Sikong Jue did not reply to him immediately, but kept his eyes closed and pondered over and over again. Ling Jingxuan did not urge him. The hall was surprisingly quiet for a while. Sikong Jue, who was sitting on the side, looked at them back and forth, and was stopped by Yan Xiaohua just as he was about to speak. Now, Sikong Jue turned his head subconsciously, but saw Yan Xiaohua raised his finger and made a mute gesture to him. The cooperation between the two countries is very involved and the relationship is very important.

"Xiguo can fully cooperate with you, but we also hope to contribute to taking advantage of others in vain, I don't care about it!"

Time passed by minute by minute. I don't know how long it took. Sikong Tam raised his head to look at their husband and wife and said cautiously. He finally knew what the discomfort was. Although they cooperated, Ling Jingxuan He doesn't seem to trust them all. Of course, his distrust doesn't necessarily mean questioning their trustworthiness. It should be like he said that he is afraid of conflicts between the two countries. When a war breaks out, the most fearful thing is internal conflicts. However, he wouldn't let that happen. He decided that before the war came to an end, he would sit at the border gate and drive himself to fight! ,

"Of course, didn't I say it? In the future, we will attack the Eastern Kingdom in two ways."

Hearing this, Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan looked at each other, and changed their eyes to a look that only they themselves understood. At this moment, they all knew that they did not choose the wrong partner!

"Then this matter is settled. When you take back the city of Buming, we will sign a formal document to ensure the interests of the two countries."

After taking a deep look at them, Sikong Tam finally nodded. It is about the cooperation between the two countries, and formal documents are also needed.

"No problem, before that, I will trouble you to contain Dongguo."

Ling Jingxuan was also quick, even if the cooperation between the two countries was negotiated, Sikong Tam raised his eyebrows and raised his teacup to moisten his lips: "How do you want us to contain Dongguo? Zhou Sheng, the border guard of Dongguo, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It's better not to underestimate him, and since you want to solve the problem of Beiman and then join hands with us to deal with the Dongguo, it doesn't seem like a good thing to let them know that we have reached an agreement too early. In the end, I don't either. I think the Eastern Conference will helplessly watch you destroy Beiman, Beiman is the most important mad dog in their hands against us."

He deserves to be the emperor, he is literally every word, every sentence hits the point, everyone present has to express their sincere admiration, including Yan Shengrui Ling Jingxuan.

Chapter 684 Cooperation between the two countries (2)

"Of course I know that Dongguo can't just watch us destroy Beiman, but they can't just send troops to help Beiman or attack Qingguo. If they do, then I don't mind both sides doing it together. Qingguo is the main force. No plans can keep up with the changes. We don't know exactly what Dongguo will do. What we say now is only on paper. "

Having said that, Ling Jingxuan stopped to take the tea cup Yan Shengrui handed him and took a sip to moisten his throat before continuing: "It's very simple, after you go back, you only need to pull some of the soldiers guarding Yuncheng out to practice three times in the morning, noon and night. That's alright, the momentum is as big as possible, so that Dongguo can't figure out whether you are practicing or wanting to send troops, plus our Qingguo soldiers are also stationed on the periphery, Dongguo must not dare to act rashly, and Dongguo will notice us. We have already cooperated. Occasionally we can break out a little conflict, for example, let the soldiers make gestures and so on. There is a decisive difference between Dongyu and us, that is, Qilian City is not at Tianmenguan, and the situation is unknown. , Zhou Sheng did not dare to send troops casually, and he must ask for instructions in Qilian City, which is far away in Shengjing, and when he came and went, when he received the order, we had already sat in the city of Buming and drank tea."

I don't know if it was their delusion, but Ling Jingxuan's eyes were not murderous, but the evil spirit of red luǒluǒ, as if his purpose was not to retake Buming City, but to make fun of Dongguo.

"Did you decide everything early in the morning?"

Sikong Tam narrowed his eyes slightly. He finally knew why he was so confident when the generals questioned him last night. His feelings for Xiguo and his choice were taken into account from the very beginning.

