"Father, Daddy, Happy New Year!"

The three brothers lined up in front of them, clasped their fists and knelt down, the iron boy Yan Xiaobei and Yan Xiaoqing also said in unison: "Father Wang (Ninth Uncle), gān father, New Year's Eve. hapiness!"

"Hehe...let's get up."

Looking at the six children kneeling on the ground in two rows, the smile on Ling Jingxuan's face was so warm that Yan Shengrui also smiled and greeted them. Beside them, the little dumpling who was about to get up lit up, and quickly got up and rushed towards her: "Sister Yun, is that the New Year's money for me? Give it to me, give it to me!"

The chubby little dumpling jumped up eagerly to grab the red envelopes in the tray, and everyone couldn't help laughing, but the brothers Ling Wen and Ling Wu were unable to support their foreheads. Yes, làng spent their time talking to him early in the morning.

"What are you in a hurry, little bastard? It's not that I won't give it to you."

Receiving Ling Yun's look of help, Ling Jingxuan pulled him laughingly and weakly, and took a red envelope from the tray and handed it to him: "Hey, this is yours, and the new year must be healthy."

"Well, thank you Daddy!"

The little dumpling who finally got his wish and got the lucky money nodded happily and looked over and over at the little red envelope that belonged to him. Seeing this, Yan Shengrui reluctantly picked up the red envelope: "This is given to you by the father, Happy New Year!"

"Also, your father is fine, people like you the most."

Thinking that there was only one small dumpling, his eyes narrowed into a line with laughter, and his mouth was so sweet as if it was wrapped in honey. Mrs. Yan Shengrui gave Xiaowen and the others a red envelope, and said two words of hope that they would be healthy and safe. After seeing Xiao Tuanzi still looking at his red envelope, as if he wanted to see a flower in the red envelope, Ling Jingxuan thought about it and suddenly said: "I almost forgot, Xiao Tuanzi, the most important thing is, In the new year, you must lose weight!"


"Ha ha……"

The voice fell, and there was a burst of laughter in the hall. Everyone laughed exaggeratedly, and even the small group of the parties laughed heartlessly. Since childhood, he has been talking about losing weight and losing weight. It seems that he is almost used to it. , I completely take his complaints as a joke. There is a saying that a mature person is tired physically and mentally, not as naive and heartless. He is talking about a small dumpling. With his temperament, he doesn't know what to do when he grows up. Afterwards, the little buns brought their little dumplings to Chu Yunhan, Zeng Shaoqing, Sikong Jue, Yan Xiaohua, Xue Wuyang, Sikong Tam, Ye Ruyun, Ling Jingpeng, and General Ye. The big red envelope and the small dumpling's shoulder bag were full. Not to mention how happy the little guy was, he was sweet and smiling throughout the whole process, making everyone want to give him some more lucky money.

"Little bastard, are you satisfied now?"

In the end, even Yan Yi and the others asked Yan Si as a representative to send red envelopes to the little masters, and then the Thunder Team, Ling Yun and others, the small group made a lot of money, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but teased him again. sentence, unexpectedly

"Daddy, here it is!"

In front of the big guy, the little dumpling jumped up in front of him, and in the face of everyone's puzzled eyes, he took off the satchel full of lucky money and handed it to Ling Jingxuan. Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but startled. Looking down at the cute Peppa Pig satchel, Ling Jingxuan almost choked up: "Do you want this for me?"

Not only him, everyone was shocked, didn't he really want lucky money? And at the beginning, he was so happy when he got the lucky money, why did he send it all out now?

"Yes, brother Xiao Leng and the others said that it is the happiest thing for children to receive New Year's money during the Chinese New Year. They have so much New Year's money, and they want to make Daddy happy together. Daddy, take it quickly, people's hands are sore. Don't understand their shock and doubts, Xiao Tuanzi said his thoughts in a childish way, and did not forget to urge him to take happiness quickly, Ling Jingxuan's eyes suddenly warmed, and he took him into his arms without even thinking about it. Inside, Yan Shengrui was also embracing their father and son, and Chu Yunhan and the others were all as wet as they were. Who would have thought that the most troublesome little dumpling would have his own unique way of understanding, thanks to them returning them one by one. He prides himself on being extremely smart, but he can't even guess the mind of a four-year-old child, and everyone thinks that he simply wants a lot of New Year's money. It turns out...

