
"Brothers, fight with these northern barbarians!"

With the arrival of several Beiman generals, the morale of the Beiman army suddenly increased, and the more they fought, the more brave they were. In addition, their men were almost ten times their number, and the personal soldiers led by Yan Yi suffered a lot. Here, the personal soldiers are also red-eyed. They were originally shadow guards, all of whom could be generals, but now they have been damaged by the North Barbarians. How can they swallow this breath? The battle between the two sides suddenly became more intense.

"Qin team, let's help!"

Because it was a light-loaded cavalry, everyone in the Thunder Team had a limited amount of bullets. Without bullets, they could no longer take cover. Qin Muyan nodded silently, and rushed out with his men.

"Don't be impulsive, Lao Qin, go help Yan Shan and the others."

Just when they were about to join Yan Yi and the others, Li Ruhong, who also rushed over from the other side because the bullets ran out, grabbed Qin Muyan. The door, with their participation, Yan Shan Yansi and others quickly dealt with the Beiman army guarding the city gate. One of them ran to the open space to find a signal flare and sent it out, and the rest worked together to unload the heavy door latch. He struggled to open the heavy city gate.

"Come on!"

As early as when they saw the signal, Yuan Shaoqi and Ye Ruyun rushed over with their cavalry. The moment the city gate opened, the large troop rushed in, waving their weapons and rushing towards the Beiman soldiers. The personal soldiers did not forget to carry the bodies of their fallen brothers nearby to prevent them from being trampled on by the two armies during the battle.

"It's not good, go and report to General Hu Luan, the Qing army has rushed in!"

"Kill me! Avenge the death of the soldiers and the tens of thousands of people in Bumingcheng!"


Ye Ruyun, who was rushing in front, raised his sword high, slashed the enemy, and boosted his morale sharply. The cavalry was still rushing into the city. However, Team Thunder, Yan Yi and others silently led their men to retreat. This night, less than two months later, the city of Buming was once again ignited, and the screams of the soldiers on both sides continued to sound. The ground was quickly dyed a bright red color, and the stumps were everywhere. The air was filled with a strong and disgusting bloody smell. The breath of death enveloped the entire city. At the end, everyone's arms were numb. , just with a strong willpower constantly wielding weapons, everyone on the battlefield is like a numb killing machine, this is the war in the age of cold weapons!

Chapter 687 Daddy won't cry, the little dumpling will give you a whirl

Different from the battle on New Year's Eve, the sound of fighting and killing in Buming City continued throughout the night. Hundreds of thousands of people crowded into the city to slash and kill wildly. The corpses were piled up like mountains. The white snow on the ground turned red, and the solidified blood merged with the snow, as if the entire city was covered with a blood-red carpet. It was a bloody and cruel war. The victory of the Qing Kingdom is beyond doubt, but none of the Qing Kingdom's army who recaptured the City of No Ming showed a smile. The corpses of the enemy piled up like mountains. The corpses of their soldiers and people were piled up like mountains. Under such circumstances, who could laugh?

"The personal soldiers lost nearly a hundred people?"

In the morning, Ling Jingxuan frowned when he heard Yan Yi and the others report, and the movements of his hands froze. How powerful is Beimanzi's fighting power? You must know that Sheng Rui's personal soldiers are all made up of shadow guards. All of them have high martial arts skills, and they are all capable of being generals. He knows that it is easy to sacrifice a small group of troops to infiltrate the enemy's rear, and he is prepared to sacrifice someone. Prepare, but he didn't expect that there would be hundreds of people. He still underestimated Beimanzi's combat power. It seems that he will have to be more cautious in the future.

"How about the casualties of Thunder Team?"

Yan Shengrui, who had been fighting Beiman all the year round, didn't seem to be surprised by the number of casualties, and instead glanced at Qin Muyan Li Ruhong, his daughter-in-law's Thunder team was scarcer than his personal soldiers, but none of them could afford to die.

"Returning to your lord, a few brothers have suffered minor injuries. Doctor Zhao has already treated them. It's not a big problem!" Qin Muyan bowed before him. In the chaos, minor injuries are inevitable. Troops, they are already lucky.

