"It's almost there, go back, it's enough to have Shi Lang to protect me."

After I don't know how long it took, Yuchi Lishang finally broke the silence first. Yan Er, who was riding side by side with him, didn't turn his horse's head, didn't answer him, just stared at him with sharp tiger eyes. The beautiful lines on his face, Yuchi Lishang is not a sensory disorder, how can he not feel his almost scorching gaze? Uncontrollable blush appeared on his fair face, and just when he wanted to reprimand him to stop looking, Yan Er finally looked away.

"The boss said I like you!"

He pulled the reins and looked at the endless open wasteland at the frontier. If it was so important, Yan Er seemed to be saying that the weather was fine today, but Yuchi Lishang's handsome Jun Rong burst into red, and turned to look at him. After a glance, he quickly looked away, and said stutteringly, "So what? You won't forget that we are all men, right?"

Moreover, one has a distinguished status and the other has the power in the palm of their hands. If they want to be together, they need to face too many problems. At least for now, he does not have the courage to challenge. Give him that courage.

"The eldest, the third, and the fourth are different from other shadow guards. We were not trained by the royal family. I also forget how many years ago. We were only teenagers at that time, but because of our outstanding talents, We are already newcomers with high expectations in the organization. That organization is ruthless, and if we make a little mistake, we will be punished very severely. The four of us have grown up there since we were young, and stood out from countless children. Only we know how many hardships and grievances we have suffered. Although our status in the organization has become higher and higher, what we want most is not to carry it forward, but to destroy it completely. Appeared, he destroyed the organization with the power of only one person, we should be damned, when he asked us if we would like to follow him, we agreed without hesitation, for us, he is our reinvention Benefactor, we will never betray him in this life, and will always be his shadow guard."

Yan Er's tone was still very calm and indifferent, as if he was talking about other people's affairs. The blush on Yuchi Lishang's face disappeared unconsciously, and his eyes turned to look at his tough profile: "Why tell me this?"

He admitted that his heartbeat seemed to beat even faster at this moment, and even his breathing stopped unconsciously, and his intuition told him that he needed to hear his next answer clearly.

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly felt that what the boss said seemed to be right."

Turning his head to look at him deeply, there was a little smile in Yan Er's eyes. He was not so slow that others would not notice when he woke up. Once, they swore to be loyal to the prince forever. They all thought, In this life, they will not fall in love with anyone, let alone have their own home. For Yingwei, home only means burden and fetters, but I don't know when it started, their thoughts gradually changed, and the boss has Ling Chenggui , the fourth child also married Ling Yun, and he seems to really like this man who is a little more beautiful than any beauty he has ever seen. He doesn't know if this love is just like the love of the prince to the princess. But since he understands it, he will definitely figure it out, and at the same time, he will not let himself and the other party escape.

"So, are you courting me?"

His face burned again, Yuchi Lishang looked at him pretending to be calm, Yan Er was the opposite type to him in terms of appearance and interior, and it was because of this that he was attracted to him, I feel that a man should be like him, so that when he comes back to his senses, he has already taken root in his heart. The beginning of a relationship is sometimes very simple, and often a look in one's eyes is enough. Well, maybe from the first time he saw him, he liked it?

"If you want to understand it this way, I'm not the same as the fourth child. Without him, I can coax people. I don't know what to say to make you happy. Yuchi, you already know my situation. If you are willing to stay with me. Together, I will definitely not wrong you, let alone let anyone bully you, so far, I can only promise so much, I hope you will think about it."

They are not young anymore. Yan Er may not be good at rhetoric and not vigorous enough, but what he promised him was the most simple and the only thing he had. Every relationship is different. This is his relationship. .

"that's it?"

Yuchi Lishang's face is going to be darkened. If nothing else, he never said a word of "I love you" or "I love you" from the beginning to the end. What came and went is what the boss said, and he wanted to deceive him like this. Follow him desperately? How can you say that he is also the direct son of the Prime Minister's Mansion, so he can't say a few nice words?

