"Well, thank you Uncle Ling!"

Yan Xiaoqing nodded firmly, with sparkling tears in his eyes. He could be a soldier and do what he wanted to do. His great-grandfather did not refuse to reprimand him like his father did.

"That's great, Xiaoqing, we can fight together to kill the enemy in the future."

Ling Wu patted him on the shoulder at the right time, Ling Wen Tie Wazi and Yan Shangqing also gave him an encouraging look, Yan Xiaoqing said with tears: "Well, let's go together."

"I want it too, Brother Qing, what do you want? I want to be with you too."

The little dumpling nestled in Ling Jingxuan's arms hurried up to see this and poked him on the head with the help of his nearest little bun: "Why are you everywhere? We are going to fight, if we are not careful, we will be injured and bleed. You will die, are you sure you want to join in the fun?"

"Fighting, but the little group can't fight."

He tilted his head and thought about it, the little dumpling didn't pout very much, he never even fought.

"Then it's over. You should stay at home and raise meat."

He changed his eyes with his brothers, and the little bun continued to tease him, and the little dumpling waved his hand without hesitation, and said proudly with his hands on his waist, "Don't be afraid, Gun Gun will definitely fight, you just need to sit next to him. Just wait until the rolling is over."

There are also Father Láng and Uncle Hu, who will definitely protect him. Thinking of this, the little dumpling laughed more confidently, which made everyone present couldn't help laughing. Who is the little bastard like?

"Okay, little dumpling, fighting is not a joke. What if you are injured and bleed?"

Ling Wen picked him up helplessly, knowing that he was just joining in the fun and couldn't really fight to kill the enemy, but he couldn't help but feel distressed. In their opinion, brother just continued to be a carefree meat dumpling. , don't think about anything else.

"Will it hurt?"

Hearing the words of injury and bleeding, Xiao Tuanzi was resolutely tangled, and her little eyebrows instantly wrinkled, Ling Wen nodded very seriously: "Yes, it hurts a lot."

"That won't work."

The little dumpling suddenly struggled and slid down again, glancing at Xiao Baozi and Yan Xiaoqing, and the fleshy little hands pulled them respectively: "Third brother, brother Qing, don't fight anymore, it will hurt, very painful. Pain, the little dumplings don't want you to be in pain."

The naughty little guy is particularly heartwarming about this, and Xiao Baozi and Yan Xiaoqing were so moved that they almost didn't cry.

"Okay, little dumplings, the third brother and the others have good skills and are not so easy to get hurt. Besides, didn't you say you want to learn medical skills from daddy? In the future, the third brother and the others are really injured. You can heal them again."

Afraid that they would really make the little dumpling cry, Ling Jingxuan stretched out his hand and pulled the little dumpling over, but the little dumpling retorted displeasedly: "But the third brother will still be in pain, Daddy can't lie to me, everyone has seen it. , Brother Maozi's hand hurts, it hurts so much, I want to give him a hoot, but Brother Shanzi won't let him, saying that my whirring will hurt even more, and they will definitely not be able to cure the third brother, the third brother will be more and more painful, Wow, Daddy - I don't want the third brother to suffer"

Well, the little dumpling became more and more sad as he talked, and finally he threw himself into his father's arms and cried, as if the little steamed bun was really seriously ill. Black line, don't make him look like he's going to die, okay? The pitiful little dumpling, thankfully he was moved just now.

"Okay, alright, your brother Shanzi said that because you were afraid that you would encounter Sanmaozi's broken arm, our little dumplings are so smart, as long as you earnestly follow your father to learn medicine in the future, you will definitely be more powerful than your father. , it won't hurt others."

Ling Jingxuan was unable to hold his forehead, why did he cry when he said he was crying? God knows how much he is afraid of his magic voice piercing his brain.


Lifting his head from his arms, the little dumpling stared at him sobbing. When he grows up, he won't hurt others?

"Of course it's true. When did Daddy lie to you? Besides, isn't your third brother okay?"

Facing his tearful eyes, which might burst again at any time, Ling Jingxuan nodded very seriously, and glanced at his little bun sympathetically. Even they didn't expect that the topic would suddenly turn to a terrifying one. Ling Jingxuan was also drunk, it seems that the brains of their little dumplings are not that big.

"That's right."

Following his words, Xiao Duanzi looked back at his third brother, but he didn't notice the expression that Xiao Baozi wanted to eat him alive, so he wiped away his tears, and Xiao Duanzi said seriously: "Dad, people will definitely learn from you seriously in the future. , don't let the third brother and the others suffer."

