"Don't worry, I'll talk about it later."

Putting down the things, Ling Jingxuan took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands. The moment he turned around, Yan Er just happened to come back with a bucket. Ling Jingxuan asked him to pour all the water into the drinking pool, stirred it with a ladle, and scooped it out. Half a scoop of water went to the girl named Xiaocao: "Drink it!"

The cold and handsome face carried an unquestionable order, and if he listened carefully, there seemed to be a little murderous aura mixed in it, Xiaocao subconsciously trembled, looked at the water in the water ladle with uneasy and fearful eyes, shook his head and cried: " No, no princess, that pool has never been washed."

"You are making fun of this concubine, aren't you? An orphan girl without a parent and no mother, before she met this concubine, I was afraid she couldn't even afford to eat, but now she thinks that the water is not clean enough? Could it be that she was raised in the backyard? In a few days, you will be more delicate than this concubine?"

Without giving her a chance to finish, Ling Jingxuan sneered and sneered. He didn't know how to find a better excuse when he made excuses. Do you really think that he only has the most famous title of princess?

"No, no, princess, me?"


Too lazy to talk nonsense with her anymore, Ling Jingxuan drank it sharply and put the water scoop directly to her lips.

"Ah, no"


Xiaocao was startled, her body retreated again and again, and she knocked off the water scoop in Ling Jingxuan's hand in a panic, but she didn't retreat very far, Zeng Shaoqing, Chu Yunhan, Ling Jingpeng, Ye Ruyun, and Yan Xiaohuafu, who came over after hearing the news People were standing behind him. In addition, Ling Yunchūnxiang and the others were also on alert at all times. There were many servants surrounded by others, and she had no way to escape.

"Tell me, who sent you here, don't let this concubine use tricks on you."

Ignoring the hem of his trousers that had been splashed, Ling Jingxuan turned around and sat down on the chair. He checked it just now. Some people had smeared medicine powder on the round food, and the stone walls of their sinks were also smeared with colorless and odorless poison. If you can't see it at all, Dad and the others may have seen her doing things, or it may be because the wild shòu's sense of smell is more sensitive than that of human beings. OK.

Chapter 694 What is inferior to beasts!

If you don't know what's going on here, then everyone present may have lived in vain for half their lives, not to mention Chu Yunhan and others who are very smart, even the little dumplings who are not very sensible. No, of course, Xiao Tuanzi simply did not hold back his father and brothers who were bullying him, while Chu Yunhan and the others were shocked and angry, and secretly rejoiced that it was fortunate that father and the others found out, otherwise they would suffer the consequences one by one. I really can't imagine that, long, long ago, Father Láng and the others were their important and impossible relatives.

"Slave, the servant girl doesn't know what the princess is talking about. The servant girl just cleaned the house according to Aunt Yun's instructions, and did nothing else."

Xiaocao, who had been in a panic for a second, suddenly calmed down. Although her body and voice were still trembling, her tone was calm. She lowered her eyes to avoid their gazes, preventing them from seeing clearly what was in her eyes. mood.

"Haha, is that right? This concubine has not offered anything to others for a long time. Do you really want to try this concubine's methods?"

Ling Jingxuan sneered twice and stood up, and the people who knew him backed away tacitly, Ya's body was covered in poison, and they often poisoned people with just a few gestures, they didn't want to suffer an innocent disaster.

"It's not easy for the princess to wrong someone? The servant did nothing. Even if the humiliation was a trick, the servant would still be unconvinced. One day, others will know how vicious the princess is."

Feeling his approach, Xiaocao who lowered her head subconsciously took two steps back, her voice trying to calm down kept ringing, everyone opened their eyes in surprise when they heard the words, she really dared to say, Zeng Shaoqing and others couldn't help shaking their heads in admiration This is the kind of words that those noble people in the capital dare not say, but they did not expect that they heard it today from a little girl who is obviously thin. Is it fake to co-author Ling Jingxuan to spend money to solve the problem of the survival of orphans in war? slander her? As for the dignified princess concubine slandering a little orphan girl? Thanks to her for figuring it out.

"Why do you tell her so much? Let Yan Er take him down and slowly torture him. This king doesn't believe it anymore, and a woman's mouth can't be opened."

Ling Jingxuan himself has nothing else to do, but Yan Shengrui will not let it go. Does his daughter-in-law care about her shit?

