"Yes, Xiaoqing, you have to believe that they love you."

Ling Jingxuan pulled him into his arms distressedly. He knew what he must have experienced, but he wouldn't ask. Whether it's good or bad, it's their own experience. All he needs to know is that the child in his arms is worth their pain. Okay just fine.

"Yeah." Leaning in his arms, Yan Xiaoqing nodded tearfully. He was willing to listen to Uncle Ling's words and try again. No matter how good or bad, the great-grandfather and the younger uncle only knew that reprimanding his father was different.

Ling Jingxuan, who was holding him, silently exchanged glances with Yan Shengrui. It seemed that the letter they sent back to the capital had to be thought over a bit. No matter what happened to adults, children should not be allowed to pay for them. This is too much for children. It's unfair, they can't control other people's children, they have to manage Xiaoqing's affairs.

Chapter 683 Cooperation between the two countries (1)

After Yan Xiaoqing's tossing and turning, when the little buns went to the school to report, they were decisively late. The rest of the teenagers had already trained for most of the day. They knew that it must be the master who delayed it. In order to show justice, Qin Muyan still didn't ask. They punished them for the reason, and told all the teenagers present that their training was very strict and they would never be allowed to just play.

Xiao Baozi, Xiaohuzi and Yan Xiaoqing, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, endured hardship and made up for it without any complaints. Seeing the teenagers here, they will naturally work harder. Therefore, for many years to come, whether in training or on the battlefield , No matter how hard it was, they didn't call out a single word of suffering. Of course, that's all for later.

Before dawn in the morning, several large armies stationed outside the city left their camp and headed to Buming City. According to Ling Jingxuan's instructions, General Zeng, General Qin and General Wei took their troops to occupy the left and right and three fronts of Buming City respectively. Location, set up camp at a distance of less than three miles from Buming City. The moment the army in the border city of the East Kingdom and the West Kingdom received the message, it entered a state of preparation for war, while the Longxie Wang Department in the north, Longxie Wanghe's staff were still debating whether to start. When they went to Buming City to join the remnants and fight to the death with the Qing Kingdom army, the scouts heard the news that the Qing Kingdom army had already set up camp in Buming City. For this reason, King Long Xie knew that even if he had a hole in his head, Qing The country is really coming with them this time, and has to urgently order the abandonment of Buming City and let their troops withdraw. Unfortunately, it is too late, and his news can no longer reach the 50,000 troops in Buming City. People have become fat in the mouth of the Qing army.

"Let's talk about joining forces."

All the things to be done were arranged, and the children also went to do their own things. When only their own people were left in the hall, Sikong Tam didn't waste time with them, and got to the point as soon as he spoke. Last night After watching such a brutal killing scene, he knew better than anyone else that only Qingguo was their only choice. "Have you thought about it? As far as external conditions are concerned, no matter which aspect, Qingguo is the only choice for them. There is no way to catch up with your Western or Eastern countries. If we lose, we will not only face the destruction of the city and the death of the people. If the ambitions of the Dongguo làng are so obvious, he will definitely swallow us directly. , and it's not a good thing."

Raising his eyebrows, Ling Jingxuan's smiling eyes changed his eyes with his own man's. Before starting, he did not forget to remind him symbolically that Xiguo was different from them, and he had other choices. Unlike them, he only If you can kill me with the North Man of the Dongguo, in the future, either Qilian City will kill them, or they will destroy his country and tear his imperial power apart. Like the rascals who only use their power to bully others, arbitrarily occupy other people's land and design People who frame others have no reason to say, one sentence: those who violate my territory will be executed!

"You all say they're not good things. I'm not stupid enough to try to get skin from a tiger."

Knowing that Ling Jingxuan was both reminding him and teasing him, Sikong Tam still did not change his face. As an emperor, he must put the interests of the country and the people at the forefront, and he did not hesitate to join forces with them immediately. Don't feel the need for guilt or embarrassment.

Xue Wuyang, who was next to him, saw that his man was at ease, and he didn't want to interrupt, not to mention Chu Yunhan and the others. Originally, Yan Shengrui was in charge of such matters related to the country and the military, and Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan, who was in charge Aren't they all the same? Interjecting casually will only add to their trouble and distress.

