On the desktop, Ling Jingxuan's three-dimensional pictures based on the border cities were vividly displayed in everyone's sight, ignoring their doubts and shocks, Ling Jingxuan put the red flags in his hands in specific positions one by one, each city deployed troops and the surrounding situation. It was immediately clear at a glance that even Yan Shengrui and General Ye, who had led troops all the year round, had to admire the weird map he made.

"Twelve days have passed, and the Beiman army in Buming City should be in a state of collapse both physically and psychologically, and their combat effectiveness will inevitably drop sharply, so this time the siege of the city, the three armies outside the city. If nothing moves, we will attack from the front. General Ye, you will lead the troops yourself. Ru Yun and Shao Qi will be the vanguards. The Beimanzi cavalry is the most powerful. Each of you will lead 20,000 cavalry. General Ye, just lead the army and rush in. Remember to be gentle with the city. It is our own place. If it is broken, we have to pay for it to repair it. As for the northern barbarians, you can be as rude as you want. I have no problem. "

After everything was settled, Ling Jingxuan briefly explained his plan, but most of the people didn't understand it, especially General Ye: "Princess, what you said is only suitable for an attack with the city gate wide open, right? Then What about the siege? Beimanzi can't be stupid enough to open the city gate for us to let us in, right?" It wasn't that he wanted to refute him, as long as he really didn't understand what he meant.

"Of course it's impossible. The matter of attacking the city can be left to Sheng Rui's personal soldiers and my Thunder Team. Don't worry, they will definitely open the city gate. You just need to prepare to attack."

It's time for his Thunder team to play a role. They don't just hide in the dark and shoot cold shots. "Then we don't need to cooperate?"

General Ye is still worried, he knows that the prince's personal soldiers and the Thunder team are very brave, and they can almost equal ten. If the two armies are front-runners on the battlefield, if they have the same number, they will definitely win, but now it is a siege. It's so easy, the world has long since been unified, why is there so much war and chaos like it is now?

"No need, the only thing you have to cooperate is to seize the opportunity the second the city gate opens, and invade the city." Knowing what he was worried about, Ling Jingxuan didn't have any intention to explain. General Ye had no choice but to retreat. Next: "Then when will we attack the city?"



Ling Jingxuan's voice fell, this time it wasn't just General Ye, even Yuan Shaoqi and the others couldn't help screaming, they also wanted to follow the example of Beiman Ye's attack? Would it be too risky? They have nothing to prepare, and, with their military strength and the advantages they currently occupy, they can attack the city in broad daylight tomorrow, so why do they have to act at night?

"We want to win the greatest victory with the least casualties, not to fight each other with the enemy. It's not good for us to go mad when we are sleepy. We still need to use our brains more in battle, and don't let our brains rust."

Glancing at them lightly, Ling Jingxuan's lips were filled with a faint smile, and Yan Shengrui next to him added in a deep voice: "Last night, I asked Yan Yi and the others to inform General Zeng and the others separately, and let them practice collectively this morning. Soldiers, the bigger the momentum, the better. Now the Beiman Army has been trapped and has no temper. Even if we are just practicing, they will be on full alert and beware of us attacking the city. At the end of the day, they will definitely be tired at night, and the guards will definitely be slack. If we silently kill their scout troops before nightfall, and the army moves silently after them, they won't notice it, and we can take the City of Buming without any effort. On the contrary, if we According to the usual practice, when the city is attacked during the day, the rabbit is anxious to return to the people, not to mention being anxious for the wild shòu? Buming City has already ruined the lives of too many of our soldiers, and this king does not want more soldiers to be buried here. There."

Although it sounds simple, it is actually very difficult to operate. First of all, no matter how slack the enemy's defense is, it is impossible to have no defense. Second, the night marching army has to operate silently, which may be nothing to the personal soldiers and the Thunder team. , but it is very difficult for an army of more than 200,000 people, and it is very difficult to make the horse's hooves silent.

After his explanation, everyone could understand Ling Jingxuan's meaning. Although the difficulty of attacking the city at night was a bit difficult, as long as those difficulties were overcome, it was indeed powerful for them.

"Then should we make arrangements first?"

