"Hehe - there are so many people under our hands who can be gān, so I don't want to suffer that kind of guilt."

Ling Jingxuan smiled and glanced at Yan Shengrui. He didn't know if Yan Shengrui would go to the battlefield. Anyway, he wouldn't go there in person. He couldn't use poison on the battlefield, and the silver needle scalpel was useless. If you're not stupid, how could you use your own weaknesses to confront the enemy's strengths? When it comes to fighting, he still likes to use his brain, and he can just leave it to the prince and his generals to do the fighting.

Chapter 686

The frontier of the first month is still very cold. Although the snow on the ground is not as deep as the northeast, it is two or three centimeters thick. The last brilliance of the sun was gradually being engulfed by the night. Ling Jingxuan stood alone on the city wall, his Qing Jun face was a little desolate, his narrow and deep Danfeng eyes looked in the direction of the silent city, and his pupils folded into a cold glow that was colder than the surrounding temperature. Passing over the towering city walls, his clothes are fluttering, and the hair hanging from his forehead is blowing his cheeks with the wind from time to time. He has been in this world for more than five years, from a poor farmer who could not afford rice at the beginning to the first. A princess, as if it was just a blink of an eye, he himself couldn't believe it, the time flowed so fast, and his body was only twenty-six years old.

"What are you thinking? Isn't it cold?"

A pure white warm cloak suddenly draped over his shoulders, and then, his body was embraced by others, feeling the familiar warmth, Ling Jingxuan squinted his eyes and leaned against his shoulders: "It's nothing, I suddenly remembered something, Somewhat fascinated."

He is not a sentimental person, and he is not used to reminiscing about the past. However, for him now, the bits and pieces since he met Yan Shengrui and the children are the most precious memories. When Yu went to the battlefield, he also experienced hardships and setbacks. What's more, in the end, they didn't have any damage. They were always together, especially with Yan Shengrui, who accompanied the poor and the poor, the rich and the rich, and shared life and death. , He is also trying very hard to repay him with the same love, and guard their love and family with him.

"You're just thinking too much. Yan Yi and the others have already set off. We can stand on the city wall of Muming City early in the morning."

He lowered his eyes and looked at him. Yan Shengrui embraced him and looked in the direction of Bumingcheng with deep eyes. He never knew that fighting could be so easy. Jing Xuan always planned everything early, and there was no need for it He used his brain and led the troops on the expedition. He no longer needed to catch everything alone, and give his daughter-in-law the advice. All he had to do was lead the troops to bring the victory back. Others said that he spoiled his princess too much. In fact, he himself felt that the person who was favored was him, and what he gave Jing Xuan was external glory, while what Jing Xuan gave him was comfort and peace of mind.

"Tomorrow's Buming City may be bloody. If you want to go, you can go by yourself. I won't go."

Leaning back from his embrace, Ling Jingxuan's words were teasing, his brows couldn't hide the joking element, Yan Shengrui was stunned for a brief moment, and then he stretched out his fingers to flick his forehead: "Naughty, I'm just making an analogy, I'll be where you are. , where you don't go, I won't go either, don't try to get rid of me, you will be with me all your life." The slightly dignified atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and the husband and wife looked at each other and smiled. The hands are tightly clasped.

"Come back, it's getting dark and cold, be careful not to freeze your body."


One last look at the direction of Buming City, the husband and wife took each other and turned around and walked down the tower. At this time, in the direction of Buming City, dozens of personal soldiers who were one step ahead followed the distribution map of enemy scouts given by Yan Yi. , taking advantage of the night to deal with the enemy's scout troop neatly, all the way to Buming City, after the sky was completely dark, the Thunder team divided into two groups, led by Qin Muyan and Li Ruhong, and approached from the left and right flanks. Buming City, at the same time, the personal soldiers led by Yan Yi and others also quietly ambushed outside Buming City, ready to support the Thunder team at any time. In this operation, the Thunder team is the real striker.

Around Hai Shi in the evening, after a whole day of tossing and turning, the Beiman army in Buming City was all tired, and the guards on the city walls were obviously not as tight as before, but there were still many guards and patrols that should be there. The momentum seems to be a little lacking. In the rich night, the night sky on the left and right flanks of Buming City seems to be slipping faintly. A few soldiers noticed it and stepped forward to check it cautiously.


