"What the hell happened?"

Ling Jingxuan looked at Zeng Shaoqing expressionlessly. If he felt right, even Yan Er, who was hiding in the dark, left together. Something must have happened. With Zeng Shaoqing's martial arts, he must hear Yan Yi's whispers clearly. It shouldn't be difficult.

"Yan Shan was injured. Wang Xinyu carried him back. Shanzi is being rescued."

Looking at Chu Yunhan, Zeng Shaoqing said in a deep voice.

"What? Uncle Shan is injured? Is it serious? I'll go to the military hospital."

A few little buns widened their eyes in excitement, and the one who reacted the most was little bun Lingwu. When he was a child, he was indeed the whole uncle Shan in the capital, and let him take him to fly high, but in his mind, whether it was Yan Shan or Yan Yi and the others are all elders he respects.

"Let's go together, Mrs. Long Zhang, be optimistic about the little dumplings."

Ling Jingxuan stood up with an unswerving expression, and handed the little dumpling to Mrs Long Zhang. The rare thing was that the little dumpling didn't make a fuss. He obediently let Mrs Long and Zhang hold him, and the little Danfeng looked at Daddy intently. With their backs, he was sometimes clingy and naughty, but as long as his father didn't laugh, he knew something was wrong, he couldn't be arguing any more, he had to listen to his father's words obediently.

Chapter 700 Surgery, Rescue Yan Shan

Like Yelan City, the military hospital in Buming City is also set up in several courtyards with a large area but not a very complicated layout. It is on the street behind the Yan family's mansion. Everything has been put in place. The military hospital Except for a few patients with serious injuries, such as Sanmaozi, who were still inside, the rest were military doctors sent by various armies to learn simple operations such as emergency suture treatment.


Yan Shan is rescuing in the operating room, and Yan Shengrui, who came first, can't get in. She is learning about what happened with Yan Yi, Yan Er, and Yan Si. When she sees Ling Jingxuan coming in from a distance, Wang Xinyu goes up to him and bows his head. Ling Jingxuan is not there. He scolded him, but reached out and patted his shoulder: "It's hard work."

Regardless of whether the mission failed or succeeded, they had already risked their lives to carry out the mission. They should not be punished for having an accident. However, they had to train harder in the later stages.

"Why are you all here?"

Yan Shengrui frowned and looked at them, just because he didn't want to affect their mood, he came alone.

"I'll go in and see."

Ignoring his inquiry, Ling Jingxuan took off his coat and threw it to him. The two medical boys who were guarding outside quickly opened the door for him. Ling Jingxuan dodged in. In front of the operating table, Zhao Shan, who was wearing a white coat and a mask, was busy. The two medical boys were in charge of the fight. Yan Shan was lying on the operating table with her upper body stretched out. There was a huge blood hole three inches from her abdomen. Zhao Shan had already helped him stop the bleeding, but from the dark blood stains on the medical cotton, it seemed that Not only was he injured, but the weapon that wounded him was also smeared with poison.

"How is his condition?"

Going to the other side of the operating table, Ling Jingxuan, who was also wearing a white coat and a mask, took over the work of one of the medical children. His right hand was on his pulse. Zhao Shan, who was in the operation, raised his head to look at him while treating the wound. Side said: "The sharp weapon pierced the left abdomen, bleeding too much, and hurt the reproductive system. The most troublesome thing is the poison. If I can't figure out what the poison is and detoxify it as soon as possible, it may affect the activity of the jīngzi in the future. the chances of getting a woman pregnant."

The flesh and blood inside the wound has turned a dark color, which may affect the healing of the wound.

"Well, you continue the operation, and the detoxification is for me. Don't rush to suture the wound."

After that, Ling Jingxuan turned around and went to the room connected to the operating room. Several medical children were pouring antidote in it. Ling Jingxuan waved them out, and after he was the only one left in the room, he released the room for Crescent Moon Spring. Then, Ling Jingxuan quickly and accurately took out the medicine he needed from the medicine box on the whole wall behind, and then soaked all the medicines in the crescent moon spring water. Let them absorb enough water.


The door next to the operating room was suddenly opened from the inside, Ling Jingxuan leaned out, Yan Shengrui and the others hurried up to meet them, and before they could exit, Ling Jingxuan said to Ling Wen, "Remember that I have been using it since Lingjia Village. Isn't that medicine box? Put it at the bottom of the wardrobe in our room, and you can go and get the green ganoderma lucidum that my father found back when we left."