"Well, be careful along the way!"

Zhe Ma leaned over to lift his chin, Yan Yi lowered his head and kissed him on the forehead, and then—turned the horse back like that—

"Fuck, Yan Er, you bastard, do you have a courtship like you?"

After an unknown amount of time, Yuchi Lishang, who was stunned for a while by the kiss that made him break into him, couldn't help but yelled at his back, every word was clearly transmitted along the wind, with his back facing him. Immediately in Yan Er's ears, there was a slight smile on his handsome face, which had always been expressionless, but he was still full of energy, much cuter than his usual fake smile.

"Damn it, labor and capital are crazy to agree to you."

Seeing that he didn't even look back, Yuchi Lishang was even more furious. Shi Lang, who was slowly approaching, shrank his neck in fear. Every time his master touched Yan Er, he turned into a fire-breathing monster in seconds. It doesn't mean anything to other people, and he doesn't believe it when he is killed.

Chapter 710 Farewell to the East Country

three days soon

In the past, when it was the day of the appointment, all the armies were ready. As long as Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan left the city, they would march into the grasslands and deserts and start a war. Before that, when the sky was still dark, except for Yan Shan, who was still recovering from his injuries, and Yan Yi set off quietly with his personal soldiers before dawn. Their task was to defeat the Beiman scout troops and try to clear the obstacles for the cavalry's in-depth penetration.

"Dad, where are we going?"

The weather has warmed up a lot, and the small dumplings are no longer wrapped like meat dumplings. The thin blue down jacket is added with a lining, and the lower body is an improved version of canvas straight-leg pants. The feet are dressed in warm and handsome calfskin. Boots, a hand-woven blue cotton scarf around the neck, a small golden crown inlaid with a round oriental pearl to fix the hair that is not very long, and a small shoulder bag of the same color as the clothes, the whole person looks instantly clear. He drank a lot, and in terms of his body shape in winter, he seemed to have grown a little taller and thinner, and his white and tender appearance was indescribably cute.

"Go to play at someone's house that daddy doesn't like."

Ling Jingxuan, who was leading him out of the door, had a small smile on his lips. Compared with the small dumplings, he was dressed normally today. The sky blue brocade robe was covered with a gauze with piping of the same color, fearing that he would be cold. , Yan Shengrui even put on a thin dark cloak for him. Originally, they didn't plan to take the small group. Qilian City clearly set up a feast for the family. Being wary and disturbing his mind at the same time, Ling Jingxuan decisively decided to bring his meat dumplings with him. Didn't Qilian City want him? He let him see how extravagant it was, and defeating opponents from spirits has always been his favorite thing to do.

Of course, with the children to follow, Brother Hu and Gun Gun will definitely follow, as well as Team Thunder, because Yan Yi and the others have tasks at their disposal. This time, Team Thunder will take the lead. Except for Wang Xinyu, who has already revealed his identity, the rest All will go with them as their guards.

"Why? Why does Daddy still go to his house if he doesn't like it?"

The little dumpling raised his head in puzzlement, and Xiao Xiaodanfeng's eyes were full of confusion. He didn't understand the twists and turns of adults. He only knew that if he didn't like it, he didn't like it. Why should he play with him?

"Hehe... I only go because I don't like it. Otherwise, how can we deal with him? Our little dumplings are still small, so we don't need to know so much. Just follow the father and father's side."

Ling Jingxuan couldn't help rubbing his head dotingly when he heard this, and Yan Shengrui couldn't help but smile. Outside the gate, Team Thunder was already waiting beside the carriage. Brother Hu is the only family of three. As for Zeng Shaoqing, Chu Yunhan and Yan Xiaohua, Si Kongli, when they are not there, they must stay to help them take care of the overall situation.

"Master, why don't you go with the servants, there's no one to take care of the little prince."

Seeing them coming out, Mrs. Long Zhang stepped forward uneasy. It can be said that Xiaojun Wang was brought up by her. .

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