Seeing Li Ruhong, it became dark, and everyone couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering. Sikong Ting reluctantly stepped forward and sat beside him, not only to prevent him from making a fool of himself with Jing Xuan, but also really worried about him. Thirty, it's time to get married.

"Do you think a woman would dare to marry me?"

With a raised eyebrow, Yuchi Lishang asked narcissistically, compared to Chu Yunhan, Zeng Shaoqing, or Sikong Ting Ling Jingxuan's handsomeness, his handsomeness belongs to that kind of special beauty, any beautiful woman standing His side will pale in comparison, let alone a man. His beauty is too criminal, and a man who does not have the determination and courage to marry him or marry him?

"Just get married, or else you will waste your innate beauty?"

"Ha ha"

Sikong Jue's counterattack immediately caused everyone in the room to burst into laughter. Yuchi Lishang's face darkened immediately, and he subconsciously looked at Yan Er who was waiting to see him off, and saw a smile on his face. And just looking at him meaningfully, Yuchi Lishang's beautiful and handsome face was black and red, colorful, and his eyes stared at Sikong Jue fiercely.

Who is not the most powerful person present? Yuchi Lishang and Yan Er's anomalies could all be seen in their eyes, but this time Ling Jingxuan did not intervene as casually as he interfered with Qin Muyan's Li Ruhong's feelings. Without awareness, their too much involvement will only hurt both of them in the future.

"It's almost time, I'll take you out of the city."

After laughing, Yan Er walked up to them without a doubt. Yuchi Lishang, who was still in a state of resentment, subconsciously avoided his eyes. After saying goodbye to Ling Jingxuan and the others again, he left with Shi Lang. Yan Er may not have noticed it himself, but there was a hint of helplessness and connivance in his eyes.

"Master, the second child?"

Watching their backs disappear from sight, Yan Yi leaned towards Yan Shengrui worriedly. To be together, must not be so easy, right? After all, there was already a prince from the Western State who had married to the Qing State. If Yuchi was to marry again, not only the Prime Minister's Mansion, but also the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty would object.

"Don't forget what kind of person Yuchi is. As long as Yan Er gets him, nothing else matters."

Yan Shengrui glanced at him lightly, but his face was full of confidence, and Ling Jingxuan next to him also raised a meaningful smile. When the two people's feelings are so strong that they cannot be separated, all problems will no longer be problems. Especially, these two The individual is still heroic and uninhibited, and never puts the pressure of the world in his eyes.

Chapter 709 Jing Xuan committed the second? Strict attitude

After seeing off Yuchi Lishang, Yan Shengrui did not worry about the dispatch of the army, and went out with Yan Yi and the others. Zeng Shaoqing also followed. The newly married Ye Ruyun accompanies Ling Jingpeng to work on food and grass. Even if an army of millions is hoarding at the border Not moving, the daily consumption is also amazing, and as the weather gradually warms, military supplies for soldiers' clothing are also being delivered continuously. Ling Jingpeng and Yan Xiaohua are far busier than others think. Originally, Ye Ruyun wanted to bring The soldiers who participated in this military operation against Beiman were rejected by Yan Shengrui. Seeing that her man's face was not good-looking, she could only follow him to manage food, grass and military supplies, and the husband and wife followed.

Everyone has their own affairs to be busy with. It seems that Ling Jingxuan, Chu Yunhan and Sikongjue are the most busy. No, they just made an excuse to send Qin Muyan away. Li Ruhong's body was covered with pimples. He knew that he couldn't hide it from them. He didn't even think about hiding it, but if he wanted to take the initiative to say it, it seemed a little bit difficult to talk about. After all, he was a big man in his thirties. Well, in ancient times, with an average life expectancy of fifty or sixty, he was already considered an old man, and old trees blossomed with new flowers.

"Ruhong, if I remember correctly, you and Mu Yan have always been at odds with each other, right? When did the two of you meet each other? Is this the so-called happy enemy?"

Ling Jingxuan coughed two times pretending to be serious, and walked down from the main seat while talking. A pair of jiāo weaving made a mockery. The evil and playful Danfengyan never left the body. To be honest, he really didn't expect that his hands The two most powerful generals at the bottom will meet each other's eyes. He originally planned to tell them a daughter-in-law one by one after the war is over, and have a small Thunder team. It seems that he is thinking too much. They are very conscious, maybe not only them, but other people are also afraid of having their favorite objects.

