"Without Sister-in-law Long, the little dumplings can take care of themselves more than we thought. Besides, isn't there Brother Hu and Gun Gun? We'll be back in two or three days at most, and there won't be any big troubles."

Ling Jingxuan rejected her kindness with a smile. Not only her, but also the children who played with the small group would not go there. A small group is okay, too many will be a burden. If they really turn their faces, they can't protect them. So many people.


Mrs. Long Zhang still didn't give up, it was obvious that the master had a non-negotiable smile on his face, his eyes flushed red, and he choked up when he squatted down to arrange the clothes for the little dumpling: "Xiaojun Wang, Dongguo is no better than our own home, so don't go there. Run around, don’t eat indiscriminately, no matter how delicious it is, we will endure it. When you come back, Mrs. Long will ask Shui Linger to make you a lot of delicious food. Let’s eat enough. Also, remember to listen to the prince and princess. Do you know?"

She always felt that there were thousands of words to be said, and Mrs. Long Zhang was chattering, and she didn't know what she was talking about. Although it was a bit high, in her mind, she always regarded the little prince as her own son. , even she loves Xiaojun Wang more than her only son Dashan, even if it's only a few days of separation, she is worried and sad "I know, auntie, don't cry, I want to cry when I see you crying, the little dumplings, they just follow Father and father went out to play for a few days, and they will be back soon."

The little dumpling nodded sensible, and her chubby little hands touched her face, which had already seen the traces of the years. Don't look at his usually heartless, old gān some things that would kill his father and not pay for his life. In fact, he is very He loves his father and the others and Aunt Long who has taken him with him since childhood.

"Okay, auntie don't cry, auntie stays at home and waits for you to come back. Xiaojun Wang remember to come back early, don't make auntie wait too long."

Long Zhang looked at him with tears in his eyes, how could such a caring little prince be so caring?

After making sure she wouldn't cry anymore, the little dumpling was relieved. As soon as he raised his eyes, a few of his friends stood not far away and stared at him. The little dumpling ran over and a few little guys hugged him. I don't know what to say together, Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan have no time to say goodbye to a group of little brats, because they also want to say goodbye to Zeng Shaoqing and the others. Although their trip is only three or five days at most, after all, they are going to Dongguo, and they are going to the East Country. It was an invitation from Qilian City, and the danger factor idiots can peep at it for one or two. Can they rest assured?

"Jingxuan, you said it yourself, it's not appropriate to face Dongguo right now. After going to Dongguo, as long as Qilian City is not too much, you can endure it if you can, don't be like in the capital, and clean up people at every turn. , even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about it for the little dumpling, don't you?"

Chu Yunhan has never been afraid of others bullying him, he is afraid that he will bully others, and if he bullies others on other people's territory, they will not be able to escape.

"Haha...Do I look like such a senseless person? Don't worry, Qiliancheng or his people don't take the initiative to provoke me, and I won't be too busy to trouble them."

I am afraid that people will take the initiative to provoke him! This is what Ling Jingxuan did not say, and it is well known to everyone present. The generals of the border city of the East Kingdom were assassinated, and Qiliancheng was still in the mood to invite them. , looking for a sufficient reason to start a war. The difference between the Three Kingdoms and the Beiman is that they are a country with their own heritage and cultural heritage. It is impossible to be a chaotic person like the mad dog of the Beiman. To go to war, they all need a suitable excuses, big or small!



Chu Yunhan Sikong Ting replied in unison, Ling Jingxuan's forehead is black, he is so untrustworthy? "Okay, don't worry, don't you still have Lao Jiu?"

Zeng Shaoqing raised his hand and hugged his daughter-in-law's shoulder. It was rare that he didn't make fun of it. Yan Xiaohua on the other side also pulled Sikong Jue and said, "Ten Qilian City are not the opponents of Uncle Nine Emperor and Aunt Nine Emperor, you guys. Don't worry."

What should not be said, he really hoped that Aunt Jiuhuang would cause some trouble in this trip, so that Qiliancheng would always be behind some shady tricks.

