This time, Yan Er didn't tease him again. After looking at him deeply for a while, ignoring the suspicious eyes of the soldiers in the city, Yan Er walked over and extended his hand.


"Don't touch me, labor and management are crazy to think you're damned"

But Yuchi Lishang slapped his hand away with a slap, and half of the words he rushed out were replaced by swearing, making sure he would not continue scolding, Yan Er said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I Just kidding you."

At that time, he didn't know what was wrong with him, so he wanted to tease him, to show more different expressions on his face, but the goal was achieved, and it seemed that people had completely offended him.

"Who is joking with you? Is there a relationship between us that can make such a joke? I warn you, don't come within three feet of me in the future, otherwise, the labor and capital will kill you!"

A joke decisively made Yuchi Lishang even more angry. After panting and shouting, Yuchi Lishang didn't care how many people were watching, and turned around and hurried into the city. Yan Er had been standing outside the city, watching He didn't move until he could no longer see his figure, and several soldiers at the city gate looked at him in fear.

"Two, that's not how you express your love for someone."

I don't know when, Yan Yi shook his head and walked towards him, and patted his shoulder heavily with his right hand. This was the first time he had seen Er's expression of interest in people other than the master and them. To say that he didn't like it. People, he doesn't believe in killing him, but the way he likes people is a little too special, especially to the point where he is a bit ashamed as a big brother.


Keenly caught the important words, Yan Er turned to look at him suspiciously, what do you like? Like the boss to Ling Chenggui and the fourth to Ling Yun? Doesn't seem the same, doesn't it? They pamper and care for the people they like wholeheartedly, and he just wants to see more and more changes in Yuchi Lishang's expression, just to tease him.

"Uh—you don't know that you like Yuchi Lishang, right?"

Yan Yi's forehead went dark, and his eyes widened immediately. Isn't the second child so dull?

"Should I like him? Don't make fun of him, boss, I'm just teasing him."

After he finished speaking, he directly denied his Yan Er's big stride into the city gate. Yan Yi held his forehead speechlessly. Don't you like that you would make fun of people? They don't even have this basic feeling, their second child doesn't seem to be generally dull, and Yuchi Moshang?

When he was with his master and the others, he was always chatting and laughing and coping with ease, but he became arrogant when he was with the second child. What does this mean?

Halo, these two older young people are not emotional idiots, right? Then their emotional road - can it be smooth?

Yan Yi suddenly felt sympathy for Yan Er, and at the same time, he was also struggling to help. If nothing else, he was in his twenties and thirties, and it was the first time that his heart swelled. He himself messed up the Young Eagles coaching field.

"Brother Qin, lend me that rifle to play with."

Since Qin Muyan and the others came to Buming City, Shi Lang became interested when he saw them training for the first time. Every day he ran to the coaching ground whenever he was free, always pestering Qin Muyan, intentionally or not. He had a crush on Qin Muyan, only he knew that he was attracted to their training methods and weapons, and the reason why he pestered Qin Muyan was not because he was the captain.

"Please leave, the military camp is important, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

Qin Muyan was as bad as ever. If it weren't for the fact that he was the servant of the princess' friend, he would have already started with him. This kid is really not an ordinary entanglement. He almost drove him crazy. His mother's depression is that Lao Li doesn't know what's going on. Every time this kid comes, he gives him a look, which makes him not a human being inside and out.

"Didn't you guys have no training today? King Wu is at home. Brother Qin, just let me touch it once, okay?"

No one is so thick-skinned. It is estimated that their bullets can't penetrate them. Li Ruhong, who was passing by with a heavy wooden box, took a look at Qin for no reason: "Hurry up and let him touch enough, what's the hypocrisy? "

It's obvious that what people want to touch is a gun, and the whole thing changes from his mouth. Recently, this kind of drama is often played out, and the rest of the Thunder team are all tacitly snickering. Of course, don't forget to stay away, boss. The nickname of Manlong is not from Chuī.

"Fuck, what the hell are you talking about? Lao Li, believe it or not, labor and capital will kill you!"

Qin Muyan was instantly furious. Of course, what he said was just for discussion, not the "gān". However, these words were just like Li Ruhong's deliberately distorting Shi Lang's words.

