Except for Yan Shengrui who knew his detailed plan, most of the others only knew part of it, or even knew nothing. Therefore, they all could not understand what he really meant, especially General Zeng General Qin and General Wei who had just arrived. , they are even ready to summon their subordinates at any time. In contrast, Chu Yunhan and others, who are also unaware, are much calmer. They know Ling Jingxuan too well, and they have no absolute certainty. He can't be so calm, Yan Shengrui also It is impossible to leave him alone, after all, this is about the survival of the country, and the common people are not allowed to be careless.


The sound of horses' hooves was clearly audible. Yan Shengrui raised his hand and gave an order, and General Ye, who was in charge of defending the city, shouted, "Ignite!"

"Puff puff……"

On the tower, the brazier ignited one after another like a chain reaction. Under the city, General Hu Luan personally led the attack. The menacing Beiman cavalry abruptly stopped the attack, tightened the reins and looked up at them, looking up from their faces. It is not difficult to see their shock. Obviously, they did not expect that they did not fall asleep, but stood on the tower waiting for them. However, when they saw that there were only a few people on the tower by the reflection of the firelight, They laughed at ease again, as long as they moved quickly, they broke through the city gate and destroyed Yan Shengrui, and even if the soldiers stationed outside the city wanted to save them, it was too late. Will lead troops to help, they will be settled.

The plan is undoubtedly wonderful, but is it really that easy?

"Haha... Prince Sheng, do you want to stop us with just a few soldiers?"

Under the city, Hu Luan raised his head and laughed wildly. The three-foot-long sword in his hand pointed directly at the city tower. While he was provoking Yan Shengrui, his subordinates were also well-trained to shuttle back, and the team was a little messy because they came in a hurry. Gradually adjust.

"General Hu Luan, I didn't expect you to come in person, why? You Long Xie Wang want Yelan City so much?"

Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan nodded and took a step forward to stand out, while Ling Jingxuan quietly took two steps back. Qin Muyan, who was standing beside him at all times, stepped forward in tacit understanding, taking advantage of the gap between the leaders of both sides shouting, Ling Jingxuan said in a low voice, "Qin Muyan, go and tell Yan Yi and the others to get ready, when the signal flares sound, lead the troops out immediately, reminding them not to fight, and immediately return from Liaocheng by detour after the task is completed, Li Ruhong, you are responsible for leading people to kill. The generals of the enemy army must not let them escape and leave by virtue of their martial arts."

Whether it can be accomplished depends on whether Yan Yi and the others can cooperate well.


The two took orders to separate, Ling Jingxuan turned around, and a group of little buns came in front of them. Ling Wen, headed by him, looked at him deeply: "Dad, we want to help."

More than just watching the show, they also wanted to participate in it. As early as after listening to the people from Sanmaozi talking about how cruel the northern barbarians were to their people, they secretly held their breath and wanted to take revenge for the innocent Baixin who died tragically. ! "No, I asked you to come to watch the show, other than that, you don't need to do anything else."

What is rare is that Ling Jingxuan, who has always loved his son without a bottom line, coldly refused their request without even thinking about it. When the little bun Ling Wu saw this, he wanted to step forward again. Ling Jingxuan took the lead and raised his hand: "I want you to see clearly, what is it? It is the real war. The battles you have experienced so far are nothing more than petty fights. The real war is far more cruel than you can imagine.

Why did he let them get involved in such bloody things at such a young age? The purpose is to let them see the horror of war clearly. In the future Daqing Kingdom, most of these children will become ministers of the humerus, especially the little buns and little tigers that they will cultivate with heart, and their military power will be affirmed in the future. It would fall into their hands. He hoped that they would understand that, while controlling military power can be invincible in the world, don't start a war easily. The consequences of war are very serious. The slaughter they have accumulated is the indignation of human beings and gods. They must not just rely on their own strength to launch wars at will to slaughter weak and small neighboring countries. Quickly decide the victory with the fastest speed.