After a moment of silence, Yuan Shaoqi touched his chin and said in a condensed voice, he and Ye Ruyun were the vanguard, and they were leading the cavalry, so they had to find a way to silence the sound. Although the snow could reduce the sound, it was still not enough.

"Well, after you go down, let the soldiers go to Xiaowen to get the cotton cloth. I asked Jing Peng to get it a few days ago, and then let the soldiers wrap the horses' hooves with thick cotton cloths. No, there is one more thing you have to keep in mind, you can’t ignite the whole process, I have observed it, the weather has been good these few nights, and the light of the moon is enough for the soldiers to see things.”

Ling Jingxuan had already thought of this issue for them. The horses’ hooves were covered with cotton cloth. If they were marching for a long time or running on official roads, it was basically unrealistic. Mingcheng is not far away, for them it is a great fortune among misfortunes.

"It's still eldest brother who is thoughtful, then Ru Yun and I will go down and make arrangements first."

Yuan Shaoqi's frowning brows stretched out, and he was about to leave with Ye Ruyun. Yan Chengrui said in a firm voice, "Remember, it's light and simple. You don't need to bring anything other than the knife for slashing people."


The two shouted in unison, and both turned to leave. Ling Jingpeng looked worriedly at the future daughter-in-law who strode away. Just when he was lost and thought that the next time he saw her, he would be covered in blood again. Ru

Yun suddenly turned around again, ignoring the shocked and puzzled eyes of him and everyone else, Ye Ruyun rushed to him and stood on tiptoe and gave him a fierce kiss on the lips.

"I will come back safely, wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, the slender figure rushed out like a whirlwind. It took only a few seconds before and after, including Ling Jingpeng himself. His lips were kissed, and his eyes couldn't help showing awkwardness and helplessness. Why did he feel that he was her daughter-in-law? It seems that a fiancée who does not allow men to be a woman also needs a strong psychological endurance as a foundation.

"Cough cough... hard work!"

Coughing twice to break the silence, General Ye patted his future son-in-law on the shoulder unnaturally. He didn't expect his daughter to do such a thing in front of so many people. Fortunately, they were already engaged. Now, a good son-in-law will accept his daughter if he wants to, otherwise, he will probably have to raise an old girl. Except for the big Ling family, he really can't think of anyone else who would dare to marry his daughter who is more than a man. .

"Ha ha……"

Ling Jingpeng smiled slightly, knowing that he had misunderstood, and he had no intention of explaining it, but Ling Jingxuan and others had a clear look on their faces, which would have made General Ye even more embarrassed when he woke up. Ling Jingxuan said loudly: "General Ye, you can also arrange it. The troops are divided into two parts. The soldiers in the front are as light as possible. After Shaoqi and the others rushed in, they immediately occupied the city gate. That's it."

More than 200,000 soldiers went to exterminate 50,000 people, and when people were physically and mentally exhausted, it was a little bit to praise those northern barbarians. Tens of thousands of people entered the city and fought them evenly.


General Ye led the order and turned away. Yan Shengrui wanted to tell him to be careful. After all, his injuries had not fully healed, but Ling Jingxuan held him back. Bumingcheng was thrown by General Ye, no matter the reason. As a general, it was a great shame. In addition, the Beiman slaughtered the entire city after occupying Buming City. He had been holding a sigh of relief in his heart. The injury will never heal.

"Jing Xuan, are you also going with the army?"

After there were only a few of them left, Chu Yunhan asked with a frown, if he wanted to go, he would definitely go with Team Thunder, that is to say, rush to the front.

"No, this time, Yan Yi and Qin Muyan are leading the team, and neither I nor Sheng Rui will go."

Turning his head to meet his gaze, Ling Jingxuan shook his head, he had already told them how to fight, they would act as soon as it got dark, and he and Sheng Rui would stay in Yelan City to wait for their good news.

"This is the best way. One of you is a marshal and the other is a military advisor. It is your responsibility to sit in the rear. Don't always think about rushing to the front."

Chu Yunhan's face looks better now. Jing Xuan likes to do everything himself. What he is afraid of is that he has to come by himself again. God knows that every time he sees him rushing in the front, he is terrified, for fear that something will happen to him. It has nothing to do with trusting his ability or not, just worry, especially when the two armies are fighting, he does not know martial arts, which is undoubtedly very prone to accidents.

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