Chapter 693 Daddy Hu and Brother Láng go crazy, the buns protect their shortcoming

"Help, help"


In the east wing, the servants in charge of tidying formed a group, and when they heard the noise, Xiang Lingyun and others rushed over first, only to see Brother Láng grinning at a little girl who fell softly to the ground. When people approached, Da Hei and Yuan Yuan Gun Gun roared and turned away from them. Chūn Xiang and the others were not very familiar with Láng’s father, so they didn’t dare to approach, Ling Yun tentatively leaned over, and Dong Xiang pulled her nervously. Ling Yun gave her a reassuring smile, and walked over step by step, pushing her hand away.

Everyone present couldn't help holding their breath, the big black and green eyes stared at her fiercely, just when everyone thought it was about to roar again, the big black turned his head and let go of his body, Ling Yun walked carefully to the father In front of Brother He Hu: "What happened to you? Did he do something that shouldn't be done?"

Without reaching out to help the girl, Ling Yun looked at Dad Láng and the others pointed at her. She was an old man who had been talking to Dad Láng and the others for several years. Although they usually only listened to their masters, most of the time, they They are very docile, my father is very clean, has a habit of cleanliness, and is territorial. As long as they avoid these, they can get along peacefully. The girl who fell to the ground was left by them some time ago. They talked about Dad and the others, and they told them not to break the taboo. They have always done well, but I didn't expect today? If she had known, she shouldn't have let them tidy up their residence.

In fact, it's no wonder Lingyun, although she and Shui Linger brought people to simply tidy up yesterday, Yan Shengrui even ordered people to make special tatami mats for Father Láng and them the day after retaking Buming City, but today All of them moved here together. There were too many things to be busy with. She and Shui Linger alone could not be busy at all. Sister Chūn Xiang, who usually helps out, they had to tidy up the room of the sixth master and husband. , the same is true for Princess Huajun, she just asked a few newly trained little girls to help them sort out.


Father Láng gave her a deep look, and at the same time he growled lowly, he raised his front paws and pointed at the girl. Ling Yun was not Ling Jingxuan, nor was he the little buns who accompanied Dad and the others day and night. He only knew that the girl had provoked them. Now, what exactly it means, she can't guess.

"what happened?"

Just when Ling Yun didn't know what to do, Ling Jingxuan's voice suddenly sounded, the crowd suddenly gave way, Ling Jingxuan and others came over to see the situation inside, the little dumpling suddenly broke away from his father's hand, dong dong dong He ran over to hug Dad, and Da Baozi and Tie Wazi also took advantage of their faces to walk to Da Hei and Yuanyuan respectively.



Seeing their Daddy Ling coming, Da Hei and Yuan Yuan Gun Gun greeted him one after another. The difference is that in the past, Da Hei would greet him warmly, and Yuan Yuan Gun Gun would pounce on him to act cute and coquettish. Without moving, he always surrounded the girl in the middle, Ling Jingxuan's long and narrow Danfeng eyes suddenly sank, and her eyes were almost icy towards the little girl, if it wasn't for a major incident, Da Hei and the others would not have been like this, and neither would Dad. Indulge.

"Did you bully Dad and our family?"

The little dumpling suddenly rushed in front of the girl with his hands on his hips, his cheeks bulging high, and he was obviously very angry. He always acted on his intuition, but at this time, his intuition told him that the person who fell on the ground bullied him. Father them.

"No, no, slave, slave maid dare not?"

The little girl lying on the ground was full of fear and denial. She had already scared her father and the others. After arriving at the border, father and the others always felt docile, and it was easy for people to think that they were pulling out. A tiger with teeth is nothing to be afraid of, but what they don’t know is that although Father Láng and the others are raised in Ling Jingxuan’s house, they are also active in the forest on weekdays, and they are picked up even when they are still breastfeeding. Hei Xiaohei and Yuanyuan Gungun both grew up in the forest. They did not lose their wildness as they should be, but because Ling Jingxuan asked them not to scare people casually, when nothing happened, they looked like house cats. docile.

"You're lying! Daddy láng is not a man, you must be bullying them."