"Dad, what's wrong with you? It hurts to hug them!"

He didn't even realize that his subconscious action almost moved everyone present to tears, and the little dumpling, who was held in Ling Jingxuan's arms, struggled uncomfortably.

"Sorry, it was Daddy who was too careless. Thank you Xiaoduanzi for the happiness you gave Daddy. I'm very happy."

Hearing his son's cry of pain, Ling Jingxuan quickly let go of him, raised his hand and gently rubbed his tender face. His voice was still a little choked, and Danfeng's eyes seemed to have traces of moisture, but his His face was filled with a happy and pampering smile. He never knew that his little dumpling was so sensible.

"Well, as long as Daddy is happy, I'm happy too. Then Daddy, can I go out and play with Brother Xiao Leng and the others?"

The little dumpling nodded happily, and before Ling Jingxuan could reply, he said to Song Shuiling who was beside him with red eyes: "Sister Shui Linger, can you help me fill the bag with goodies from yesterday? I promised to bring it to Brother Xiao Leng and the others. food."


Song Shui almost cried as soon as he opened his mouth, and hurriedly turned around and ran out, the little dumpling tilted his head and frowned at her back, wondering what was wrong with her, Ling Jingxuan handed Yan Sheng a satchel full of lucky money

Rui, pulled him over and asked casually, "Who is brother Xiao Leng? Does the little dumpling like him very much?"

He has heard the name Xiao Leng many times, but he doesn't have an impression. It should be one of the children they met yesterday. Those children will be sent away in two days. already?

"Brother Xiao Leng is brother Xiao Leng. He is very kind to the little dumplings. He gave me a lot of pào battles. Brother Liang didn't like me at first, and said that I must be a very bad and bad child. He said, he didn't believe it, it was Brother Xiao Leng who helped me tell him that he only played with me, and so did the other brothers, they all liked to play with me."

The little dumpling was childishly talking about the goodness of the little friends, but Ling Jingxuan and the others got a lot of information from it, but they all chose not to make a sound, and waited for Shui Linger to take the small satchel full of food and carry it. After the food basket came out, Ling Jingxuan personally took the bag and put it on his back: "Little dumpling, my brothers love you, you have to repay the brothers, but if someone bullies you, you must let Brother Hu and Gun Gun help you. Do you know how busy you are?" They don't use the sinister thinking of adults to suspect a group of children, he only warns against the fish that may slip through the net.

"it is good."

The little dumpling nodded obediently, Yan Shengrui gave Tie Wazi a calm look, Tie Wazi pulled Yan Shangqing forward and took the initiative to take the food basket specially prepared by Song Shuiling: "This basket is so heavy, it just so happens that Shang Qing and I are going to the academy. Take a look, little dumpling, shall we go out with you?"

"Okay, thank you for my brother Qing."

After the little dumpling nodded, Yan Shangqing held his hand silently, and the three of them turned around and walked out. Brother Hu and Yuanyuan Gungun, who were lying in the corner of the hall, followed as always, and everyone watched their backs disappear into their own. In the sight, Chu Yunhan said worriedly: "Jing Xuan, it seems that the little dumplings seem to like those little friends very much, especially the one called Xiao Leng, who will send them away another day, he..."

"I know."

Raising his hand to cut off his worries, Ling Jingxuan turned his head and said, "Ling Yun, go to Yan Si and ask him to send someone to pay attention to those children, and if necessary, test what the children have in mind, if they are willing, leave a few minutes behind. one."

It is undoubtedly very troublesome for them to have more children, but if it can make their little group happy, they are willing to trouble them.

Chapter 682


Ling Yun turned around and retreated, Yan Xiaoqing suddenly pulled Ling Wu forward and said with a shy face: "Ninth uncle, Ling uncle, I heard that you have established a young eagle team, Xiao Wu is still the captain, can you let me join too? I also want to Fight with you to kill the enemy."

Back then, Ling Jingxuan and the others left too hastily. By the time he reacted, they had already left. No, it took a lot of effort for him to get rid of the surveillance of Shadow Guard and Uncle and come to the border. Do you want to do it? If you order something, I'm so sorry for myself.

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