"Well, carefully raise, Yi, and bury the brothers who died in battle."

Yan Shengrui nodded, the shadow guards basically have no family, the only thing he can do for them is to bury them.


Several people bowed and retreated at the same time. Seeing that Ling Jingxuan seemed to be thinking about something, Ling Wen, the big bun next to him, quietly grabbed his hand: "Dad, it's not your fault, our casualties are already very small."

The most feared thing in the battle between the two armies is the siege of the city, especially the border cities. Most of them are much higher and stronger than the ordinary city walls. Ten thousand people will capture a city, and Daddy has done a good job.

"Hehe, I know, but I still underestimate the fighting power of the Beimanzi. Even if they were beaten to such a degree, they could still fight back bravely and kill nearly ten thousand of my Qing army. I have to use this. Be wary of yourself, and you need to be more careful when planning in the future.”

Feeling the warmth from his hand, Ling Jingxuan turned his head and raised a smile. Beimanzi was more confident than he imagined. Originally, their sacrifices could be smaller, but he was too confident.


Ling Wen frowned subconsciously, the little dumpling caught in the middle looked at them back and forth, and suddenly got up and stood there.

On the stool, he hugged his father's neck: "Dad don't cry, the little dumpling will give you a hoo, hoo"

I don't know how he could see that Ling Jingxuan was crying. The little guy comforted him childishly, and he was really angry at him. The atmosphere in the whole hall changed instantly. Ling Jingxuan's smile couldn't help but warmer. He placed it on his lap, grabbed his hand and said amusingly, "Daddy doesn't mean to cry. Which eye did you see me crying?"

It really makes people laugh and cry, and when he stirs up, all the atmosphere is gone.

"I thought Daddy was going to cry. Daddy can't cry. If you cry, I want to cry too, but the little dumpling doesn't want to cry."

The little dumpling looked up at him, and the white and tender little hands touched his face following his example. I don't know if it was their delusion. They always felt that the little dumpling became more sensible and felt more and more distressed. .

"Okay, in order not to make the little dumpling cry, Daddy will never cry."

Touched by his son's kindness, Ling Jingxuan hugged him happily. I don't know when, Ling Wen's frowning brows also loosened. Yan Chengrui and others all smiled. The depression of going there disappeared a little. After breakfast, Yan Shengrui took people to Buming City, while Ling Jingxuan and others stayed behind to sort out the roster of fallen soldiers and work out the work of providing care to their families. The little dumplings who didn’t know anything were still happy. Playing with his buddies, everything is back in order.

At the same time, in the depths of the barren and cold grassland

"What did you say? The whole army was wiped out?"

Inside the central army tent, a sturdy and savage-looking man shouted loudly, and the whole yurt seemed to be shaken. Carrying a vulgar and savage aura, he is the most valiant and fighting dragon evil king in the northern barbarians. He is the elder brother of the northern barbarian Khan king. His status is equivalent to a prince. The northern barbarians are a nation that values ​​strength. Why did not become the Khan King, but his younger brother inherited the Khan King, it can only be said that it is a matter of character.

"Yes, Your Majesty, last night, the Qing army suddenly opened the city gate with a trick. General Hu Luan and others were caught off guard and were killed by surprise. Originally, General Hu Luan was going to kill from the front gate, but he was stationed outside the city. The Qing army blocked them back, and they could only be stubborn and fought to the death with the Qing army.

The scout in charge of spying on the news reported in a cold sweat. Don't ask him why he was blocked more than ten days ago. Why did Bumingcheng spread the news? It was all released by the Qingjun on purpose, otherwise they would not be able to. know so much.


"Damn Yan Shengrui, it's him again!"

He kicked the low table in front of him violently, and the Dragon Evil King glared angrily. Why didn't he kill him directly five years ago? A full 100,000 troops, half of all his troops, were all killed in less than half a month. Originally, he was thinking about whether to pretend to surrender and rescue the subordinates of Bumingcheng first. Unexpectedly, he After he made up his mind, the bad news came again, damn it!

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