"What can you plan? Just waiting for a suitable opportunity."

Knowing what he was thinking, Ling Jingxuan curled his lips and leaned against the back of the chair. A long time ago, they learned that the King of Northern Man Khan and King Longxie were not compatible. After occupying Buming City, they began to plan. The internal contradictions of the enemy, it seems that they are too sorry for themselves if they do not take advantage of them. To wipe out the 100,000-strong army of the Dragon Evil King, the North Barbarian Khan King will definitely find fault. The Dragon Evil King is obviously the kind Men who are easy to be turned against, they will be able to attack as soon as the exact news arrives, and this time, he has a 100% certainty that he will win.

"You shouldn't be talking about the internal contradictions of Beiman, right?"

Zeng Shaoqing is not stupid either, he basically understands the basics. If this kind of thing is changed to the East or the West, maybe they have sent people to provoke them and escalate their conflicts, but the Beiman can't. The desert and grassland are theirs. Natural barrier, their people may have been annihilated by the northern barbarian armies before they even approached Longcheng, so they have never paid attention to this matter.

"Well, it's almost the end of it."

Ling Jingxuan did not deny it, and glanced at Yan Yi meaningfully. The latter did not move his body very naturally. He also wanted to receive the news quickly. , it's not that he's doing bad things.

"What are you going to do about Qilian City in the Eastern Kingdom? No matter if Zhou Sheng is alive or dead, Qilian City should not let it go. How are you going to deal with the means he is likely to have in the future?"

Knowing that he was unwilling to explain Beiman's affairs for the time being, Chu Yunhan asked coldly, after all, Dongguo was the most troublesome.

"How else can I handle it? I can fight if I need to. I just want to try the newly made equipment, although I haven't finished it yet."

He stood up and stretched, Ling Jingxuan said while moving his muscles and bones. He had never seen the gate of Tianmenguan, but he knew without seeing Mingcheng that the country's first line of defense was very strong in comparison, easy to defend and difficult to attack. To minimize the sacrifice, he specially created brand-new weapons and equipment for the blacksmith team of Thunder Squadron who forged weapons and ammunition. Of course, it is not a hot weapon. He has said to himself before that he is not a last resort. Will not let hot weapons flood in this era.

"New equipment? When? Why don't we know?"

Zeng Shaoqing, Yan Xiaohua and others all expressed surprise, it was the first time they heard about this, Ling Jingxuan smiled mysteriously: "You will see it with your own eyes soon, it is not high-end equipment, but it is used for siege. The sacrifice can be reduced, if Dongguo really takes the lead in launching the war, then we can only try out the new equipment first.”

He couldn't guess what Qilian City would do. From the perspective of the overall situation, Qilian City should not launch a full-scale war at this time. After all, Xiguo was still watching, and their combat power was much more than that of Beiman. But from a personal point of view, Qi Liancheng's physical condition should no longer allow him to continue to waste time, and he should have some actions next.

"Dad, let's go to this battle too, right?"

It doesn't matter whether he fights the Dongguo or Beiman, he doesn't care, as long as there is a battle to fight.

"Ask me what? Go to your father, if he agrees to your expedition, I have no problem."

Angrily glanced at his precious son, Ling Jingxuan shook his head helplessly. After the little bun came to the border, he seemed to be more and more like a young general. He was fighting for war anytime, anywhere. Is it so fun to fight?

"Father King"

"The Eagles have only been training for a few days? Are you trying to kill them?"

As soon as Xiao Baozi turned his gaze, Yan Shengrui glared back fiercely. He and Xiaohuzi have been practicing martial arts all year round. Even if they are young, it is not difficult to save their lives on the battlefield, but the rest of the Young Eagles are all Ordinary teenager, he admitted that the training of Thunder Team is very special. Nearly two months have passed, the Young Eagles team has undergone earth-shaking changes, both as a whole and as individual soldiers, but it is obviously a bit unqualified to be pulled into the battlefield.

Whether it was Jing Xuan, Xiao Qi, or himself, they were all full of expectations for the Young Eagles, hoping that one day they could soar into the sky. Before that, he didn't want them all to die by accident.


Not daring to go back to his father, Ling Wu used his usual coquettish trick, leaning on his father pitifully, looking at the world, the only person who could make his father change his mind was his father.

