"Well, Jing Peng is about to marry a daughter-in-law. I still remember when we first met, Jing Peng was a fool."

Chu Yunhan also smiled and said, apart from Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui, he is undoubtedly the person who has known them the longest, and the only person who has seen how thin they were once. In just a few short years, everything has been turned upside down. A few years ago, who would have thought that a poor boy with no money could become one of the few wealthy businessmen in the Daqing Kingdom and marry the daughter of a general? No, it shouldn't be the general's daughter, he married a serious general.

"Brother, see what you said, I am married, what are you feeling?"

Making them feel a little embarrassed, Ling Jingpeng couldn't help blushing a little, everyone smiled at each other, Yan Shengrui stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "Very good, you are finally getting married, which is a concern for Jingxuan and I. "

On weekdays, he didn't talk about it, but he always remembered their marriage in his heart. A man needs to start a family and start a business to truly grow up. Now Jingpeng finally ushered in this day.

"Brother Rui..."

Ling Jingpeng looked at him gratefully, if it weren't for him, he wouldn't be able to marry such a good wife as Ru Yun.

"You won't shed tears on a day of great joy, right? Don't be moved, it's almost time, get ready to marry your bride."

Yuan Shaoqi, who will also be their family in the future, walked over and patted him on the other shoulder. He was also happy, not only for Jinghan. Over the years, he and everyone in the Ling family had established a relationship behind him. I have long regarded Jingpengwu as my younger brother.

"Brother Yuan, don't talk about me, you should work harder yourself, don't let my son marry his daughter-in-law one day, and you still reach the goal of marrying my second brother, then the joke will become a big one. "

Under the influence of someone all year round, is Ling Jingpeng a fuel-efficient lamp? He raised his fist and beat his chest, and he refuted it in a few words.

"What are you talking about, stinky boy? You don't want to get married, do you?"

"Ha ha"

Hearing this, Yuan Shaoqi was decisive, who didn't know that what he wanted to do most in his life was to marry Ling Jinghan? Ling Jingpeng chose not to open the pot and lift it, didn't he deliberately find fault with him? Everyone in the wedding room couldn't help but laugh, even the little dumplings.

"Jing Peng, our mother and father are not at the border, nor can we preside over your wedding. I know that you and Ru Yun are both free and easy people, and don't care about this, but you can rest assured that when you return to the capital, I will definitely help you again. Hold a bigger and more sensational wedding to let everyone in the capital know that my brother Ling Jingxuan has married the most special woman in the world, and let those who always joke that Ru Yun is not like everyone's lady, she is a lot of people. My Ling family valued it."

After laughing, Ling Jingxuan stepped forward to help him straighten the collar of his clothes, adjusted the groom's hat, and tied a flower made of red silk to his chest with his own hands. Seeing his younger brother's spirited appearance, Ling Jingxuan was full of relief. solemn commitment.

"Yeah." Ling Jingpeng didn't say much, just nodded firmly. It was necessary to hold the wedding again, not only to appease their old lady, but also for the face of General Ye and Ye Ruyun. , they want to let those who claim to be noble families know that it is not only the ladies who can find a good home, but also to slap them in the face, Ye Ruyun is not wrong to choose a farmer, but she chose the best in the world. In General Ye's military tent on the street behind the farmer's Yan family's mansion, General Ye came to his daughter's room early in the morning and watched himself take off his shirt and put on a bright red wedding dress, watching Chu Yunhan's special party The chūn Xiang Xiaxiang came to paint her eyebrows and make up her eyebrows. Looking at it, General Ye couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Although he really wished his daughter would get married soon, when the day really came, he didn't want to. Abandoned.

His wife died early, and for the sake of his daughter, he did not renew the string. Therefore, the people in the family did not like him very much, they felt that he was beyond their control, and no one was willing to help him take care of his daughter. Again and again, as a big man, he could only take his young daughter to join the army. Before she knew it, her daughter developed a manly temperament. He once thought that she would never be able to marry in this life, but he did well. He had planned to raise an old daughter for the rest of his life, but he met Ling Jingpeng when his daughter was seventeen years old. When he first found out about it, he was somewhat dissatisfied. She was almost three years younger than her daughter, who was only fourteen years old at the time. A fourteen-year-old boy, even the younger brother of Princess Sheng, was diligent and eager to learn, but did he really know what he wanted? He is afraid that his daughter will not be able to marry, but he is even more afraid that his daughter will not be happy after marriage.

