"Xiaowen, are you afraid of giving gifts twice?"

"Ha ha"

Sikong Jue's voice fell, and the stingy bun instantly turned black. Except for Yuchi Lishang, the master and servant who didn't know anything, everyone else burst into laughter. Ling Wen glared at the culprit with black lines on his face: "Brother Jue!"

Three words can be said to have popped out of the gap between his teeth. He really wanted to give a big gift this time, okay?

Well, whether it's sincere or not, who made him stingy when he was a child? But whenever they encounter serious bleeding, they will think in that direction subconsciously, which is no wonder they are.

Yuchi Lishang, the master and servant, who had no idea what they were laughing at, blinked their eyes and looked at them strangely, isn't it a congratulatory gift? What is the difference between one and two? Prince Sheng's heir is so angry? Jue and they laughed like this again?

"Cough cough - I'm sorry, I'm so quick, our Xiaowen has more money than me now. It's just a gift or two, and it's not worth mentioning at all."

He coughed twice to hold back his laughter, Sikong Jue tried to hug him, but when he heard it, it was like a joke, not only did not stop everyone's laughter, but made them laugh even more exaggeratedly , Ling Wen's little face was as black as the bottom of a farmer's pot, and his big round eyes stared at Sikong Jue fiercely. This time, even Yan Shangqing, who had always loved and admired him the most, couldn't hold back his smile. comfort him.

"Dad, what are you laughing at? Let the little dumplings laugh together, okay?"

Suddenly, Xiao Tuan rubbed his eyes and walked out from the inside, Long Zhang followed behind him worriedly, Xiao Jun Wang was all right, but it was not good to be angry when he slept in the afternoon, but today her worry seems to be It's superfluous, the little prince didn't seem to ask his father for a hug, but rubbed his eyes and ran over.

However, Xiao Tuanzi's body was suddenly stopped halfway, Ling Wen hugged him and turned around and glared at a group of people who were smiling until the muscles on their faces were cramping: "Little Tuanzi, ignore them, the second brother brings You go and ride the big horse."

"Okay, okay, riding a big horse, the second brother is great, the little dumpling likes you the most."

When he heard that he could ride a big horse, Xiao Tuanzi decisively forgot his displeasure at being kidnapped halfway, and gave him a thumbs up with a slap in the face. Behind them, the laughter continued for a long time. The big bun is stingy, I'm afraid He has to make everyone laugh for a lifetime, who made him so stingy in the first place? Ling Jingxuan hasn't said that he used a pinch of salt to listen to him yelling for a long time, otherwise everyone might laugh more exaggeratedly.

Chapter 697 Slow Yan Er (replenishment)

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a month since Yuchi Lishang came to Buming City. Nearly 20 days are enough for him to see clearly the person of Yan Sheng, Rui and Ling Jingxuan. They are indeed trustworthy as the empress said, especially It is Ling Jingxuan, the princess of Prince Sheng. He is a very bright and capable man. He is very scheming. Many times even he can't see what he is thinking. If he wants to, it is not impossible to unify the world, but he also I noticed that Ling Jingxuan is actually a very lazy and easily satisfied man. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke him, he won't think too hard to plot against you. The same is true. As long as Xiguo doesn't take the initiative to provoke a war, he should be fine. Looking for something, but Yan Shengrui really doted on him as the outside world said, almost to the point of obedience, he would never do anything Ling Jingxuan didn't want to do, even if it was related to the country.

Don't dare to say anything else, at least in their lifetimes, Qingxi and Qingxi should not break out a large-scale war. After the settlement of Beiman and Dongguo, Hao may not have to guard the border all year round.

"Shi Lang, should we go back?"

Standing on the city wall of Buming City, Yuchi Lishang stared blankly at the direction of the West Country. For some reason, every time he thought of leaving, a feeling of reluctance rose in his heart. Unlike Yuncheng, Buming City was the president of the city. It was very joyful, even if there were enemies around him, he could hear laughter and laughter every day, and before he knew it, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic for that kind of warmth.

"I thought you were as ugly as a nympho when you smiled, but I didn't expect it to be even more ugly when you didn't smile."

It wasn't Shi Lang who responded to him. I don't know when Yan Er stood behind him, and Shi Lang was nowhere to be seen.

Hearing his voice, Yuchi Lishang turned his head suddenly, his eyebrows furrowed subconsciously: "Why are you? Where's Shi Lang?"