"It's no use acting like a spoiled child, Sheng Rui is doing it for your own good, if you really want to take the Eagles to battle, then train them as hard as you can, and when Sheng Rui and I think you're qualified, we will naturally let you go. ."

Poke his head, Ling Jingxuan joked with seriousness, others will be promoted, let alone his own son? In fact, he has plans for the Young Eagles, but he can't let them know for the time being. The transitional protection will only harm them. To make them grow rapidly, the battlefield that will kill people at every turn is undoubtedly the best environment.

"Okay, okay, I'll just continue to bury my head and practice hard, but Daddy, you must promise me that you will send us out to practice when there is a chance in the future."

After being his son for so many years, the little bun is still very clear about his temperament. Since he has said so, he will definitely be out of the game.

"Haha... Yan Shan is about to wake up, let's go see him."

Too lazy to pay attention to this son who was thinking about going into battle to kill the enemy, Ling Jingxuan looked at Yan Shengrui and nodded to the others. The group left the room one after another and headed towards Yan Shan's ward. Ling Wen, who was walking at the end, patted his brother on the shoulder: "do not

Impatient, don't you know Dad's temper? He has always advocated actual combat training, and it is impossible for you to immerse yourself in training all the time. "

"Well, I know, brother, what do you think Daddy is thinking?" The little bun nodded and asked curiously.

"Daddy's thoughts are often irregular, and I can't guess it, but I know that no matter what decision he makes, he will definitely start from our safety, and that's enough."

"That's right."

The two brothers who looked exactly the same looked at each other and smiled. They left the house one after the other and chased after them. They didn't need to know anything else, as long as they knew that they would always be fathers and sons.

Chapter 702 My family has a man who finally grows up

After Yan Shan woke up, Ling Jingxuan personally checked his pulse number again, until he personally announced that there was no problem, everyone was really relieved, especially Yan Shengrui and Yan Yi and others, Yan Yi and the others didn't talk about it, the four The leader of the shadow guards is usually regarded as brothers and has a deep relationship, and Yan Shengrui, almost everyone knows that they are his shadow guards on the surface, but in fact, he has always regarded them as brothers. Yan Shan accident, he is worried no less than others.

Although Ling Jingxuan had already warned him sternly, Wang Xinyu still felt that Yan Shan was seriously injured and comatose because of him, so after learning that Yan Shan would be hospitalized for a period of rest, he asked to stay and take care of him. Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan did not object. , Yan Shan really needs someone to take care of him. If nothing else, he always needs someone to lift his pants when he goes to the toilet, right? It's better to let Wang Xinyu toss and toss, so as to save his conscience for the rest of his life.

What no one could have imagined was that just because of this accident, the two of them actually met each other's eyes, and another of the four shadow guards was about to leave the list. Of course, that's all for later.

The marriage of Ling Jingpeng and Ye Ruyun was not rescheduled because of this incident. As soon as the third day arrived, the Yan family mansion became lively before dawn. Ling Jingpeng was dug out of the warm bed by his dear little nephews early in the morning. It was taking a bath, shampooing and shaving. After working for a long time, Qiuxiang Dongxiang, who was sent by Chu Yunhan, held a brand new red bridegroom suit and put it on for him. Ling Wen Ling Wu, who was also in red, and Xiao Xiao who joined in the fun. Fat Duner pulled him to sit down in front of the dressing table with the big red and happy characters, Qiuxiang brushed his hair and tied his hair swiftly, and when the groom's red hat was put on, his whole person immediately changed, handsome and cheerful. god.

"It is said that the most beautiful moment in a woman's life is when she is a bride. I think the same is true for men. Look at our Jingpeng. After wearing the wedding dress, the whole feeling has changed. He is handsome!"

Ling Jingxuan, Chu Yunhan and the others filed in and looked at the strangely dressed younger brother. Ling Jingxuan praised him sincerely. In the blink of an eye, their family Jingpeng was about to marry a daughter-in-law. The black and thin boy who used to be so out of shape. Handsome, should it be said that their Ling family's genetics are good, or are they really living a good life these years? Or maybe both.

His emotion is absolutely incomprehensible to others. Except for his son and Yan Shengrui, his two younger brothers are his most important relatives in this world. Seeing them get married, he seems to have a kind of satisfaction and relief that my family has a boy. , Starting a career and starting a family, will happiness be far behind?

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