Rao Shikong Tam can't think of what kind of defense methods Ling Jingxuan and the others have formulated to defend against the enemy, but he will soon stop struggling. As he said, they will see it with their own eyes soon, right? If their abilities are as strong as they were three years ago, maybe he should make a decision. Don't blame him for being selfish. When they are just friends and have nothing to do with the country and society, if they have any difficulties, he will definitely help, but they accept What he has to face is war. He is the emperor of the Western Kingdom and bears the lives of the people of the Western Kingdom. No matter what decision he makes, he must be cautious and cautious. He cannot make fun of the lives of the people. A trade-off will be made.

"Come on, you have to sympathize with those people. It is estimated that the sun will rise from the west tomorrow."

Glancing at him angrily, the dignified Holy Monarch of the Ghost Palace, the Queen of the Western Kingdom will sympathize with the Northern Barbarians? Don't be kidding, you must know that not only their Qing country, but also the Western country will be harassed by the northern barbarians, but the frequency is not as frequent as they are, and the situation is not as bad as they are. It's just the eastern country with a nest of snakes and rats.

To describe the situation of several major countries in this world in a more popular way, the three countries are all adults, but their personalities are different, and Beiman is a rebellious child who will never grow up. You treat him a little bit better, he You will feel that you are weak, and you will climb up the pole. Only by constantly controlling the bào and crushing them with his absolutely fierce strength will they be obedient like a dog. As far as the current situation is concerned, Beiman is the east. The dog of the country, and a mad dog that may kill its master.

"Hehe...you still know me."

He complained about it, but Xue Wuyang didn't mean to be ashamed at all. Knowing that he had plans for the night, he suddenly looked forward to the coming of the night. What to do, Ling Jingxuan propped up his body and exchanged glances with Yan Shengrui. Originally they were going to talk to Sikong Tam about cooperation, but now he has changed his mind. Instead of trying to persuade him, let him see their abilities , they believe that he is not stupid and will know how to choose. Once they officially start war with the Beiman Dongguo, the western country will never be able to be alone, and they have to make a choice.

"Are you going to stay here for a few days?"

Now that he has decided to talk about business another day, Ling Jingxuan resolutely changed the subject, Xue Wuyang held his head lazily on the table with a pestle with one hand: "I want to stay with you all the time, it seems that you have a little fun here, but no. , Qi'er has also come to the border, we will leave the day after tomorrow at the latest, and when you get back to Buming City, I will bring Qi'er to Buming City to stay for two more days."

Regardless of each other's identities, they are considered good friends. It is rare to see each other. Xue Wuyang is naturally reluctant to leave in a hurry, but now his identity is different, he can't help but mess around, which is why he became The Empress of Xiguo still disappears from time to time, but the reason why he has never been to Qingguo is that he likes to mess around, but it doesn't mean that he has no sense. Occasional disappearance is his love with Sikong Tam. The factor that tastes contaminated with national interests will undoubtedly change the taste.

"Qi'er must be more stable, right?"

Thinking of the gold bracelet in Tie Wazi's hand, Ling Jingxuan's eyes flashed slightly, and he asked while he reached out and took the teacup to his lips. He was not dissatisfied with Sikong Qi. Strictly speaking, Sikongqi is a good and sensible boy, and it is definitely worth it. The entrusted objects, however, one of them is the future emperor of the Western Kingdom, and the other is the uncle personally appointed by the late emperor. Maybe they will become the second Yan Xiaohua and Sikong Jue. If possible, he does not want Tie Wazi to have any relationship with him. Too much involvement, I just hope that he thinks too much about everything. After all, Sikong Qi was only eight or nine years old three years ago, so he shouldn't think so far, right? Maybe he just gave his favorite brother a gift?

"You reduce the size of the tower, it's almost like Qi'er."

While speaking, Xue Wuyang lazily pointed to the paralyzed face next to him. His description undoubtedly amused everyone, and everyone couldn't help but smile. Thinking of the picture of their father and son together three years ago, Ling Jingxuan and the others seemed to have real brains. The mirror image of Sikong Qi has been made up. The only one who is not too embarrassed is probably Sikong Tam. His dark blue eyes are firmly locked on his daughter-in-law, and a warning that cannot be mistaken is rendered in the depths of his eyes. However, Xue Wuyang is not Scary, no pain at all.

"The relationship between the two of you is still the same."