After the details of that day, several of Yan Shengrui's shadow guards became busy. This was the second time he saw Yan Er after he came to Buming City. That bit of reluctance made his face even more ugly.

"He went to the Young Eagles' coaching ground, are you afraid of me?"

Seeing his appearance of seeing a ghost, Yan Er frowned almost undetectably. For some reason, inexplicable anger surged in his heart. In fact, he has been protecting his masters closely recently, but most of them are hidden in the dark. I can't feel the sadness.

"Afraid of you? Who gave you the confidence? Grandpa has always been fearless, how could it be..."

"Ah, what are you talking about!" Yuchi Lishang unfolded his folding fan with a swipe, so arrogant that he was about to go to the sky, Yan Er's eyes sank, and before he could finish speaking, he suddenly hugged him and jumped up the wall, Yuchi Lishang was frightened With a scream, he grabbed his clothes with both hands reflexively. There was nothing he could do. His second master, Yuchi, was omnipotent when he was a child, but he didn't have the talent to practice martial arts. It's still true, it's absolutely impossible to walk around like Yan Er and the others.

"Didn't you say that you are not afraid of the sky?"

Yan Er raised his eyebrows, his tough and handsome face still had no superfluous expression changes, but the bottom of his eyes was hidden.

With a little smile, this Yuchi Lishang is actually quite funny.

"Nonsense, if you come here suddenly, everyone will be shocked, okay?"

Yuchi Lishang rolled his eyes angrily. Maybe he didn't even notice it. When he said those words, the hand holding Yan Er's clothes tightened again, and his whole body was stretched like a statue.

"Oh? You mean, if you didn't do it suddenly, you wouldn't be afraid?"

However, Yan Er seemed to be addicted to teasing him, raised his eyebrows and squinted at him provocatively. Yuchi Lishang has always been a leader who insists on losing without losing. Coaxingly, he said: "Then, of course, there is no word for fear in the dictionary of the master."

After he finished speaking, Yuchi Lishang couldn't wait to break his tongue. He is obviously not such a arrogant and irrational person. Why does he change every time he encounters this cold-faced warrior?

"Really? Then you can hold on tight."


Yan Er's voice fell, but he actually jumped off the city wall with his arms around him. Yuchi Lishang's screams resounded throughout the city tower, and many soldiers who were defending the city stuck their heads out one after another, wondering what earth-shattering things happened. The screams are a bit too much, so heroic, isn't it?


He didn't even feel that they had landed on the ground, Yuchi Lishang was clinging to Yan Er with both hands and feet like an octopus, and he still closed his eyes and screamed.

"Ha ha"

Yan Er's broad chest gradually rose and fell, and the heroic laughter gradually overwhelmed someone's scream, which also indirectly woke someone up. Yuchi Lishang slowly opened his eyes, and what hit his eyes was no longer any fluctuations. He was handsome and handsome, but he had a heroic face with a heroic smile. Yuchi Lishang couldn't help but be slightly taken aback, and he couldn't recover for a long time. He was so dazzling!

"Have you had enough? I don't mind that you keep doing this, but the city gate is about to open. Are you sure you want to maintain this posture?"

I don't know when the laughter stopped, Yan Er's dark tiger eyes shone with a playful light, and as he spoke, he lowered his eyes and looked at his legs tightly clamped to his waist, and the pair of arms around his neck. Arm, Yuchi followed his line of sight and looked down after leaving Shang, Jingzhi's handsome face suddenly blushed, and then jumped down three feet away, "You, you, you, you actually jumped down? Damn it. Yes, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Finally remembering the previous incident, Yuchi Lishang pointed at him with trembling fingers, his chest was heaving and angered rapidly, the blush on his face not only did not decrease, but became more and more red, as if he was about to drip blood, but this time it was obviously not the case. Because of embarrassment or shyness, it is obvious that some lunatic is angry.

"I'm just curious if you're really not afraid, it turns out - huh"

Yan Er seemed to enjoy his anger, and looked at him with interest on his chest with his arms folded. The city gate behind him slowly opened from the inside. Obviously, Yuchi Lishang didn't notice, so he cursed angrily: "Hmm, you big bastard. "Fuck, you're a fucking lunatic, lunatic?"

It's not easy to make foul language out, which shows how angry he is.

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