After everything was done, Ling Jingxuan stepped aside, Zhao Shan nodded tacitly and took over the rest of the work, and then Ling Jingxuan went to the medicine room next door to pick up some medicines and hand them to the doctor boy: "Take it and boil it, wait for him to wake up. The poison in Yanshan should only be used by some people. The poison is not very strong, but it will remain in the wound or in the body. Like a human virus, it lurks and slowly destroys the body's functions. The most direct way is to cause wounds. It can't be healed, people bleed too much or the wound rots to death, and it also eliminates the toxins that have entered the blood circulation, there is always no harm in drinking a few more anti-inflammatory and detoxifying medicines."

When the door of the operating room opened again, it was almost an hour later. The four medical children carried Yan Shan, who was lying on a stretcher, at the front, Ling Jingxuan, Zhao Shan followed, Yan Yi and others. Seeing this, he hurriedly stepped forward to take over the work of the doctor, and led Yan Shan to the ward under the leadership of the doctor. After watching them enter the turnaround, Yan Shengrui went up and hugged Ling Jingxuan distressedly.

"It's okay, I'm not that weak yet, and Yan Shan should be fine. It all depends on the recovery of the wound in the later stage."

After all, his body was pierced, and the medical equipment was rudimentary, so it was not bad to be able to save his life.

"Well, let's go eat something first, it's enough to have the wings and the others to accompany."

Afraid that he would faint after being hungry for a long time, Yan Shengrui hugged him and walked to the cafeteria. Not long ago, Ling Yun had brought someone over to bring their meals.

"Well, by the way, Xinyu, come with me, I'll find out the specifics later."

After Ling Jingxuan nodded, he found Wang Xinyu, who was full of self-blame and tangled in the crowd. The poison on Yan Shan's body was indeed not very poisonous, but it was very rare. It shouldn't be widely circulated in the arena, maybe? ? Things were more complicated than they thought.

"Yes, I don't"

Wang Xinyu opened his mouth, his sword brows could not help frowning, as if he was enduring something, Ling Jingxuan's eyes followed his body, and his eyes were fixed on his upper abdomen: "You are also injured?"

Because he came back with Yan Shan on his back, they didn't find it strange that he had blood on his body, but now, if you look closely, there are clearly signs of being stabbed in his upper abdomen.

"I, Commander Shan, was injured to save me. The sharp sword that pierced his body also cut through my skin. It's not serious."

It wasn't serious, he didn't feel anything until just now, but when he spoke just now, he suddenly stabbed.


Hearing this, Ling Jingxuan's forehead turned black, and he entered the operating room again. He believed that his injury was not serious, but the poison would corrode his wound. took his life.

"It's okay with me"

"Don't make me say it a second time!"

Wang Xinyu obviously didn't want to bother him about that little thing, but Ling Jingxuan cut him off in a cold voice, and Zhao Shan reluctantly followed up in the operating room. Wang Xinyu had no choice but to go in obediently, and the lunch thing had to be postponed. .

Chapter 701: Determine Qilian City's Whereabouts

Yan Shan and Wang Xinyu were injured in an accident. When they finished their busy work, it was almost time for You Shi. Yan Shan was already in a coma. In addition, he was given general anesthesia after the operation, and he couldn't wake up for a while. They vacated a relatively clean room in the military hospital. After the meal, apart from Tie Wazi and Yan Shangqing, who had to teach the young eagles to read and write, everyone else gathered here.

"Tell me what's going on."

After filling his stomach, Ling Jingxuan also had spirit, he just found a chair and sat down and cut to the subject. Wang Xinyu, who had already had them bandage the wounds and changed into clean clothes, looked up at them, and then his face was full of self-consciousness. Responsibly bowed his head: "After we sneaked into Tianmenguan that day, it took a lot of effort to sneak into Zhou Sheng's side. After a period of dormancy, we have almost figured out Zhou Sheng's habits, and we started late last night. Now, Commander Shan is in charge of the assassination, and I'm in charge of letting the wind go. Everything went smoothly. Commander Shan also succeeded in seriously injuring Zhou Sheng. Just when we retreated according to the long-arranged route, a group of highly skilled martial artists suddenly appeared. Soldiers, their martial arts skills are both ruthless and bizarre. Commander Shan said that they may be royal shadow guards. We were fighting and fleeing. I blamed me for not checking it for a while, so that the enemy could take advantage of it. Commander Shan did it to save me. The injured, we used the poison given by the master to get rid of them. At that time, Commander Shan was already in a coma. I didn't dare to delay any more. return."

