"It turns out that you still knew that it would not be calm. I thought you would not see each other for three years, and you have become stupid."

A voice that did not belong to any of them suddenly remembered out of thin air, and everyone felt a gust of wind swept across. The next second, the uninvited Xue Wuyang Sikong Tam was already standing side by side in front of them, and everyone couldn't help but startled, they were how did it get here? There are like a cloud of soldiers inside and outside Yelan City, even if the city does not sing, it is not so easy to pass through, right? Could it be that they will still be able to fly away?

"You're not bad, you still come and go without a trace!"

Ling Jingxuan, whose face had not changed in the slightest, raised his fist and slapped his chest as he spoke. He had not seen him for more than three years. Under the nourishment of love and marriage, he seemed to be even more evil.

"Isn't that necessary? This seat is invincible in martial arts!"

Without any embarrassment, Xue Wuyang raised his eyebrows and smiled with Zilian. Yan Shengrui and Sikong Tam glanced at him in a dim manner. Those eyes were obviously saying, do you think we are all dead?

"Eldest brother, Yang... imperial sister-in-law?"

After finally regaining his senses, Sikong Jue stood up and shouted in a complacent voice, his azure blue eyes were woven with shock and ecstasy, although he vaguely guessed when Jing Xuan asked him to take the seal, they would see each other soon, but He never dreamed that it would be so fast, and it was still in such a sudden situation.

Chapter 675 New Year's Eve (2)

"Yo! Jue, long time no see!"

Xue Wuyang raised his hands to greet him without any seriousness, his phoenix eyes swept away lightly, and finally landed on Ling Yun: "Xiaoyun, help us add two chairs and two sets of tableware, and we will drive from Yuncheng in the morning. Come here, I haven't eaten anything yet, I'm starving to death."

He didn't mean to treat himself as an outsider at all. Xue Wuyang was still the same as three years ago, doing whatever he wanted. The three years did not make them feel alienated.


Ling Yun bowed and stepped back, and after a while, he brought the two little girls to bring what he wanted. The uninvited husband Sikong Tam sat down automatically, and did not forget to greet the others to sit with him. The dumpling ran back with the milk cup, put the milk cup on the table, turned around and quickly climbed onto his father's lap, sat in his arms and looked at Xue Wuyang next to him with bright eyes.

"Who are you, uncle? You are so beautiful, as beautiful as Uncle Chu."

Everyone has a love for beauty, regardless of how young Xiao Tuanzi is, his definition of beauty is very strict. So far, only Chu Yunhan have praised him, and most of them are coquettish. Quite a lot, this is the first time he has praised a person so positively and formally, which shows how offended someone looks.

"Is this the meat dumpling that turned over like a war?"

Xue Wuyang, who had just picked up his chopsticks and was about to attack the food, had to put down his chopsticks, raised his eyebrows and looked at him asking Ling Jingxuan, with a bright smile on his blushing sexy lips, he still remembers that he was turned over by his own The funny look of Rou Rou stuck and unable to move.


After he said it, Ling Jingxuan resolutely remembered the scene, closed his eyes and said with a smile: "Rou Tuanzi, he is the queen of the Western Kingdom, Daddy's good friend, you should be called Uncle Xue, and the one next to him is his husband, the emperor of the Western Kingdom. , just call you Uncle Sikong."

In terms of seniority, he should actually call them brother-in-law and sister-in-law with Sikong Jue. However, given Ling Jingxuan's understanding of Xue Wuyang, if he really dared to teach his children to call them brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Xue Wuyang would definitely demolish Yelan City for his sake. For the sake of life safety, things like seniority should be put aside first.

"Uncle Sikong, Uncle Xue, hello, my name is Xiao Tuanzi, not a meat dumpling!" Xiao Tuanzi called out obediently, not forgetting to correct their wrong name.

"Hehe... It's really a baby bump that provokes pain. It's much cuter than our Qi'er. Meat dumplings, can you also be Uncle Xue's son?"

The little dumpling was very cute in appearance, and what he said was also very cute. Xue Wuyang was so happy to touch his face, his fair and slender fingers seemed to be stuck on them, and he was reluctant to withdraw, and the little dumpling waved him away violently. Holding his hand, he frowned and said solemnly, "It's called a small dumpling, not a meat dumpling, it's a meat dumpling."

While speaking, out of the corner of his eyes, he swept to the braised lion head on the table, and the little dumpling decisively picked one up and shook it in front of their eyes, and then...