Xiao Tuanzi stubbornly reprimanded her, insisting that she bullied his father and brothers. No one noticed except Ling Jingxuan and the others. The terrifying savage aura on them gradually subsided, and their eyes turned towards Xiao Tuanzi. Clear and warm, if they were human, they would definitely say that it is worthwhile for them to protect him all the time and play with him! The small group is so powerful!

"what have you done?"

Touching Da Hei's neck to reassure it, Ling Wen's cold face was like a cone, and he locked the little girl firmly, while Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui walked towards Brother Láng. They can't speak human words, but that doesn't mean they are Can't tell what happened.

"Slave, slaves and maids just follow Aunt Yun's request, give it to them, arrange them one by one, and then they will?"

The little girl didn't look very old, she should be thirteen or fourteen years old. When she spoke, her teeth chattered, and she didn't dare to look at her father and them.

"Impossible, Daddy Láng and the others won't get angry for no reason, and you shouldn't be the only one to sort it out. Why Daddy Láng, they didn't trouble others, but trouble you?"

big bun

It's not a little dumpling who can only shout, while talking, the Yan family's unique bright peach eyes also swept a few huddled little girls next to them, Ling Yun stepped forward in time and said: "Sir, they are all from me. I came to organize things for Father Láng and the others. Her name is Xiaocao. She is fifteen years old. I didn't want to pick her at first. It's not easy to train her when she is old. Take her with you."

A simple and clear speech represented the situation of the little girl herself.

"Well, did you guys find anything unusual?"

Ling Wen nodded, and his eyes suddenly swept to the few girls next to him. Compared with Xiaocao, they were obviously much shorter. They should all be around ten years old. In these days, the physical development is generally lower than that of the average child.

"Hui, Hui Shizi, no, the slaves are all doing their own things, I didn't notice."

A few girls, look at me, I look at you, and one of the girls who looked a little taller stood up and stammered the answer.

Hearing this, Ling Wen frowned, seeing this, Ling Jingxuan coldly swept the girl who was already kneeling on the ground with trembling legs, turned around and touched her father's head and asked, "What did she do? ?"

People who don't know might think he's crazy, how could a horse answer his question? Can


Facing the astonished eyes of everyone, Father Láng looked deeply at Ling Jingxuan and whimpered a few times, then turned his body and walked inside, as if he was going to take them to see something, Ling Jingxuan and Yan Chengrui calmly followed, and Yan Er who followed behind them also arrested The little girl followed, and the room was very spacious, still the same as before, half of the area was made of tatami, and the remaining half was a table and a few chairs, which were prepared for the little buns. In the front corner, a large stone table was built with stones, on which were placed the round and billowing grains, bamboo shoots and fresh fruits and vegetables. There were also two pools, one large and one small, one for them to drink water, and one for them to drink water. It was for taking a bath, but there is no water in it yet, because all they drink is Crescent Moon Spring water, and Ling Jingxuan has not had time to inject them.


Father láng first took them to the front of the pile of bamboo shoots, nudging his mouth towards those things, and then took them to the front of the small pond, there was nothing in it, but father láng's claws were on it, the green láng He stared at Ling Jingxuan for a moment, as if he was saying something silently.

"Yan Er, go and get me half a bucket of water yourself."

After looking down at the pool for a while, Ling Jingxuan gave a deep voice, raised his feet and walked towards the pile of bamboo shoots again, his slender fingers touched the bamboo shoots on the surface, took out one and put it under his nose to sniff it, and picked up a few more. After checking the vegetables carefully, Junyi's face was covered with frost, and a trace of murderous aura pervaded. Anyone who knew him knew that he was probably angry, although he didn't say anything.


Da Baozi brought Tie Wazi and Yan Shangqing forward, and the three of them all looked at the fruits and vegetables in his hands. Although their back house was very peaceful, it was not like other people's houses had troubles every three days. But it doesn't mean that they don't understand the methods of pickling in Houzhai. They all experienced it back then. Even Yan Shangqing and Xiao Tuanzi were direct victims. If it wasn't for their father's good medical skills, there might be no Yan Shangqing. With the little dumplings, now seeing this situation, they have to think about the means.

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