"You? You will go back to the capital with those children in two days."

Yan Shengrui refused without thinking. He is the old emperor's baby, and he can't bear the responsibility if something goes wrong.

"I do not want!"

Yan Xiaoqing blurted out in disgust, then went over and squatted in front of Ling Jingxuan, holding his arm, and said slightly coquettishly: "Uncle Ling, you also know that I like to dance knives and guns with Xiao Wu and the others since I was a child, and I am determined to To be a majestic general like Ninth Uncle, I know you love me the most. Please tell Ninth Uncle and let me stay and join the Young Eagles. This is my only wish in my life, Uncle Ling... "

It seems that these children are much smarter than their enemies. They all know that if they want to find a breakthrough in Yan Shengrui, they must find Ling Jingxuan. He is his only weakness.

"You've lived your whole life, little slicker, don't do this with me. Sheng Rui is doing it for your own good too. Being a general is not just about being majestic."

Ling Jingxuan poked his head in a funny way, these children, each one is brighter than the other, he has all lost to them.

"But Uncle Ling, shouldn't you support your child's dream to be an elder? Don't you take me as your child? Uncle Ling begs you, so you will hurt me again."

In order to stay, Yan Xiaoqing also desperately tried his best to act like a spoiled child. Ling Wen and Ling Wu standing behind them couldn't help but feel the chills. You know, Yan Xiaoqing is not inferior to anyone in the capital. As for the overlord, especially when he and Xiao Wu are mixed together, that is two little devil kings, no one's son would dare to provoke them, and now he is so soft and coquettish, it really makes people extremely uncomfortable. Get used to it.

"Okay, little heartless, am I not loving you enough?"

Being entangled by him, Ling Jingxuan pulled him up in a funny and angry manner, turned his head in front of him and said, "Or let him stay first, let's write a letter to the old emperor and Fu Junwang, Explain the situation to them, and if they are willing, let him stay at the border, the big deal is that we just need to pay more attention."

No way, who made him have no resistance to these children.

"Thank you, Uncle Ling!"

Before Yan Shengrui, Yan Xiaoqing thanked him happily, Yan Shengrui gave him an angry look, and turned to his wife and muttered, "You will spoil them."

Although he is dissatisfied, anyone with a little brain knows that he has agreed. Yan Xiaoqing stretched his hand behind his back and quietly competed with Ling Wen and Ling Wu in a victory gesture. The battle was successful again.

"Ha ha……"

Not minding his man's resentment at all, Ling Jingxuan chuckled twice, and then said slightly cautiously: "Xiaoqing, don't be too happy, if the old emperor and the others don't agree with you to stay at the border, you must go back and know. Is it?" It's not wrong for him to take Xiaoqing as his own son, but he is not his son after all, and his situation is not the same as Tie Wazi's. He can't be his master like Tie Wazi's master. Yes, since ancient times, public opinion has had great lethal power, and the old emperor, as the patriarch of the royal family, undoubtedly controls the power of public opinion, no matter how big they are, they cannot easily offend him. Xiaoqing is about to stay, and once something happens, their relationship with the old emperor will collapse completely.

"Okay, okay, Uncle Ling, can I join the Young Eagles team?"

Yan Xiaoqing wasn't stupid either. He naturally knew their concerns, and his eyes couldn't hide his disappointment. However, he was cheerful, bold and unrestrained, and soon turned his attention to other things.

"Until you receive a reply from the old emperor, no!"

"Ah...Uncle Ling, don't."

When Ling Jingxuan's voice fell, Yan Xiaoqing wailed and shook his head angrily. Ling Jingxuan laughed again: "Although you can't join the Young Eagles team for the time being, you can train with them first. There's no harm anyway."

Alas...he was eaten to death by these children.

"Really? Thank you Uncle Ling, I knew that Uncle Ling hurt me the most."

Hearing this, Yan Xiaoqing excitedly rushed up and hugged him, with a bright smile on his handsome little face, looking at his happy expression from the heart, Ling Jingxuan thought about it and suddenly called him seriously: "Xiaoqing, Do you really want to be a general?"

As soon as the words came out, even he was stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing at himself. It seemed like what Sheng Rui said, he was going to spoil them. I don't know when it started. It is as natural as eating and breathing.

"Yes, yes, is there any good way for Uncle Ling to get great-grandfather and uncle to agree?"