At first, they didn't use poison because they didn't want to reveal their identities. Later, they didn't care about that much anymore. Those people were not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also pursued them relentlessly. It was obvious that they wanted to catch them alive. Come on, there is no possibility of them escaping without the poison. It's all because he is too weak. If he was a little more vigorous, perhaps this accident would not have happened.

"Team Thunder doesn't have a weak person, Xinyu, don't let me see your self-blaming expression again."

Instead of pursuing any responsibility, Ling Jingxuan reprimanded him sternly. The incident happened suddenly, the enemy was more skilled in martial arts than others, and it was reasonable that his two fists would be invincible. Before he could express his position, Ling Jingxuan rubbed his chin and thought about it. After a while, he asked: "Those people all dressed as soldiers?"

Wang Xinyu, who was struggling, nodded when he heard the words: "Well, they are all dressed as little soldiers."

"A group of little soldiers have high martial arts skills, Jing Xuan, we should think the same thing, right?"

Yan Shengrui's eyes darkened, looking at his daughter-in-law meaningfully

After returning to his senses, Ling Jingxuan thought for a while before saying: "Well, what Yan Shan said should be right, they are all royal shadow guards, it is no wonder that Yan Yi's people have been unable to find any trace of Qilian City, so he was hiding In the Dongguo army, perhaps even Zhou Sheng did not know that the so-called dark under the lights is often the most obvious place that is the most difficult to be discovered. Those who attacked Yan Shanxinyu are also shadow guards, the most difficult to find. I know the habits of the Shadow Guards, but they should have discovered Yan Shan Xinyu by accident, otherwise they wouldn't wait until Yan Shan and the others succeeded in assassinating Zhou Sheng before chasing and blocking them."

In this way, everything makes sense. If they hadn't disrupted the situation, Yan Shan could have returned safely. The royal shadow guard is a tricky organization. The only good thing is that they have confirmed that Qilian City is here. Border closed.

"That Zhou Sheng died?"

After a moment of silence, Ling Jingxuan suddenly asked again.

"It should be dead. We assassinated Zhou Sheng while he was bathing alone. Afterwards, we were afraid that his shadow guard would notice, and we evacuated without checking."

At the beginning, the task that the master gave them was to seriously injure Zhou Sheng, and he did not necessarily have to kill him. They were not so careful. Anyway, even if Zhou Sheng did not die, he would have to lie on the bed for a long time. Their task has been completed. , there is no need for extra branches.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you die or not. In this case, Qiliancheng has to stand up and take charge of the overall situation. At least our purpose of assassinating Zhou Sheng has been achieved."

Nodding his head, Ling Jingxuan didn't ask any further questions. Wang Xinyu looked at him and said hesitantly, "Master, we still used the poison you gave in the end. Will they know it's us?"

The Thunder team has always been his personal escort team. Everyone knows that the master doesn't want to have a conflict with Dongguo for the time being. If he doesn't solve Beiman first, he hastily ignited a war with Dongguo. At that time, they may be facing the enemy on both sides. .

"Haha - there are too many people who can use poison. Even if Qilian City guesses that we are, they will not easily deploy troops. At least until Xiguo's attitude is clear, he is the same as us, and he does not dare to launch a comprehensive attack. War, at most, is to let Beiman continue to come and die."

In contrast, Ling Jingxuan was not worried at all. If Qilian City really took the courage of an ambitious leopard to send troops directly, it would be a big deal to fight against it. As for the issue of Beiman, it is impossible for all millions of soldiers to pile up on the battlefield in a war. It might be a little difficult to beat the Beiman with his military strength, but it's basically not a problem to guard against them. As long as they don't fight back like crazy, he has a way to stop them. After all, they just wiped out the Dragon Evil King 100,000 not long ago. Jīng Rui, Bei Manzi will have some shadows in his heart.

Hearing this, Wang Xinyu was finally relieved. Zeng Shaoqing, who had never spoken, stared straight at Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui. After a while, he curled his lips and said, "Are you planning something?"

It wasn't because he was overhearted, their attitude was too calm. After retaking Buming City, according to the usual rules, shouldn't they immediately send troops to crusade against Beiman? But now it's the end of February and the month of March, and they still haven't done anything. Now that they are sure that Qilian City is coming, they are still indifferent, as if they are waiting for something. Based on his understanding of them, everything is too abnormal.

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