"Haha... Since we're already joining forces, Sikong Tam, do you know what we want?"

If you make fun of others again, you will appear stingy. Ling Jingxuan decisively swept away the previous joke. The long, narrow and charming Danfeng eyes showed a wise and prudent brilliance. Before doing anything, they must first clarify their goals. Goal forward.

"Chasing the northern barbarians, destroying the eastern kingdom!"

The dark blue eyes sank suddenly, and Sikong Tam's answer was cautious and concise. This goal sounded a bit whimsical, not to mention that the national strength of the East Kingdom is above them in all aspects, even the Beiman, Wanli grassland and desert are not so easy. Conquered, the northern barbarians live in such harsh conditions all the year round, and even three-year-old children may be murdered and bloodletting, incarnated as soldiers on the battlefield, they are not familiar with the terrain conditions, it is impossible to exterminate them. , and it is very likely that they will be strangled by them. This is why Beiman is sandwiched between the three major countries in such a special manner, and none of them can destroy them. However, based on his understanding of Yan Sheng, Rui and Ling Jingxuan, If they don't do it, it's okay. Since they have done it, they will definitely not make Beiman any better. Maybe, they can really destroy Beiman, the barbarian herdsmen who have caused them a lot of headaches? As for Dongguo, his intuition told him that Ling Jingxuan was afraid that he had already made it.

"As expected of the Emperor of the Western Kingdom, yes, my purpose is indeed to destroy them, Beiman.

They have been harassing our border all the year round. Only when they are crippled and hurt can they dare to act recklessly. Our goal this time is to expel them from thousands of miles away, or completely destroy them. As for the East Kingdom, the four What Qilian City owed me a few years ago, I want to get it back in a lump sum. I'm not a person who agrees with the emperor to open up territory and harm innocent people, but this time is an exception. If Xiguo is willing to cooperate with us, it will be destroyed in the future. Whether it is the North Man or the East, the land occupied by us will be divided equally between the two countries, and the Qing and West will be equal in the world. As long as you do not take the initiative to tear up the contract, we can also promise you that at least in our lifetime, the Qing army will never Will set foot on the western land half a step. "

Ling Jingxuan can be considered sincere. In this war, it is clear that the Qing Kingdom is the one who takes the initiative. In the future, both financial resources, material resources and human resources will be invested more, but he does not care about him so much, and he is willing to do everything with them. Sharing, for him, any external things can be earned by his own efforts and hands, but peace must be maintained by everyone. He wouldn't set such high goals, nor would he launch such a huge war.

"What do you mean, your Qing country is responsible for all the main attacks, and our western country is only responsible for assisting you?"

Sikong Tam frowned, could it be understood that if Qing Guo could handle it, they would not even need to send troops to enjoy the success? I don't know why, but it was obviously very beneficial to them, but he felt very uncomfortable, as if something was blocked in his heart.

"Almost, the leader of your Western country is Prince Hao. He should not be a man who will submit to my prince. If the armies of the two countries are combined to act together, I think it will be very troublesome to command. My family and I will be very troublesome. Wang Ye is a person who only takes the lead when it comes to business affairs. He doesn't like others to refute and criticize him. Instead of making everyone unhappy in the end, it is better not to join forces at the beginning. But Sikong Tam, you guys don't just sit back and enjoy it. First of all, we can't To deal with the Dongguo and Beiman at the same time, before we kill the Beiman, you must find a way to help us hold down the Dongguo, prevent them from interfering in, and try not to start a war as much as possible. This is undoubtedly very difficult. Secondly, if we succeed in killing the Beiman, after we officially declare war on the East, the troops of the West will also cooperate with us to attack the city from different directions. As for how to attack, that is your business. When that time comes, I will I will draw a map and discuss it with you or Prince Hao. Finally, you heard last night that our army has already moved to Buming City. Presumably the East and West countries are already on alert and ready to go to war at any time. I need yours. Cooperate and help us contain the Dongguo for at least half a month, and I will decide the lives of Bumingcheng and all the northern barbarians in it."

Seeing his entanglement, Ling Jingxuan said calmly, in the end, it was difficult to hide Xiao Sha between his brows, and the other Beiman troops would be fine.

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