is time for them to shock the world. At that time, he and Sheng Rui will almost be able to retire.

"I'll go with you tomorrow. Don't you always say that there are rewards and punishments to be motivated? I will provide the prizes privately. In the future, you will do a monthly selection or something, and I will also contribute to those children."

Sikong Jue's mind also turned very fast, after all this started to be said, Ling Jingxuan smiled and shook his head: "What's the hurry, can they pass the test and still talk about it, don't worry, you have to pay for the money. Who makes you prouder than us?"

After he finished speaking, Ling Jingxuan still blinked mischievously, Chu Yunhan and the two buns immediately covered their mouths and laughed lightly. If they were to be rich, one of the three of them might be richer than the other, but when it came to local tyrants, Sikong Jue considered himself second, so he No one dared to say that he was number one. His pride was innate, and Chu Yunhan and Ling Jingxuan couldn't keep up.

Chapter 672 The little dumpling who remembers things

In the evening, when Yan Shengrui, Zeng Shaoqing and others came back, Ling Jingxuan told them his thoughts again. The group gathered together to discuss and rested in the middle of the night. Even Ling Yun and the others joined in the discussion, because they knew that after they got married, there would always be When it was inconvenient to stay by Ling Jingxuan's side, he had no other girls. They wanted to pick a few clever girls or servants to stay for training. This also happened to solve the problem of some brothers and sisters who were of uneven age and might not want to be separated. The problem, Chun Xiang and the others also actively expressed their willingness to cooperate with Ling Yun. Ling Jingxuan looked at them all looking very excited, so they had no choice but to go.

The next day was New Year's 30. In front of the yamen, the small group and a group of friends were playing pào battles. I don't know if it was their illusion, but it always felt that his small bag seemed to be more bulging than yesterday.

"Dad, are you going out?"

Seeing Ling Jingxuan and the others coming out, the little dumpling jumped up and ran in front of them. The children who were playing with him followed behind him a little shyly and timidly. After taking a careful look at them, they said in unison like a mosquito chirping: "princess!"

Many children are blushing, they have never seen such a good-looking person before.

"Hehe... Are you all used to the life here... Are the uncles of the soldiers treating you well?"

Crouching down and pulling the small dumplings, Ling Jingxuan looked at the children with a gentle face. There were about a dozen of them, all of them were thin and thin, and they seemed to be less than ten years old. Because of the Chinese New Year, Zeng Shaoqing and Ling Jingpeng Specially asked someone to get them new clothes from Baiyun Pavilion in Quanzhou City. At this time, they looked like gods of pure spirits, and those twinkling eyes were dazed and curious about the world.

"Okay...very good, thank you princess."

"Thank you, princess!"

A little boy who looked a little older gave a timid nod and then bent over stiffly for him. The rest of the children followed his example and came forward obediently. They were all poor children who lost their parents early. , I grew up eating hundreds of family meals. I guess I have never had such a stable life. I have a unified residence and meals, and I have new clothes to wear during the New Year, right?

"Hehe, you're welcome, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell the uncle of the soldier who takes care of you, or tell the little dumpling. The little dumpling is young and not very sensible. If he does something wrong, you all take care of it. ."

Ling Jingxuan smiled slightly, he didn't think the little dumplings would do anything to bully them, but after all, their backgrounds were different. Orphans like them who lost their relatives since childhood are very sensitive, and the little dumplings are a man who can talk and do everything. Without scruples, they are afraid that they will inadvertently hurt their little self-esteem.

"No no no..."

The boy who spoke earlier waved his hands again and again when he heard the words, blushing and stammering: "Little, Xiaojun Wang is very good, we like him very much."

not deliberately lying to flatter him, they

I really like this white and chubby little prince. He is different from the rich young masters or children who were cared for by their parents. He will not bully and laugh at them, and he will take the initiative to give a lot of fun and delicious things to them They, the elder brothers of the county king are also very good. They teach them to read and write, and they also play with them. They are all good people.

"That's good, you guys can play slowly and be careful not to get hurt."

Nodding his head, Ling Jingxuan retracted his gaze and looked at the small dumpling who was looking at him with a bright smile. He bent his fingers and tapped him on the head angrily. Ling Jingxuan lowered his eyes and looked at his bulging small satchel: "It's so bulging, it's all packed. what-what?"

Before his hand touched his satchel, the little dumpling jumped three feet away, his hands tightly protecting his satchel, and the little Danfeng looked at him defensively, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but his forehead darkened, he just asked Ask, as for? "I think he must be playing a pào fight again, I'm afraid you will confiscate him."

Together with him, Sikong rushed to Chu Yunhan to laugh, this kid still remembers a lot.

"Daddy can't grab my pàopào, it's all given by my brothers and sisters, it's mine."

The next second, Ling Jingxuan stood up and gave him a stern look, "I want to rob you, do you think you can escape? Come on, when it's time for a pào fight. Just be careful, don't get too close, and your brothers and sisters will give you all the battles when they spoil you, you can't play alone, you have to play with them, you know?"

I really can't take this arrogant boy. Didn't the little bun robbed him yesterday because he was worried about him. As for remembering to now?

"Okay, where are you going, Daddy?"

Xiao Tuanzi is a dog, and his face changes faster than others. No, when he heard that Ling Jingxuan would not take his pào battle, he immediately ran to him with a bright smile, Ling Jingxuan patted his head angrily: "We're going to the third brother, do you want to follow?"

Xiaowen Xiaowu has already taken the first step to gather those children, and it is almost time for them to pass.

"Don't go, don't go, people are still angry with the third brother, the third brother is the worst."

Without thinking about it, the little dumpling pouted and shook his head vigorously, with his hands clasped in front of his chest to express his anger.

"It's fine if you don't go, Brother Hu, I'll trouble you."

The three of Ling Jingxuan couldn't help laughing, and after talking to Brother Hu, the three of them left one after another.

West Country Cloud City

"Brother, why are you here?"

Sikong Hao may not have been as surprised as these days in his entire life. Previously, Xue Wuyang and Sikong Qi sneaked out. It's 30 years old, but his royal brother came running lightly on horseback. He could already imagine it. , how stinky those old stubborn faces in the imperial city are.

"You and my brother haven't seen each other for three years. I miss you very much. I came here to accompany you for the New Year."

As expected of the couple, Sikong Tam said the same words as Xue Wuyang at the time, Sikong Hao and Yuchi Lishang were speechless, saying that they missed them, but they kept staring at Xue Wuyang who was eating in the hall, how dare you go. a little bit?

"Have you eaten yet? Come and eat together. Hao actually deducted the fragrant rice that Jingxuan gave me. No wonder I always feel that the number is wrong."

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