"Yes, the scouts from the front came to report, and they could clearly hear the sound of whip pào."

The chief scout bowed and repeated it again. To be honest, he was stunned for a moment when he received the news. Clearly, Qingguo is still at a disadvantage, and they may be attacked by them at any time. Why are they still in the mood to celebrate the New Year? Could it be true, as the people of Dongguo said, that Qingguo has become the richest country?

Obviously, many people have the same idea as him, and because of this, there is a greedy look in their eyes, as long as they capture the Qing Kingdom and replace it, everything will be theirs!

"The order goes on, the whole army rests during the day, and when the Qingguo soldiers are full at night, we will attack the city!" After a while, Hu Luan made a decisive decision. Since it was an opportunity given to them by the Qingguo himself, There's no reason for them to let it go, right?


Not only the chief scout, but all the Beiman generals present stood up in unison, looking at their expressions, as if they had already seen the scene of Yelancheng breaking and their replacement.

Just, will it be that easy?

night city

The New Year's Eve dinner is to be eaten from noon to the evening. Everyone drinks, chats, and gathers together. The children usually go to play when they are full, and come back to eat when they are tired. The official training of the Eagles will be tomorrow. The first day of the new year just started, so Xiaobaozi and Xiaohuzi didn't need to stay there. Qin Muyan Li Ruhong helped them divide them into groups and classes, and after some regulations, Xiaobaozi and Xiaohuzi came back with Team Thunder.

There were five tables in the hall, and there were more than ten tables in the yard outside. Everyone in the yamen gathered together, except for Yan Xiaohua, who went to Lingzhou to pick up food and grass, everyone else was there, including the injury has gradually recovered. General Ye, Yan Xiaobei was not there, big bun Ling Wen took his younger brothers to Ling Jingxuan's table with milk.

"Father, Daddy, I have worked hard for you again this year! My son, toast to you, may you both be safe and healthy, and grow old together!"

The big bun is really getting bigger and more sensible. When he was a child, he could only say a happy new year!

"Hehe... We also hope you are safe and happy!"

The husband and wife looked at each other, raised their wine glasses, and saw the children standing in a row in front of them, with satisfied and relieved smiles in their eyes, they never watched their children grow up and be happier every day. The little dumplings who had been squeezed at the adults' table all the time looked at them back and forth, rolled their eyes, and slid down decisively and quickly. They didn't forget to pick up their glass of milk and squeezed them among them. The guy raised the milk and looked up and said, "Father, Daddy, and me, touch me too!"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing his eagerness, but because he was too short to be able to clink glasses with them, he was jumping in a hurry, everyone couldn't help laughing, Yan Shengrui Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but bend down when he saw this: "What are you doing to join in the fun? ?"

Flicking his forehead with his fingers, Yan Shengrui said that, or touched him with his glass.

"People also want to touch father and father."

The little dumpling disapproved and touched Ling Jingxuan's cup again, and finally a satisfied smile appeared on the fleshy face.

"You! You know how to make a fool of yourself!"

Ling Jingxuan had an angry clink with him, got up and swept the little buns standing in front of him one by one: "Xiao Wu, you are going to move out with Xiao Huzi tomorrow, when it comes to becoming a general, you two I've never made me worry about you. Once you're on the battlefield, neither your father nor I can help you. The only thing we can do is to try our best to pave the way for you before you become a general and help you in your succession. Success, this process must be very firm and painful, don’t let us down.”

If possible, he does not want his son to inherit Shengrui's mantle and take over the military power in his place in the future. As Yan Shengrui once said when he lost his memory, military power is not a good thing. , enjoy peace without seeing the general, although Xiao Wu should not face the end of the cunning rabbit in the future, but as long as the military power falls in his hands, there are too many people who want to provoke, and he is destined to be with him in this life. Just like Sheng Rui, turning into a bloodthirsty killing god on the battlefield, becoming a protector in the eyes of the common people, and protecting them forever, that responsibility is too heavy! However, this is Xiao Baozi's dream, and he can't deprive it.

"Well, father and father, don't worry, I won't let you down."

