Ling Wu came to a conclusion based on the accumulated bits and pieces of this war and peace. Today, the Qing Kingdom is still the weakest of the Three Kingdoms, and the Northern Man can be harassed at will. Of course, there is no problem that the Lord does not initiate a war. , the only thing they have to do is to protect their country and kill those who violate our borders. Dad is teaching them how to live after taking over the military power in their hands.

"Almost, maybe it's a bit inappropriate for me to say this, life is not high or low, any life is worthy of respect, we can kill to protect something or someone, but we must not kill because of killing, Xiaowen , Xiao Wu, and you all remember that if people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If people attack me, I will fight back thousands of times. We don't take the initiative to bully anyone by our own abilities, but we also don't allow others to bully. , Just like this war, if Beiman occupied my border town and slaughtered my people, I wouldn't be able to set up such a plan to destroy them."

Standing up and looking straight at them, Ling Jingxuan said with a serious expression, although it seems inappropriate to teach them to cherish life with his usual behavior, but he has a clear conscience. He killed a lot of people and let a lot of people die. There is nothing wrong with having no burial place, but he never hurt others for no reason. If they didn't provoke him, he wouldn't be ruthless against them. People complement each other. They respect him, and he will naturally respect them. On the contrary, he is never soft-hearted. In his previous life, the first bloody lesson he received in training as a killer was that being kind to the enemy was cruel to himself. He was cruel to himself once. He was swallowed alive by human beings, and since then, he has never been kind to anyone, not even himself, until he crossed into this world after his death, and slowly lived more like a human being.

"Yes, we know."

The Ling Wen brothers glanced at each other, and invariably exchanged glances with Tie Wazi Yan Shangqing and the others. A group of large and small responded in unison, Ling Jingxuan nodded in satisfaction, and Yan Shengrui, who had come to his side at some point, reached out and pulled for him. Pulling the fur cloak on his body, he embraced him and looked at the raging flames that were still continuing under the city. The screams were getting weaker and weaker, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt meat. There was basically no suspense in this scene. The battle is almost over.

"My lord, my princess, we are back, and no one is damaged!"

I don't know how long it took, the four Yan Yi, all dressed in armor, knelt down in front of them on one knee, and everyone gathered around. They were all startled when they heard that they didn't hurt a single soldier, especially General Zeng and others. , Originally they thought that there should be some damage, but they didn't expect... It seems that the prince's personal soldiers are not ordinary brave.

"You are doing well, get up!"

Yan Shengrui raised his hand, Yan Yi and the others stood up silently, and glanced at the situation outside the city. The four of them couldn't help but be more convinced of their princess. When the princess did those things on their behalf, they were still somewhat skeptical, but they didn't want to. , everything was exactly as he expected. They won a beautiful victory without losing a single soldier and a single soldier. They wiped out tens of thousands of enemies. Looking at the world today, even their princes have never had such a brilliant record, and the princess is worthy of it. It's their princess!

"Qin Muyan, Li Ruhong!"

Ling Jingxuan shouted loudly, and the two came to them in an instant: "Master!"

"Assist half of the people who stayed to assist Yan Yi and the others, and the other half to go back to rest. From tomorrow until the next battle, I won't let you do other things. Your only task is to train the Young Eagles for me. !" He placed high hopes on those young eagles, and if they train well, the world will be theirs in the future.


The two clasped their fists and gave orders, Ling Jingxuan nodded and turned his eyes away: "This fire shouldn't stop before dawn, you just need to lead your troops to be on guard, and then clean the battlefield after dawn, Yan Yi, keep an eye out for the movement of Bumingcheng at any time. , if possible, it is best to cut off the contact between the city and the outside world."

"As ordered!"

Yan Yi clasped his fists. For him, it was basically not a difficult task to cut off the connection between Bumingcheng and the outside world.

"General Zeng, General Wei, General Qin, tomorrow morning your troops will set up camp for Buming City, and set up camp in a circle three miles away from Buming City. Anyone who enters or leaves Buming City, no matter who they are, will be intercepted and killed. I also cut down all the military supplies, and I want them to call Tiantian not and the ground to be unreliable, so they can only sit and wait to die in the city of Buming, which was beaten by hard work."