"Haha, okay, I don't think it's getting too early, little dumpling, can you let the second brother take you to bed?"

It was too much for him to open his mind again, Ling Jingxuan hurriedly gave Da Baozi a wink, alas—he was completely afraid of him, "Okay, Daddy, good night, Father Wang, good night, Uncle Chu"

The knot in his heart seemed to be untied, the little dumpling nodded obediently, and after another series of good nights, he let Ling Wen lead him away, and it was not until they left the study that the little steamed bun muttered in dissatisfaction, "You bastard steamed bun, I said it like It's like he's going to die, and he won't hurt him anymore."

"Come on you, every time you say that you don't hurt him anymore, aren't you the first to hold him close to him who wants delicious food and fun?" Ling Jingxuan shook his head and glanced at his resentful little bun, Danzi was indeed a little bit fucked, but he couldn't deny that he was really worried about them.

"Me?? Forget it, Daddy, this is a letter I wrote to Brother Yan. You ask Eunuch Zhao to bring it back together. Xiaoqing and I will go back to the coaching field first."

Let his father complain, the little bun decisively dared not hold any grudges, and took it out from his sleeve pocket.

The letter written in the afternoon was handed to them. The training of the Young Eagles is getting bigger and bigger. In addition, they are a special team, so they are not stationed with other troops, but gathered in the coaching field. , eating, drinking, sleeping, and exercising are all carried out there. If it wasn't for a routine rest today, they wouldn't be able to come back.

"Well, can Xiaoqing have a letter to bring back?" Ling Jingxuan nodded and looked at Yan Xiaoqing next to him. He should have something to say to the old emperor.

"There's no need for the letter. I'll find Eunuch Zhao later and ask him to bring a few words to Father Zeng."

Yan Xiaoqing stood up after speaking, Ling Jingxuan gave him a positive look, and the two walked out of the study one after the other. Yan Shengrui then asked, "How should we reply to the letter?"

The patriarch of the Yan family's royal family is such a heavy burden. If it wasn't for Jing Xuan and the others, he would definitely follow, but now? ? After the war was over, he was almost ready to slowly step back behind the scenes and accompany his daughter-in-law around to have a look. He really didn't want to take on the burden of the patriarch.

"Haha, it's not that the old emperor has no descendants who can be naughty, so let's not join in the fun."

Ling Jingxuan smiled evilly, his eyes flashed with mischievous brilliance, a figure suddenly slid across his mind, Yan Shengrui instantly understood: "What do you mean?"

Yan Shengfu, he has been letting go for so many years, it is time to take up the heavy burden. Although it is said that the capable people work hard, they cannot press everything on the capable ones. Besides, the King of Fu County is not like other people see. The playboy is useless.

"It's him, or else, don't you have Brother Second Emperor and Brother Fifth Emperor above you? There are so many candidates, it's not our turn to worry about it."

The title of the royal family patriarch sounds loud and pleasant, but in fact it is the "nanny" shared by the royal family members, and they don't have the spare time to take care of those nosy things.

"What's the request from the old emperor? You are laughing too much."

Seeing the strange smiles of the husband and wife, Zeng Shaoqing asked fearfully, who are they trying to plot? It sounds like it has something to do with the royal family. It's not the old emperor who thinks it's not really like that, right?

"What can I ask for, isn't it just asking us to take good care of Xiaoqing."

No wonder! You have betrayed you with the evil smile on your face. Zeng Shaoqing, Yan Xiaohua and others who saw this scene were all full of black lines on their foreheads. At the same time, they also had a rare sympathy for someone who made them miss them. One of them is terrible enough, and now the two of them are still together, so who can only ask for more happiness.

Chapter 699 Proposal, Yan Shan is injured

The only one in the army—a female general is about to get married, and the object is still the younger brother of Princess Sheng, the first wine merchant in Daqing, and the emperor's royal merchant Ling Jingpeng. For a time, the whole army was full of excitement. Those who looked at Ye Ruyun Chang The big generals sent congratulations one after another. Although they were at the border, everything had to be kept simple. Ling Jingxuan still had 30 betrothal gifts prepared. He picked a sunny day and personally took his younger brother to the rear barracks to be hired. The orphans of the Young Eagles team followed behind them to help carry the betrothal gifts. Of course, the leaders were Xiaobaozi, Xiaohuzi and Xiaoqing, because most of the soldiers were born in peasant families. Ling Jingpeng himself was also a child of a peasant family. Let people prepare jī duck and a big fat pig.

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