In fact, it’s okay to not need the precious Green Ganoderma lucidum, but for Yan Shan, Ling Jingxuan resolutely decided to add an extra layer of insurance. No matter how precious things are, they are only external things, and they are nothing compared to Yan Shan.


The big bun is also aware of this. He turned around and ran out. Yan Shengrui quickly seized the opportunity and asked, "How is Shan?"


Qiáng cut off his family's next words, Ling Jingxuan gave them a deep look before sighing helplessly: "You don't understand that I didn't take over the operation in person? Yan Shan's injury is indeed very serious for ordinary doctors. Maybe there is no way to treat it, but it's basically nothing for us. Shanzi is cleaning his wounds and injured internal organs, and fresh blood has been injected into his body. Now the more troublesome thing is that the wound is infected with poison, isn't it? What kind of deadly poison is only relatively rare, it will erode the wound, and when I prepare the antidote, Shanzi can suture the wound for him, and then there is basically no serious problem."

If he didn't make it clear to them, they would definitely not give up, and they would be chaotic if they cared about them. No matter how good they were at ordinary times, when faced with the uncertainty of their companions' life and death, they would still be somewhat chaotic.

"Well, Lingyun brought a cup of soup over here, you should drink it first."

The wife said so, Yan Shengrui was decisive and relieved, and then he remembered the jī soup sent by Ling Yun, and quickly poured out a bowl and handed it to him. Now they all know that he has low blood sugar and can't be hungry!


"Slow down, it's still hot, what's the hurry, Xiaowen hasn't come back yet."

The soup was delivered right after it was simmered, and the temperature was still very high. Ling Jingxuan almost scalded himself when he took a sip. Seeing this, Chu Yunhan grabbed the soup bowl and helped him cool it while talking. Don't look at this soup. The cigarettes are actually hot, and they say they are out of proportion, so why not Jing Xuan? Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him not to notice the temperature of the soup.

"Are you all right? I'm sorry I forgot in a hurry."

Yan Shengrui on the other side was also gently wiping the corners of his mouth, Ling Jingxuan smiled and shook his head: "It's not that hot, it's just that I drank too quickly."

As he said that, he pretended to touch his stomach, indicating that he was already hungry. They were already having lunch at this time, and he went out for a walk this morning, not to mention the degree of hunger. .

"Okay, it should be almost the same, hurry up and drink it."

Feeling that it was not so hot anymore, Chu Yunhan gave him the jī soup again. Ling Jingxuan took the jī soup and tested the temperature. Wen Ye came back with the Green Ganoderma lucidum he named for, Ling Jingxuan did not forget to smile and reassure before entering the room, "Don't worry, Yan Shan doesn't die so easily."

After finishing speaking, Ling Jingxuan turned around and entered the room. Yan Shengrui and the others also retreated silently. Time passed by, and no one cared about eating. Everyone's attention was on the door of the operating room. Tong went in and out with a tray, and there was no way. With their existing medical equipment, many things could not be stored, such as fresh blood. In most cases, they needed to find a suitable blood source for transfusion. In the army, there is no need to worry about no blood source to use. This is one of the reasons why Zhao Shan sent several medical boys to each army to collect blood samples from all the army members after the military hospital was free. The soldiers themselves were injured and needed blood transfusions, or they had to give blood to others, so it wouldn't be too chaotic and hurried.

"Master, the wound has been cleaned, how is your antidote?"

When Ling Jingxuan showed up at the surgery with the tray in hand, Zhao Shan just finished all the cleaning work, because the internal organs were also infected, so he couldn't do the next work.

"Give it to me."

Putting the tray on the operating table, Ling Jingxuan dipped the sterilized clean handkerchief in the Crescent Moon Spring water, leaned over and carefully cleaned his wounds, especially near the injured transfusion tube, and then he picked up the already The green Ganoderma lucidum, which was ground and packed in a small cloth bag, was stuffed into the wound. As Yan Shengrui and the others said, the white bag containing the Green Ganoderma lucidum quickly turned black, while the infected toxins around the skin were slowly disappearing, and the dull wound gradually disappeared. About ten minutes after returning to its original color, the bag was already dark, but the flesh and blood showed a normal color. Ling Jingxuan pulled out the bag and threw it on the tray. After carefully examining the wound, he picked up the handkerchief and a small porcelain bottle from the tray again. Pour out the concoction and soak the handkerchief, and carefully re-wipe the wound for him, so as not to let any trace of toxins have a chance to remain, "The stitching work will be given to you."

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