He said that it would never be discounted to wipe out the entire army of the northern barbarians in Buming City. The new year will also be the year when the northern barbarians are going to perish.

"But wangfei, once our army appears on the periphery of the Three Kingdoms, it means that we are going to fight. What if the East and West countries attack?"

Zeng Shaorong only remembered that the emperor and empress of the Western Kingdom were still here, and quickly swallowed the word "Western Kingdom", but his worries were rudimentary. The whole nest came, their army was stationed outside the city, and they didn’t even have a cover. At that time, they could really only be slaughtered by others. “Since I let you go, I won’t let you die, don’t worry, Dongguo will naturally As for Beiman, as long as their people live in Buming City for a day, they will not dare to attack too arrogantly."

Ling Jingxuan said quite confidently, if King Long Xie was not stupid, he would definitely know that his subordinates in Buming City are already fat in their mouths, as long as there is a little bit of trouble, they will be ready at any time. He can eat those northern barbarian soldiers, unless he doesn't want those tens of thousands of people.


Zeng Shaorong and General Wei, General Qin, look at me, I look at you, and they accepted the order with their fists clasped together. They are willing to believe him.

"Thank you for your hard work, generals, go back if you have nothing to do."

Yan Shengrui took the topic calmly. After they left, the husband and wife looked at the situation in the city together, and then left each other hugging each other. To spend a good New Year's Eve in this way, this is absolutely It is the first time that all the people who have experienced it personally have had such a special New Year. I am afraid this is the only time in my life.

Chapter 681 New Year's greetings, lucky money for the little dumplings

On the first day of the new year, a new year, a new day, a new beginning, the generals guarding the borders of the Eastern and Western countries and the Long Xie Wang Department stationed in the grasslands of the Northern Region received a battle report from the Qing Kingdom early in the morning. The 50,000 barbarians attacked the city at night, and the entire army was wiped out. This incident not only woke them up, but also finally made them begin to pay attention to the transformation of the Qing Kingdom, especially the North Barbarian Dragon Evil King, whose losses were undoubtedly very heavy.

In contrast, Ling Jingxuan and others who made all this have not changed at all. On the first day of the new year, everyone came back early, and the little buns were startled when they saw Yan Xiaoqing who was jumping up and down, but because They were not in a hurry to reminisce with him. A group of steamed buns surrounded the small group to the hall. Everything last night seemed to have never happened.

In the hall, Yan Shengrui, Ling Jingxuan and others, all dressed in happy new clothes, were also waiting there early, and everyone prepared a thick red envelope. When they heard the chatter of the children, everyone's attention was drawn. Looking around, I saw that the youngest dumpling was actually walking at the front of the team. He was dressed in a red Xiaotang suit and a jacket with the same color embroidery. From a distance, he looked like a chubby mobile red envelope. What made them laugh or cry was that he actually carried a much larger Peppa Pig satchel, which was really a bag to carry money, and Ling Wen and the others who were behind him lined up and wore all of them. Wearing brand new clothes, everyone had bright smiles on their faces, and they looked very good.

"Dad... Third brother, are you gān? Let me go!"

Seeing them, the little dumpling wanted to pounce on his father, but Ling Wu grabbed him by the back collar, provoking a strong protest. Ling Wu, who was holding his back collar, let go of him and then grabbed him neatly. hand: "Bastard dumplings, have you forgotten what we told you earlier?"

Why did they come out with him? It wasn't because he was afraid that he would toss them again in the morning, so they gave up even the early practice, gathered in his room early, and told him repeatedly that he would be presumptuous after greeting the elders first, who knows... little The bastard had been nodding his head before, but now he has decisively forgotten them all.

"What did the third brother say? Oh, I remembered, let's go, the second brother and the third brother."

The little dumpling tilted his head and thought for a while, just when the little bun wanted to knock him again, he finally remembered, the entanglement on his face disappeared instantly, the other hand took the initiative to hold Ling Wen, and pulled them together to Yan Shengrui Ling Jingxuan The brothers looked at each other, and both saw helplessness and doting in each other's eyes. The iron boys Yan Xiaobei and Yan Xiaoqing who were following behind them also shook their heads. A small dumpling is a small dumpling. They should not hold him too much. Great hope.

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