"Is the labor and management still afraid that you won't succeed?"


Li Ruhong wasn't afraid of things either. He lifted a heavy box and smashed it. Qin Muyan evaded dangerously, "Are you really fucking here? Fuck me, you're welcome!"

After he finished speaking, the tiger body flew up with a sturdy body, and punched his shoulder with a fist that weighed more than a thousand gold. It broke out in an instant, and the two of you fought on the coaching ground. Whether they were members of the Thunder Team or the Young Eagles, none of them had any intention of stepping forward to persuade them. Man, you should use your fists to solve the problem.

In contrast, Shi Lang, who knew he was in trouble, stuck his tongue out mischievously, and sneaked out of the coaching field while everyone was in high spirits. In fact, he wasn't really that thick-skinned, but he was born with a special interest in martial arts and weapons. Obsessed, every time I encounter a martial arts road that I have never seen before

He especially wanted to get together and study all kinds of strange weapons. Over time, even the master of his family couldn't take him, and he didn't want to care about him anymore. Who made the Thunder team not only have strange training methods, but also special weapons. He Isn't it impossible.

Chapter 698 A letter from the old emperor

"Xiao Qi is all right, and there is no problem at home. Jinghan will solve the orphan's affairs. Hey, this is for you."

After dinner, Ling Jingxuan specially left Yan Xiaoqing who was going to return to the coaching field. A group of people gathered in the specially vacated study room after taking a walk to digest food. It was said to be a study room, but it was actually an empty room with two tables and a few stools. , the border is no better than the capital, everything has to be simple, what they are talking about at this time is the two letters that Ling Jingxuan detained in the daytime, Xiaoqi's letter is not only about their current situation, but also their greetings and thoughts, Nothing special, especially the letter from the old emperor.

"What did the great-grandfather say? Uncle Ling, will my uncle take me back?"

Yan Xiaoqing, who was not afraid no matter how hard or tired the training was, became scared at this moment, and didn't even dare to reach out to take the letter, for fear of seeing Zeng's father ordering him to go back, or that his uncle was already on his way. He just liked to hang out with Xiao Wu and the others in the barracks, and he didn't want to go back to be a prince.

"What are you afraid of? You have already conveyed your intentions to them very well, even if they still don't understand, it's a big deal that you go back one more time and go back to convince them yourself, you have to work hard for what you want, any chance you have. They didn't fall from his sky by themselves."

Ling Jingxuan shoved the letter paper to him in a funny way. They didn't complain yet. The old emperor's letter to them actually said that he gave them the most cherished great-grandson. In the future, Sheng Rui would have to take his place and become Yan The patriarch of the royal family, leading the royal family to another splendor, etc., thanks to him, who has the time to be someone else's "nanny"? I'm not afraid that he will kill those royal pests one by one.


Holding the thin letter paper, Yan Xiaoqing's face was full of confusion. Ling Jingxuan clearly didn't want to deal with it any more. His gaze for help swept across Zeng Shaoqing, Chu Yunhan and the others. The companions Ling Wen and the brothers all had expressions of helplessness. Yan Xiaoqing retracted his eyes in frustration and looked at the letter paper. He took a few deep breaths, and then unfolded the letter paper with bated breath. There were not many words on it, and he explained the theme simply and sternly. , In a word, if you want to be a soldier, you must be a strong soldier king, and you can't lose the face of the old prince's mansion.

"Ling, Uncle Ling?"

After reading it over and over several times to make sure that he really did not read it wrong, Yan Xiaoqing squeezed the letter paper tightly, looked at Ling Jingxuan in disbelief and ecstasy, and agreed, his great-grandfather agreed—

"Haha...Didn't I say it? The old emperor really loves you. As long as you express your true thoughts well, they will definitely respect your choice. No one is willing to go against the sincere request of your beloved descendants."

Ling Jingxuan hadn't read the contents of the letter, but it was not difficult to guess what was written in their letter. The old emperor's love for Yan Xiaoqing was definitely no less than theirs. Now Yan Xiaoqing is eleven, and in this era, It's a big boy, and in three or four years, he will be an adult and can marry a daughter-in-law. It is not surprising that the old emperor will respect his choice.

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