Why don't you say that these children are all idiots? No, Ling Jingxuan just got up, Yan Xiaoqing seemed to realize something, and immediately leaned over like a pug with a shy face, Ling Jingxuan shook his head helplessly: "There is a way, But only you can do it yourself, but before that, as I said just now, being a general is not just about being majestic. Once you stand on the battlefield, you may shed blood at any time. You have the lives of other soldiers on your shoulders, this responsibility is very heavy, are you sure you don’t think about it carefully?”

He also doesn't know what happened to these children. Obviously, all of them have a distinguished status. They are afraid that they can enjoy the power and wealth that others can't enjoy in their entire lives. What's wrong with being a prince of Xiaoyao County? Why are all of them? How about those who have sharpened their heads and have to drill into dangerous places?

"No need for Uncle Ling, I'm not afraid of death. I died once in those years. You rescued me from death. Now I live every day I earn money.

Come here, there is no such thing as fear or not. Uncle Ling, I want to be a general. It is indeed because I worship Uncle Ninth, and I want to enjoy the worship of others as majestic as him, but later I gradually learned that I want to Being a general seems to be more than that. I still have a lot of things I want, but I haven't found the answer yet. My intuition tells me that the battlefield will definitely give me the answer, and I want to work hard to find it. "

Yan Xiaoqing suddenly became serious and serious. The previous coquetry and cuteness disappeared without a trace. He is a few months older than Xiaobaozi and the others, and he will soon be eleven. He sees many things clearly than many confused adults. The words he said were very simple, and there were no flashy guarantees, but it made everyone present couldn't help shaking their hearts.

After looking deeply at him for a while, Ling Jingxuan said with pity: "Xiaoqing, why don't you tell the old emperor and the others? Both the old emperor and Shengfu truly love you, and so do you. Children from the royal family should know how rare it is to have a precious family relationship among the royal family or the noble family. If you really have to aspire to be a general, then write down all your thoughts as they are, and I will. Let someone send them to the capital together, just as a father who also wants his children to be happy, I think they will definitely agree, but Xiaoqing, if they still refuse in the end and veto their previous good to you, You have to know that they have their own ideas, and they can't harm you. They must be for your own good. If they don't understand your aspirations, you will take the trouble to let them understand. You must cherish this rare family relationship. ?"

Yan Xiaoqing is also a child who has to be hurt. He is sensible and smart. Many people think that he is particularly fond of him because of the old emperor or because he was rescued by him in the first place. In fact, only he himself knows, not only that As far as he is concerned, he does not deny that there are such factors in it, but the more important reason is that he is a child worthy of love.

"Can I?"

Yan Xiaoqing couldn't help but be a little confused. As children of the royal family, they were taught from childhood that they must never let people know their true thoughts, not even their closest relatives. Facts have also proved that his relatives do not necessarily want to listen to him. To tell the truth, I remember a few years ago, when he was very young, he told his father that he wanted him to accompany him and his mother to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, just a small wish, but his father gave him a severe reprimand. After that, he never told his relatives about his wishes or dreams, because he knew that they would never be able to take his thoughts seriously, but now Uncle Ling asked him to write down all his thoughts and let his great-grandfather and Uncle, they know, can they really read it carefully? Will he be like his father again, going directly to the border to reprimand him and then take him back?

The so-called family has a scripture that is difficult to read. No high-level courtyard can be peaceful. The old emperor's mansion is the same. Seeing the child's reaction, Ling Jingxuan turned to look at Yan Shengrui. Sigh, they have also heard about the things in the old emperor's mansion. It is said that Xiaoqing's father is the eldest grandson of the old emperor. He was much loved when he was young, but when he reached the age of marriage, he fell in love with him. It was naturally impossible for the prince and his wife to agree to the little girl who had served him since he was a child. He was young and arrogant, despite his parents' objections, and even eloped with the woman. This act made the prince and his wife sick in bed. After a long time, they passed away one after another, and Xiaoqing's father left the protection of the prince's mansion. After all the money was spent, the maid was like a different person. She always disliked this and that, and found them in the old emperor. At that time, the woman accepted the 5,000 taels of silver from the old emperor in front of him, and easily betrayed their so-called love. When he returned to the prince's residence, he was completely changed. He buried his parents and kept his filial piety. After the period, he married the daughter of a prince and a general who was originally ordered by his parents. Xiaoqing's father was very concerned about his family after that incident. Even concubines must be concubines from a wealthy family. He couldn't even look at it. The old emperor looked at the bottom of his eyes and hurt in his heart. He was afraid that his great-grandson would also be raised like that, so he took him by his side since he was a child, and even passed his father directly, and asked Xiaoqing to seal the prince. Noble title, this is the fundamental reason why Xiaoqing is the eldest son, but his mother is only the eldest lady.

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