Looking at the two of them, Chu Yunhan blurted out from the bottom of his heart. Three years ago, they had saved him and Xiao Qi's life. The only regret is that he didn't have the opportunity to thank them in person, but the matter between them was still heard. That said, the relationship between the two undoubtedly made him very envious, although he himself had a man who also cherished him.

"You're not bad, I've heard that the sixth master has had a crush on you since he was wearing open-crotch pants, you guys..."

"Hey, how do you talk, what do you mean by wearing open-crotch pants?"

"Ha ha."

Xue Wuyang's statement was undoubtedly protested fiercely by Xiao Liu, Ling Jingxuan and the others couldn't help laughing, is Liu Ye wearing open-crotch pants? Why are you so happy? Even the paralyzed Sikong Tam seemed to bend the corners of his mouth.

Chapter 677 New Year's Eve (4) - More Little Money Slaves?

With the coming of the night, another year will pass. According to the custom, they should keep the year old together, but in order to cooperate with some people, Yan Shengrui issued an order early. Turn off the fire and rest, tomorrow will welcome the arrival of the new year with vigor, but in essence, anyone with a bit of brains knows that this is simply a scam set up by husband Yan Shengrui to invite you to enter the urn.

"Master, General Zeng and the others are here.

, the King of Huajun will not be back until early in the morning, and will bring you a living gift. "

In the hall, Big Steamed Bun and Yan Shangqing were playing Go, Tiewazi Long Dashan Zhou Changsheng was watching, while Little Tuanzi was lying next to them and making trouble for them from time to time. The small stones were piled up to simulate a battlefield formation. Long Zhang's chūnxiang and the others were responsible for helping them pour tea and water. General Ling Jingxuan Ye and others were sitting at the table with a bunch of cattle chatting. Several pots of charcoal were burned in the house. Although the thermal insulation effect cannot be compared to Jingyun Mountain Villa or Yuehua Mountain Villa and their own homes, it is at least a little higher than the temperature that starts to snow outside.

"A living gift?"

He opened his mouth to eat the melon seeds that Yan Shengrui had peeled and sent to his mouth, Ling Jingxuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Yan Yi, the gift was still alive and dead? Shouldn't it be something that shouldn't be there?

"Cough cough... It's the son of Xiaoqing from the old prince's mansion."

Yan Yi coughed unnaturally. Seeing the masters frown, he quickly explained: "Master, don't misunderstand, this is not the fault of the second master or the King of Fujun, it's the son of Xiaoqing himself who cheated on others while others were not paying attention. He got into the big boat that transported grain and grass, and when the soldiers who escorted the grain and grass found out that it was too late, he had to take him to Lingzhou together. After arriving in Lingzhou, the King of Huajun also wanted to send him back, but he and you, the princess, also You know, the son of Xiaoqing is the heir of the royal family after all, and he is somewhat similar to the master."

He has been very careful with his words, but he still received the eye knife from their prince when the words fell. Yan Yi suddenly burst into tears. What he said was the truth, and it wasn't that he was covering the coming of the prince Xiaoqing. border.

When Ling Jingxuan heard the words, he glanced at his prince meaningfully, and pretended to be helpless and sighed: "Forget it, wait for him to come and talk about it, are General Zeng and the others coming?"

The members of the Yan family, to put it bluntly, are thicker-skinned than the other, but their status is more noble, and ordinary people really can't do anything about them. In addition, Yan Xiaoqing is the most beloved great-grandson of the old emperor, so Xiaohua must have made him toss. Is there a way?

"They asked to see the prince, they should have guessed something, they were worried about the situation of Yelancheng."

They only said they wanted to see the prince, but he didn't ask, but he could probably guess their purpose, and now they were waiting in the front office.

"Would you like to meet them?"

Turning his head to look at his prince, Ling Jingxuan asked with his lips hooked. If nothing else, General Zeng is their big cousin, so it's not good to leave others alone.


Yan Shengrui nodded and wanted to stand up. General Ye, whose wounds had recovered a lot, followed up quickly: "My lord, I will accompany you at the end."

Buming City was lost in his hands. He owes everyone an explanation. At the same time, he must also strive to regain the vanguard position of Buming City. Wherever he falls, he can get up from there. In the future, he can not fight. This time the pioneer must It's his troops.

"I'll go as well."

Seeing this, Ye Ruyun hurriedly stood up. Ling Jingpeng grabbed him angrily: "Don't go, it's enough to have Brother Rui and our father. Don't you want to go out of the tower with your elder brother later?"

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