It was not until the prince explained Ling Jingpeng's situation to him in person, he recommended himself as a sponsor, and his daughter was very satisfied with the marriage, that he happily signed a marriage contract for them. Ling Jingpeng really loves his daughter with all his heart. The kneeling that day had spread all over the army. Everyone felt that Jingpeng would be bullied by his daughter in the future. He was also worried that Jingpeng would hear those rumors. Later, he will have different thoughts, but it is very obvious that his worries are unnecessary. Ling Jingpeng cherishes Ru Yun more than he can imagine, including the prince and the princess. Ru Yun will definitely marry such a man. Happy, right?

Compared with General Ye's reluctance and emotion, Ye Ruyun didn't have much sadness. Once she was married, she could see her father every day. Come again, she had been looking forward to this wedding for several years. Thirteen, and finally got her wish, she was too late to be happy, how could she be sad? Don't say it's sad, she doesn't even have the shyness that a bride should be.

Well, Ye Ruyun is not only for the body

It's a girl's family. In other respects, it is definitely more manly than the average man. In short, don't treat her as a woman.

"The third lady is so beautiful, the third master is really lucky."

Chūnxiang, who put on makeup for her and her hair straightened, praised her heartily. Ye Ruyun's foundation was not bad. The eyebrows that looked heroic on weekdays were made into one-line eyebrows by their skillful hands. A bit charming, bronze-colored healthy skin is not as radiant as other women, but it has another charm that others do not have, waist-length hair and high-rise women's head, slender neck Luǒ exposed, adding a bit more With a different kind of sexy, coupled with the unique love and nourishment of the bride, the whole person no longer looks heroic, and finally has the demeanor of a woman, a unique feminine charm between heroism and weakness.

"Is this really me?"

Looking at herself in the bronze mirror, Ye Ruyun stepped forward in disbelief and tried to see more clearly. It's not that he didn't wear women's clothes, but he had never seen himself like this before. Maybe he was still some distance away from the most beautiful women, but She is definitely a beautiful beauty, so can he be so beautiful?

Women are the ones who please themselves! Rao is a man like Ye Ruyun, and at this time, he is also relieved that his beauty has come.

"Of course it's you, the third lady. The third lady is usually busy with military affairs and has never dressed herself. It's the first time to put on makeup to fix your face. Maybe you're not used to it. In the future, the slaves will often teach the third lady some makeup skills."

Xia Xiang stepped forward and sat down, holding her arms, and while talking, she helped her put on the phoenix crown with Chun Xiang.

"Well, will this thing be too heavy?"

The heavy phoenix crown pressed Ye Ruyun to instantly regain the anger of the man. She avoided her body and looked at the phoenix crown made of gold and silver threads and precious gems and pearls in their hands. The weight was less than ten or twenty pounds. Wearing it on the head, it is strange that his neck is not broken. Who the hell invented this thing? Are you trying to crush the bride to death? "Mrs. Er, this is already the lightest."

Chūn Xiang Xiaxiang also had a dark forehead. It would be better for the third lady not to speak. As soon as she spoke, she was completely exposed. Because of the time, this phoenix crown is already ordinary. With the financial resources of the third master, if the wedding was held in the capital , the gems on the phoenix crown are at least two or three times more than the current one, and that is really heavy.

Chapter 703

"Then what, I think it's better not to wear this?"

Although they all said that, but looking at the huge and heavy phoenix crown, Ye Ruyun resolutely admits it, getting married is a happy thing, who wants to exhaust herself?

"That's not good?"

The corners of chūnxiang's eyes twitched, and she looked at General Ye for help. The phoenix crown is the standard of the newlyweds, and they are indispensable. Wearing only the rosary and not the phoenix crown is inappropriate, unless it is like Ling Yun and the others. The same problem is that there is no such condition now.

"What's good or bad, let's just say"

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