The little bun raised his head to meet their eyes, his eyes were full of redness and determination. He knew that his father set up the Eagles team entirely for him. In the future, he did not want to inherit his father's army, but to control his own army. From the beginning, the father and father were paving the way for him, and he would certainly not disappoint them.

"For my father, I look forward to the day when you transform."

Yan Shengrui looked at him deeply and had high hopes for him. Apart from the little dumplings, the second thing he hurts was him, because he was the most like him, of course, except for his foodie side.


The three of them raised their glasses and took a sip of the wine. Ling Jingxuan looked at Tie Wazi and Yan Shangqing again: "Tie Wazi, you are doing very well. I heard that those children like you very much, as well as mine. Little warrior, you are not bad, why don't you just be like Tiewazi and be a famous person in the world?"

Speaking of this famous person, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but think of the famous food of a certain dumpling, and the smile in his eyes couldn't help but deepen "Uncle Ling!"

Yan Shangqing blushed. He was no longer a child. He was happy when he heard the word "little warrior" again, but his face was a little embarrassed.

"Hehe... Come on, I hope you have a happy new year too.

Do what you love to do. "

Their little warrior has also reached the age of shyness. Ling Jingxuan stopped teasing him, raised his glass with a smile on his face, and Tiewazi Xiao Shangqing also said in unison: "May you all be safe and healthy, and grow old together!"

The four raised their heads and took a sip from the cup. After that, Ling Wen took the younger brothers to Chu Yunhan, Zeng Shaoqing and the others. Seeing what they meant, it seemed that they were going to toast them one by one, and the small dumplings who had the same pattern also served them. He followed behind them with his own glass of milk, no, not behind them. He was the first to walk in front of him. When people opened their mouths, he toasted first, but when he went up, he acted like a spoiled child. , which made everyone in the room cheer, "Master, thank you for your cultivation, we toast you!"

After the little buns left, Long Dashan, Zhou Changsheng and Song Xiaohu also brought up their cups. If there was no master, they would not be where they are now, especially Xiaohuzi. His gratitude is the deepest. The princess is not only his savior, but also They are the reborn parents of all their family members. Now their parents are the stewards of Jingyun Mountain Villa. The eldest brother is also the most profitable steward under the third master. The second sister is married to the member of the Thunder team that the princess relies most on. They used to be only slaves. , in just a few years, he has become a person with status and status. All these are given to them by the two masters. In his mind, the masters are like his parents, and he will always respect them.

"Hehe...you've grown a year older, Dashan, Changsheng, you're going to have a career in the future, I don't want you to practice as hard as a little tiger, but if you want, I hope you can also go to exercise together. Exercise yourself and have more contact with the soldiers on weekdays. Since ancient times, civil and military officials have been incompatible with each other, but you are different. You grew up together, and I hope you will not forget this in the future."

Looking at these sensible children, Ling Jingxuan said with a smile, he has always treated them like his own sons. They have little buns, and they almost have them. Now that they are better than the other, he also Sincerely express joy.

"Well, we remember."

Long Dashan and Zhou Changsheng looked at each other and nodded, Ling Jingxuan turned his gaze to Song Xiaohu again: "Little Huzi, I have nothing to tell you, you have heard what I said to Xiao Wu just now, only when you are stressed can you be motivated. No matter how hard you work in the future, don't forget, you still have a group of supportive friends!"

Their future achievements must be higher than each other, and high officials and wealth can corrupt people's nature the most. He sincerely hopes that no matter what position they will hold in the future, and how much power they will control, they will not forget their original intention and forget this invaluable friendship.

"Well, my lord, I won't forget it."

Little Huzi nodded very cautiously, Ling Jingxuan reached out and touched their heads respectively. The husband and wife toasted with them at the same time. Seeing that Lingyun Yansi, Song Shuiling, An Shaonong, and even Qin Muyan, Li Ruhong and others were eager to try, Ling Jingxuan hurriedly stopped: "Don't come to the wheel battle, it may not be too peaceful today, I don't want to drink too much."

He was embarrassed to clink glasses with them like children, holding milk.

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