His fiancée, when it comes to matters related to the army, no matter how big or small, he immediately wants to rush to the front. He also has no choice. I heard that Brother Rui has asked Xiaoqi to make her a female general of the third rank. Wait for the imperial decree As soon as he arrives, he will marry her as soon as possible, and let her get pregnant as soon as possible, so as to save her from rushing to the front regardless of the day when the real war starts. It's not that he looks down on women. Now, Brother Rui and the others are all here. There are many talents in the army. Shaoqi and the others are all waiting to make a contribution. There is really no need for her to rush forward. It was the picture of blood coming back, and he couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Ru Yun, you stay."

Seeing what he wanted to say, Yan Shengrui made a decision, turned around and walked out with General Ye, Ling Jingxuan smiled and said, "You don't have to participate in everything, don't I also go?"

Ye Ruyun is good in everything, the only bad thing is that he is too enthusiastic and active, and the city of Buming was lost by their father and daughter. slack.

"I know big brother."

In fact, she didn't really have to fly, but, how should I put it, when she heard that the generals were coming, she subconsciously blurted out, without thinking about it, let alone Jing Peng's mood, she knew, He has always felt distressed because of her reluctance, so after the eldest brother and the others came, she didn't go to the army much, and spent most of the time with him, or went to see Sanmaozi with him.

"Haha, what to talk about with some old generals who are over 500 years old, let's watch a good show together later, before that..."

Ling Jingxuan's eyes turned to another place before he finished speaking. Everyone followed him and looked over, only to see the little dumplings with their backs facing them lying on the chess table with their backs swaying and making trouble. Everyone was dumbfounded and shook their heads. , Ling Jingxuan got up, walked over, raised his hand and slapped his ass.

"Ah! It's daddy, why don't you, people's buttocks are full of flesh, it hurts!"

Suddenly being attacked, the little dumpling screamed, covered his buttocks funny, and turned around, seeing his father who was doing it, the little guy rubbed his ass indiscriminately, jumped in front of him to protest loudly, Ling Jingxuan pinched his fleshy face and laughed Said: "It's not guilty to slap your ass. Brothers are playing chess. Who told you to make trouble?"

I really have nothing to do with him. I have been playing pào battles outside during the day. It was finally dark and I couldn't go out. I ran to toss his brothers again. Fortunately, Xiaowen loves him. Weird.

"I didn't make trouble. They are helping the second brother and Qing brother play chess."

Holding his hand, the little dumpling paradoxically argued, even though his busyness was a disservice.

"Come on, it's getting late, and I'm going to give you New Year's greetings tomorrow. Can Aunt Long take you down to rest?"

Crouching down and adjusting his clothes for him, Ling Jingxuan calmly coaxed him, he didn't want to take the small group to the tower.

"Okay, will Daddy give me a lot of lucky money tomorrow?"

The little dumpling was also a little sleepy. He nodded obediently and couldn't help but ask. He didn't know what the New Year's money was before, but he took it when others gave it to him. His small treasury was also managed by Aunt Long. Dad and brothers would put money into his purse alone, and he never ran out of money, but brother Xiao Leng and the others said that it is the happiest thing for a child to get lucky money, so he wants a lot of money. Happiness, let Daddy and the others be happy with him.

"Tsk tsk?? Our little dumplings actually started to care about the amount of New Year's money. Ming'erjue's brother will give you the biggest New Year's red envelope."

Sikong Jue, who came over, leaned on his son's shoulder and interjected into the conversation between the father and son and joked that the most important thing they needed was money. Since the little dumpling wanted it, he didn't mind giving more.

"Okay, okay, the biggest and the biggest!"

The little dumpling, who didn't know what to be polite at all, slapped and jumped up and down. Xue Wuyang, who never liked carrying money on his body, bent his elbow and bumped his man: "Is there enough money? My son's New Year's money, we can't be stingy."

If I had known, he would have brought a stack or two of banknotes with him. It was a mistake. I must remember to bring money when I go out in the future.

"I can afford the New Year's money."

Sikong Tam looked at him dotingly. The big deal is that they can send some more treasures after they go back. The empress of the dignified West Kingdom can't even be a son, can't be satisfied.

"Is this the rhythm of needing more petty slaves?"