"Hehe... It's almost, but don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, it's just that the Qing Kingdom and the West Country have been cooperating very well for the past four years, and the trade between the two countries is also very frequent. I believe you are also satisfied with that. Let's be in a state of peace and friendship. Besides, aside from our mutual identities, I think we are friends, right? Whether it is from your point of view or mine, as long as it doesn't hurt the foundation of the country, it doesn't fall into place. The people are in fire and water, we should all choose each other."

Ling Jingxuan smiled slightly, and he didn't take his indifference to heart at all. He calculated that he was right, but he didn't have any malice. At least so far, those in power in Qingxi and Qingxi hoped for peaceful coexistence. As long as this remains the same, they have a lot of room for cooperation.

"Then should I be glad that we are friends?"

Sikong Tan was a little dumbfounded, this Ling Jingxuan, no matter what he had, he had his own fallacies, and he said that they had to nod to agree, otherwise he would deny that they were friends. He knew that it was impossible for him to deny the public and private of.

"No, I should be lucky. If you are enemies, I'm afraid I will have a headache. It takes a little brainpower to deal with three countries at the same time."

When the business was almost over, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but withdraw his serious jokes, but anyone who was a little more careful would find that there was a lot of information in his words. Could it be that he really thought about dealing with three countries at the same time? And looking at what he meant, he didn't seem to think that he would lose. Where did he get his confidence?


I learned today that the princess is not only confident, but also a little arrogant. "

With Sikong Tam's clarity and meticulousness, how could he fail to notice the message in his words? For this reason, his tone couldn't hide the sarcasm. He was quite convinced of his own country's military strength. It was absolutely impossible for Qing Guo to deal with three countries at the same time.

"Oh, is it? Then think I'm arrogant."

Raising his eyebrows in disapproval, Ling Jingxuan smiled and leaned against Yan Shengrui softly. If they really had to deal with three countries at the same time, their weapons would no longer be as simple as steel knives. If he can't do it, he can't be beaten by dynamite or something. Compared with those things, a sharp steel knife or a human body is not enough to look at. It's not that difficult to fight against three by one, although in the end they will definitely be It would be a heavy loss. If it can be avoided, it is better to avoid it as much as possible. He really does not want to bring hot weapons into this era, destroy the state of this era, and accelerate its development.

Hearing this, Sikong Tam was not only unsatisfied, but even more hopeless. Could it be that he really has the ability to win the Three Kingdoms? How is this possible? Qing Kingdom has indeed developed well in recent years, the national economy has improved, and the sword has also been popularized in the army. I heard that they have increased the cultivation and training of war horses, and focused on training cavalry. How can I not believe that the Qing Kingdom already has the power to challenge the three countries at the same time.

"At this point in time, your army is probably already stationed at the border, right?"

Xue Wuyang, who never said a word, looked at them back and forth, stretched his waist pretending to be bored, and Ling Jingxuan, who seemed to have guessed his purpose, cooperated tacitly: "It's almost, I'm not familiar with military affairs."

Well, before he said he was not afraid of facing the Three Kingdoms at the same time, but now he said that he was not familiar with the army, and everyone present was a little bit at a loss as to what to say about him.

"It's already here. It's only a quarter of an hour from Yelan City to Buming City to ride a horse. With General Zeng and the others leading the team, the marching speed will not be slow."

Yan Shengrui added in a timely manner, Ling Jingxuan turned his head and threw him a smile, Yan Shengrui raised his hand and brushed the hair from his forehead dotingly. Yes, no one complains about them anymore.

"Let's go back soon."

He was too lazy to pay attention to those two husbands who showed affection anytime and anywhere. Xue Wuyang grabbed Sikong Tam's arm and was destined to not stay here forever. It's better to go back early. When they get back to Buming City, when does he want to meet him? See you anytime, even if he lives in Buming City for a long time, no one will say anything. Right now, it's still the most important thing. He, the Queen of the Western Kingdom, should look like a queen occasionally.

When his eyes turned to him, his deep blue eyes were instantly warm and affectionate. That's how some people are, being ruthless to others, but unprepared for those on the top of their hearts.


Seeing this, Sikong Jue couldn't hide his reluctance. They had been gone for another three or four years. They were finally reunited, and they were going to be separated soon.

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