But as soon as they approached, someone silently wiped their necks. The group dragged the soldiers to the corner and hid them well. The fully armed Li Ruhong asked the brothers to remove the wing-like equipment on their backs as soon as possible. It was Ling Jingxuan's special The simple glider made by people, the terrain of Buming City is relatively low compared to Yelan City, plus they are all skilled, it is not difficult to make the glider take off, if you take advantage of the night, The words of a few people will hardly attract the attention of the enemy, which is one of the reasons why the Thunder team has become the main vanguard.

"Hurry up!"

Qin Muyan, who came up from the other side, was sitting on the same thing. After removing the gliders, they fixed the ropes tied to their bodies to the city wall and put them down. Yan Yi and the others, who had been waiting below, were also divided into two groups. , jumped onto the tall and majestic city wall with the power of ropes from different directions. When they saw someone coming up, Qin Muyan and Li Ruhong, who were on the left and right respectively, took the Thunder team to move first.

"Who is it?"

The northern barbarians, who were too tired during the day, had not had time to find them, and the sharp army thorns cut their throats, the speed of the Thunder team.

Just like their team name, thunderous and unstoppable, they used small army thorns to deal with a lot of Beiman soldiers. Yan Yi and others who saw this scene had to admire their combat effectiveness. Finally, I knew what the princess meant when she said that the Thunder Team could not only shoot cold shots.

Even in the dark of night, their speed is very agile, and they are all good at hiding themselves, and they will not let others notice when they are dealing with the enemy. This is absolutely impossible for ordinary people. The results of years of hard work are finally There is room to play.

"No, there are enemies"

When more and more people jumped up the tower, it would not be so easy for them to hide. A team of patrolmen who passed by found them. Although the Thunder Team and the personal soldiers quickly solved them, their whereabouts were still revealed. , Qin Muyan, who had already converged, changed his eyes sharply and made a silent gesture. The team members instantly put away the army thorns and took off the rifles behind their backs.

"Commander wing, we are responsible for opening the way, you rush down to open the city gate."


Yan Yi didn't say much. Hei Liang's eyes were full of prudence. The Thunder team spread out again, and the two team members marched towards the stairs of the tower.


"Let's go!"

The sound of gunshots was particularly harsh in this silent night. The Thunder team cleared away the enemy in front, Yan Yi and the others followed quickly with their personal soldiers. On the other hand, Yuan Shaoqi and Ye Ruyun, who had already arrived at the tower of Buming City, listened to the sound of gunfire. When the gunshots were heard, both of them were shocked. Both of them stared at the closed city gate with solemn expressions. The Thunder team's task was to open the city gate, and their task was to rush into the city at that moment. The timing must be right. After all, there are 50,000 Northern Barbarians in the city. If they are late, the Thunder and the soldiers who are trapped in the city will not be able to escape, no matter how powerful they are.


"The enemy is attacking, hurry up and stop them!"



The sound of gunfire completely awakened the Beiman army, and the horn to inform the whole army sounded. The Beiman soldiers who were guarding the back door of the gate tower took up their weapons to resist. Yan Yi and others who had already rushed to the stairs of the gate tower rushed down with their own soldiers. , The Thunder team quickly withdrew their main halo and turned into a help to cover their attack. Even in the dark, with the faint moonlight and the light of the torches, their marksmanship was surprisingly accurate, almost one shot at a time, and the stairs were so wide. It is impossible to accommodate too many people to squeeze up together. With their assistance, Yan Yi and the others rushed down with almost no effort.

"Shan, Si, open the city gate, I will stand with Er."

When they got to the bottom, facing tens of thousands of Beiman soldiers, Yan Yi didn't have any fear on his face. The group quickly separated. Yan Shan and Yan Si led a few people to the city gate, while Yan Yi and Yan Er led them. The rest rushed into the enemy, and the Thunder team, which quickly got down from above, also found the commanding heights and joined the melee of the disparity in numbers.

"Can't let them open the city gate, kill me!"

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