Zeng Shaoqing hugged Chu Yunhan and raised his eyebrows to look at Ling Jingxuan. It's enough to have a Xiaowen who loves money like his life. Can't we have another one? If that's the case, he will have to hollow out his little private money in the future.

"I don't know if it's money or not, but since our little dumpling asked for New Year's money for the first time, we can't be stingy, right?"

Ling Jingpeng said and squatted in front of the little dumpling: "Remember to carry a bigger backpack tomorrow morning, my uncle will give you a lot of lucky money."

Although based on their current status and location, most of them are likely to give silver bills, but with the popularity of the small group, it is estimated that the silver bills can also be stuffed into his small satchel.

"Okay, thank you uncle, good night uncle!"

The little dumpling laughed even happier when he heard the words, he leaned over his neck and leaned into his face and kissed him wetly, when Long Zhang saw this, he stepped forward and pulled him: "Little Prince, let's go to bed first. Well, say good night to the princess and the others."

"Good night, father, good night, father and queen, uncle Chu and six uncles one by one.

Goodnight everybody! "

Thanks to his good memory, after saying goodnight to them one by one, he obediently let Mrs. Long and Zhang lead away, and after watching their backs disappear from sight, the smile on Ling Jingxuan's face faded: "Little buns, think Change your clothes and get ready to go to see the fun."

It was almost late at night, and it was almost time for Beimanzi to come.


"Report, Princess, there is news from the scout unit that there is movement in Buming City."

Before the little buns could agree, one of Yan Yi's men ran in and knelt in front of him on one knee. Ling Jingxuan's lips twitched: "It's just right, where's your lord?"

"My lord, the lord said that he will be waiting for you outside the yamen. The horses of the princes, princesses and the little masters are also ready."

"Go down."

After waving back the personal soldiers, Ling Jingxuan nodded with his sons, and a group of little buns turned and left the hall in tacit understanding.

"Qin Muyan!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Almost as soon as his name was called, Qin Muyan came to him, and Ling Jingxuan ordered in a deep voice, "Let's assemble the Thunder team immediately and go to the tower to assist."


Qin Muyan got up and strode out. The Thunder team that was waiting outside at any time assembled in an instant. Under the leadership of Qin Muyan Li Ruhong, they rushed to the direction of the city fully armed. After the little buns changed into special armors and came out, Ling Jingxuan's charming long and narrow Danfeng eyes shone with a radiant radiance.

"Let's go too."

Under his leadership, everyone went out together, leaving only Ling Yun and others to look after the house. This New Year's Eve is destined to not be peaceful.

Chapter 678 Chinese New Year (5) - Soldiers approaching the city, war strikes

In the silent night, snowflakes fluttered in the wind, and people on and off the Yelan City Tower moved. The well-trained relatives gathered quietly and silently behind the city gate. They were divided into four teams of about 300 people each, all led by Yan Yisi. The people led them personally, and the rest of the personal soldiers stood on the city tower under the leadership of General Ye. Everyone was hidden behind the city wall and stretched their bows and strings. As soon as the northern barbarians arrived, all arrows would be fired immediately, even if the snow was flying. The night visibility was extremely low, and they didn't have a torch.

Yan Shengrui, who was wearing a cross-armor, embraced Ling Jingxuan and led a group of people up the tower majestically. Looking into the distance, he saw that there was no sound outside the city. The orange torches illuminated half of the sky. The iron-clad lion, who could not see his head, moved magnificently. Accompanied by the roaring cold wind, he could vaguely hear the sound of shouting and clamoring. Surrounded by thick murderous aura.

"Come on, are you really sure that these few soldiers can stop the attack of tens of thousands of troops?"

Seeing the firelight getting closer and closer, Xue Wuyang, who was standing side by side with Sikong Tam, raised his eyebrows and asked, in the night, the evildoer's beautiful face was glowing with evil brilliance. Anyone who knew him a little would know that this time he didn't. Any element of a joke, but seriously asking and worrying for them.

"You don't have to rely on a lot of people to fight, this is the key!"

Turning his head to look at him, Ling Jingxuan looked at the approaching firelight, raised his finger and pointed at his head, tonight he wanted to kill them, not to fight them. It doesn't matter, he even thinks that there are too many thousands of people, which is too long for Beimanzi.

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