"Well... good time... meat dumplings are good time..."

The short, chubby wrist then turned, and the meat dumplings were decisively put into his mouth. The small dumplings with meat dumplings in their eyes looked happy and admiration, as if they had forgotten the entanglement about the name. Ling Jingxuan and the others were suddenly full. With a black line on his forehead, he sighed, it was a shame to go abroad, but Sikong Tam and Xue Wuyang, who saw this scene for the first time, twitched the corners of their mouths, and could not help but look at husband Yan Shengrui with sympathy. It's not easy for them to have such a unique son, right?

However, uniqueness is unique. There is one thing Xue Wuyang and the others have to admit. He is really cute. Although the series of actions just now are really annoying, it seems that he can do it as a matter of course, especially cute.


Xiao Baozi inserted between them at the right time, Xue Wuyang raised his eyes to look at him, deliberately ignoring his existence, raised his voice close to Ling Jingxuan: "Jingxuan, you see we are so familiar, why don't you let the meat dumplings be my son? I Ask Tam to seal him a king to play with?"

When the little apprentice grows up, he is not as cute as he was when he was a child, and it is not fun to tease at all. If it is replaced by meat dumplings, he will not be bored anymore in the future, it must be very interesting.

"Do you think my little dumpling lacks the title of King of the County?

? "

With a meaningful glance at him, Ling Jingxuan raised his eyebrows and took a sip from the wine glass. This condition was too unattractive. "Then why don't you want to be a prince? When Qi'er ascends the throne, you can directly name him a prince?"

Well, for the sake of his son, Xue Wuyang really tried his best. Sikong Tam next to him didn't even think about stopping him. Waiting for Ling Jingxuan to speak, Sikong Jue took the lead and said, "I will ask you to please, please, what's the difference between the prince and the prince? Do you know how much you love this meatball? If he speaks, Xiao Qi can seal him now. Now that you are a prince, why do you need to wait until later?"

Whether Brother Yang has become stupid, Sikong Jue looked at him with serious doubts.

"I don't care, anyway, I'm going to make a decision on this Gān son, Tam, after I go back, I will issue a decree to announce that Prince Sheng's youngest son is our Gān son, and will be the county king of the West Kingdom in the future."

This is not good or that is not good, Xue Wuyang simply cheated with them, meat dumplings are so fun, he just wants him to be his son!

"as long as you are happy."

Not surprisingly, Sikong Tam continued to indulge him as always. In fact, he also worked very hard. If he didn't agree, it wouldn't be long before he would have to find a daughter-in-law all over the world, right?

"You're still the best for me."

As soon as Xue Wuyang was happy, regardless of everyone's attention, he leaned over and kissed him on the face. Ling Jingxuan shook his head helplessly, and said directly to the little dumpling: "Little dumpling, we will be called father and queen in the future."

That's fine, at least in the future, their little dumplings will be able to walk sideways in the Western Country, in addition to Qing Country.

"Oh, father and queen."

Xiao Tuanzi didn't quite understand why, but he just listened to his father's words obediently. Xue Wuyang smiled and looked up and down the whole body. Finally, he grabbed Sikong Tam's hand and took off the thumb of his left hand. The jade wrench of his hand shoved it to him: "Dear son, take this, and in the future, when you come to Xiguo, as long as you take out this thing, no one will dare to bully you."

With another son, still a cute little guy, Xue Wuyang laughed so brightly.

"Thank you, Father."


"Ha ha……"

The little dumpling who couldn't tell who was who decisively switched their identities. When everyone who was eating touched all of them, thunderous laughter broke out in the huge hall. Sikong Tam's face was gorgeously darkened, Xue Wuyang wanted to laugh together, but he cared about his man, so he had to endure it, but the little dumpling who caused trouble was alone, tilted his head to look at them, and couldn't guess that they were laughing After what, Gān didn't bother anymore, and put the precious jade wrench into his small satchel, if Sikong Tam and Xue Wuyang knew that his small satchel was full of whip pào, which symbolized their status and status. Yuhuanzhi was classified as a whip pào by a certain dumpling. The two of them would probably vomit blood with anger?

"Cough cough... Stupid dumpling, he is the father and queen, that is your father and emperor."

Seeing that his master was holding back his laughter and was almost hurting himself, Xiao Baozi coughed twice and kindly corrected him, he could already imagine the picture of Master and Uncle Tam being stunned and tender, shouting to return the goods in the future.

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