Today, let's not say that the evidence of her poisoning is conclusive. Even if she really did nothing, what if her daughter-in-law killed her?

"Bad woman, bully láng father and dare to bully my father, see if I don't kill you"

The little dumpling suddenly rushed in front of him, and his small arms and calves kept greeting him. He noticed that the woman was moving. Ling Jingxuan, who was closest to them, was faster. He grabbed the child's collar and dragged him back. The body rotated one by one, and the other hand grabbed the woman and turned back.



Everyone only heard a clear sound of a broken bone, and then, a sharp scream filled their ears, and the woman's hand was folded back into a very twisted and weird shape. Ling Jingxuan shoved the small ball to Yan Shengrui, and got out of the way. He closed his eyes. A needle was slightly longer than an embroidery needle, shorter and thicker than a silver needle. The whole body was pitch-black and lay quietly on the ground. Following his line of sight, everyone saw the needle. Everyone couldn't help gasping for breath, Chu Yunhan hurried forward and hugged the small dumpling, while Yan Shengrui bent down and wrapped the small needle with a handkerchief to pick it up.

"The tip of the needle is poisonous, see the blood seal!"

Ling Jingxuan glanced coldly, every word popped out like ice beads, the woman whose arm was basically crippled was sweating coldly in pain, and her mouth kept releasing painful whimpers, Yan Shengrui thought about it.

Unexpectedly, he lifted his foot and kicked her stomach.



The woman was kicked and flew out in an instant. The whole body hit the wall and bounced to the ground. At least two ribs were broken. Ling Jingxuan frowned, and gave his prince a calm look. He walked over and squatted. In front of her: "Ask one last time and say, who sent you here?"

Jian Xi actually mixes with those orphans. This matter can be big or small. In case Jian Xi is also among the people who are sent back to the capital, Ling Jingxuan's heart will sink. Go, this is indeed his negligence.

The woman was trembling with pain. She didn't know if she heard what he said. She tried to sit up with her still intact hands on the ground. , tried several times in a row, but she failed, and no one present sympathized with him, just when she lay on the ground for a long time, and when everyone thought he was about to give up, his hand moved again, as if he wanted to do it again He propped up his body, but quickly put his fingers into his mouth when his palms were almost on the ground.


Everyone only felt a flicker of cold light, and when they looked closely, the woman's palm was nailed to the ground by a dagger. Ling Jingxuan, who was holding the dagger, took out the dagger without pity, raised the bleeding hand and looked at the gap between her little finger's nails. There was a thin white line hidden in her, and if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see it at all. With the blood-stained dagger, she gently opened her nails, and a layer of powder was scraped off.

"There are so many poisons, this concubine suddenly remembered a person, and his methods are also extremely vicious. You should know Qiliancheng, the emperor of the Eastern Kingdom."

Looking down at him, Ling Jingxuan curled his lips into a sneer, the voice fell, the woman's body trembled repulsively, Danfeng's eyes flickered slightly, Ling Jingxuan stood up and took out the handkerchief to wipe the blood from the dagger: "Yan Xia, handle it, be careful. Come on, this woman may still have poison hidden on her body."

Now that he already knows who the main messenger behind her is, there is no need to waste time with her. He has more important things to do next.


Yan Er, who was always waiting, stepped forward, picked up the woman and walked out, Ling Jingxuan then instructed: "Ling Yun, go and gather all the people you left behind this time into the hall, including Xiao Leng and the others. , Xiaowen, I remember that you have a record of every orphan, check where this woman came from."

The woman called Xiaocao cannot be alone. If her accomplices are not among those left behind, they must be in the army. If they are in the army, things will be troublesome. Each army has tens of thousands of people. It is difficult to find out the details of Dongguo, one word! But it's not impossible, it's up to people!

"Yes, master."

Ling Yun couldn't hide the remorse on her face. She asked to keep a few people down, but she didn't expect such a big mistake. If it wasn't for Father Láng and the others being vigilant and the princess being cautious, things would probably have gotten out of hand.

"Father, I'll go with Xiaowen."

After all, the three children turned around together, and before leaving, Ling Wen and Tie Wazi did not forget to touch Da Hei and Yuan Yuan to comfort them, their two little faces showed the anger and coldness of Chi Luǒluǒ!

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