Looking at his particularly cold profile in the night, the little buns were all silent, and Ling Wu obediently retreated back, although they still didn't understand what he meant, but they knew that since he said so , I must hope that they can watch the show calmly and find the answer. The little buns clenched their fists and turned around to stop disturbing him. In the night, every child headed by Ling Wen had a scorching dazzling light in their eyes.

"War isn't scary, it's scary people's hearts. This is why our Western countries rarely launch wars on their own initiative. Ling Jingxuan, do you want them to see this clearly?"

Sikong Tam next to him rarely took the initiative to talk to him. They are both high-ranking people with heavy burdens on their shoulders, and they can understand each other better.

Ling Jingxuan glanced at him lightly: "I don't take the initiative to pick things up, but I'm not afraid of them. This is the principle of my life, and I hope my children can do the same."

After finishing speaking, Ling Jingxuan raised his foot and walked towards Yan Shengrui, the cloak on his body was flying under the cold wind. Looking at his figure, Sikong Tam's eyes showed deep thought, and Xue Wuyang, who heard their conversation, silently stretched out his hands and clasped his fingers tightly. He thought that he would only be fooling around. He brought him to let him see the situation clearly and understand Ling Jingxuan more deeply. Today, no matter whether the traditional kingdom of Dongguo Beiman is bigger, or the Qing kingdom comes later, they essentially have only one choice. , Dongguozi ambition, cooperate with him, even if they divide the land of Qingguo equally, the last two big countries will be one

In this way, they will meet each other, and it is their common people who suffer, but the Qing Kingdom is different. He does not understand the thoughts of the Qing Kingdom emperor, but he understands Ling Jingxuan. Soldiers who do not die refer to the Qing country. As the highest military commander of the Qing country, Yan Shengruifufu will not have the ambition to devour them. At least in the decades when they are alive, there will be no large-scale war between the two countries. The common people of China can also share peace. As for what will happen in the future, it depends on how their children and grandchildren coordinate. They can't control it that far.

Finally knowing why he suddenly brought the prince to the border gate, and why he didn't come to Yelan City immediately after arriving at the border gate, Sikong Tam clenched his hand tightly and raised the corner of his lips towards him. It turned out that among them, The one who can see Yiyi most clearly is his queen who always loves to misbehave.

"Stop talking nonsense, Yan Shengrui, I will destroy your Yelan City today, cut off your head and make a wine glass for drinking every day."

Hu Luan was provoked by Yan Shengrui's understated sarcasm. Ling Jingxuan, who walked up to Yan Shengrui's side, swung his sword in disdain, hooked his lips in disdain. With a light tick of his finger, he was always guarding An Shao who was behind him. Nong tacitly handed him his rifle. Ling Jingxuan, who was holding the rifle, did not hide his intention to shoot, and stood directly in the sight of the enemy under the city.

"No, General, that's the weird weapon that killed General Huyan!"

Beimanzi roared loudly, and many people flocked to Hu Luan, Ling Jingxuan lightly curled the corner of his lips, and pulled the trigger with his fingers decisively.

"Bump bump-"


The gunshots sounded one after another. At the same time, Yan Shengrui raised his hand in tacit understanding, and a signal flare also flew into the air. In conjunction with Ling Jingxuan's sheer attack, Li Ruhong also issued a design order. When they arrived, inside the city tower, the closed city gate was quietly opened, and the four teams led by Yan Yi and others were ready to go. The strange thing was that the tall horses they rode were all carrying a heavy-looking sack. I don't know what to use for gān.

"It's our turn, rush!"

"Da da da!"

Yan Yi gave an order, and the four of them raised their whips at the same time, feeling the stinging army horses rushed out, and a team of about a thousand people rushed out of the city gate.

"No, Qing's army has come out..."

"Hurry up and line up to fight..."

"What's the matter? It seems that there are not many people..."

There was a loud roar from the chaotic team outside. Before they could form a good formation, Yan Yi and the others who had already rushed out of the city twitched their whips again, as if they had no intention of stopping. The Beiman soldiers who knew what they were going to do could only fight in a group. Just as the two armies were about to collide, Yan Yi and the others pulled out their daggers and stabbed them fiercely.


"What are you talking about? What's going on here?"

"Quick, stop them..."

"Stop them for me..."

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