Thinking of this, Ling Jingxuan suddenly felt that he cared too little for the brothers of Thunder Team, and decided to find a time to have tea with them one by one, talk about right and wrong, and get to know them in depth.

"Isn't it? I thought you were all deadly, except An Shaonong, I'm afraid no one has thought about marrying a daughter-in-law, but I didn't expect - Lao Li is not bad, he actually chose the most powerful one. "

While speaking, Sikong Jue walked over to him, bent his elbows, and bumped into him ambivalently. His azure blue eyes were full of jokes and interest. The Thunder Team was formed by him. Quite brilliant, as far as he knew, many Xiaojiabiyus in the capital were very fond of them, but although they were members of Jingxuan's private guard, they were not something that ordinary people could climb.

"Haha, enough of you, I think Lao Qin and Lao Li are very suitable, so don't give people Huo Huo."

Chu Yunhan glanced at him separately and smiled angrily, as long as they like each other, no matter who he likes, wouldn't it be better if the people inside him know the bottom line?

"Master, this matter is not over yet, so please forgive me.

let me. "

Letting them speak one sentence at a time is a no-brainer. Li Ruhong, who has always been domineering outside, reluctantly surrendered and conceded defeat. The dignified gentlemen, if you like it, you like it, there is nothing you dare to admit, just that savage dragon? ? He hadn't figured out how to take him down yet.

"I don't think Muyan is enlightened, Ruhong, what are you going to do to him? Do you want me to get you some medicine or something? That's not what I said, men's love is all made, and it's like dealing with Qin Muyan. Manlong, the most effective way is to cook raw rice and cooked rice, if you want him to understand slowly, you probably don't know what year and month you went."

Ling Jingxuan was playing at an addictive rhythm. He even came up with the bad idea of ​​drugging. If Li Ruhong dared to drug him, there was no doubt that Qin Muyan would definitely destroy him after he woke up.

"Master, can we be more reliable?"

Seeing that they were still unwilling to give up, Li Ruhong was deeply powerless. Is Qin Muyan the kind of person who would give in when someone drugged him?

"What are you thinking, you don't want to go to Muyan, do you?"

Seeing what he was doing at a glance, Ling Jingxuan rolled his eyes angrily, and Li Ruhong blurted out in an anti-sheer manner, "Is it possible to let him come to me?"

This may undoubtedly have been severely rejected by Li Ruhong, but he never thought that he would be the one below.

"Bullshit! Your brain is clearly better than his, but the others, such as Hong, it's not that I belittle you, you are really not as good as Mu Yan, you will be knocked down by him sooner or later, it is better to surrender earlier and admit defeat, you Think about it, with Mu Yan's temperament, let him fall on you truthfully, what will he do when he wakes up?"

Well, this lousy idea is getting more and more out of line, Chu Yunhan Sikong Jue next to him has long been laughing so hard, Ling Yun Shui Ling'er two young women who got married have been troubled by their clumsy words and phrases. His face was flushed, let alone several women who had never experienced a relationship between a man and a woman, such as chūnxiang. As for Sikong Jue, fortunately he only brought Qin mama by his side today, otherwise, he would None of the dowry maids can escape.

"Cough master, let's not talk about this topic, okay?"

After listening to what he said, Li Ruhong thought decisively. After he realized what he was thinking, he quickly surrendered in embarrassment. Why didn't he know that the master likes to play so much? If you knew it earlier, you should hide your feelings so that they won't find out.

"Hehe - okay, go back, come to me if you need it, don't worry, the medicine I made is guaranteed to keep you from fighting for three days and three nights."


"Ha ha"

Ling Jingxuan gave a rare second, Li Ruhong was immediately dumbfounded, why is he still talking about that? Chu Yunhan and the others couldn't bear it any longer, they laughed exaggeratedly, Jing Xuan was too funny, they finally knew who the little dumpling looked like, but it wasn't like his father, it was just that someone usually covered it up too well. , no one else notices it.

On this side, the laughter continued, and the atmosphere between Lishang, Second Lieutenant Yan, on the other side was a little more subtle. He felt that something was wrong between the master and Yan Er. Shi Lang also thoughtfully kept the distance between them far away, so as not to disturb them. Recently, he was obsessed with Thunder Team's weapons. It was not wrong, but it did not mean that he I didn't feel the master's abnormality. As his follower and friend, no matter what the master chose in the end, he would always stand by his side.

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