"I'm more worried when I have the old ninth around."

Chu Yunhan muttered indifferently, who didn't know that Lao Jiu listened to Jing Xuan for everything? Jing Xuan told him to go east, he would never go west, and it would be worse if he was there.

"Hehe, my lord, if you don't make a sound, I'm afraid they will go with us."

It took a long time to suppress the helplessness, Ling Jingxuan smiled and leaned towards his prince, everything was fine, but every time he wanted to leave alone, they would act as if they were parting from life and death. ? It is true that Qilian City set up a feast of Hongmen, and they are not vegetarians, right? Besides, isn't there still the evil queen with high martial arts skills in the Western Kingdom? Who can hurt them? "They won't follow me if I don't make a sound. Don't you know this best? Instead of worrying about them, it's better to worry about those few."

After finishing speaking, Yan Shengrui pouted towards the steamed buns on the side, this is the most difficult thing to deal with.

Ling Jingxuan, who originally wanted to ignore them as much as possible, gouged him out angrily, raised his feet and walked towards his little buns: "Don't worry, I didn't go to Dongguo to play, how could I bring my family with me?"

He also wanted to take them around to have a look. The problem is not allowed now, Xiaowen Xiaowu, including Tiewazi Xiao Shangqing, they all have their own things to do, take them to delay the things they are doing, and also It is really inconvenient to have to do our part to protect them.

"I know, father, father, you all be careful."

Ling Wen nodded sullenly. He has grown up and won't be as clingy as he was when he was a child, but as long as he thinks that Daddy and the others are going to risk alone, he

Can't stop worrying.

"It's fine if Qilian City doesn't provoke you. If he really messes up, Daddy, you will abolish him. The big deal is a battle. We are not afraid!"

After being in the army for a long time, Ling Wu's temperament became more and more sturdy and domineering.

"Father, father, I don't worry about you, I worry about the little dumpling. Don't let anyone hurt him."

Tiewazi is the most normal one, but it would be more convincing if his eyes were not as red as a rabbit.

"Brother, are you calling me?"

Before Yan Shangqing could open his mouth, the little dumpling who had already said goodbye to his friends got into the middle of them, his white and tender little face was full of innocent smiles, he didn't feel the solemn atmosphere at all, and the little steamed bun grabbed Listen to his little ear: "Little dumpling, listen carefully, you are not allowed to run around and eat, you are not allowed to casually chat with people you don't know, and most importantly, you are not allowed to cause trouble to your father and father, you know? "

A few inaccuracies showed how worried he was, but the little dumpling waved and patted his hand that was twisting his ears, and ran behind his father to stick his head out and said, "Don't listen, don't listen, The third brother is the worst, so don't listen to the third brother, hum!"

After the whole thing, he gave a series of faces for free. The little bun has a bad temper, so he wanted to roll up his sleeves and pull him out to give him a slap, but he was stopped by Ling Jingxuan. Yan Shengrui also hurriedly hugged his most precious little son in his arms. .

"Okay, knowing you're worried about him, can't you use a slightly normal way?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Ling Jingxuan stepped back two steps and stood side by side with Yan Shengrui, his eyes swept across everyone present and smiled: "We'll go first, and I'll give it to you without Mingcheng."

After he finished speaking, he took another deep look at them. Ling Jingxuan turned around and stepped onto the carriage waiting at the door with Yan Shengrui, who was holding a small dumpling. Brother Hu and Gun Gun followed the carriage spontaneously. The reluctant Xiao Hei and Yuan Yuan also After following them, the two of them kept whimpering into the carriage, as if they were telling them to be careful. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the three carriages slowly drove away, galloping all the way towards the city gate.

Chapter 711: Dongguo's Disappointment!

Tianmen Pass is the first pass to enter the Eastern Kingdom. The pass connects two huge mountain ranges. There are natural dangers to defend, and it is basically solid. If the enemy wants to cross the mountain range to enter, it can only be a small number of people. Said, it is also possible to draw out the wild shòu in the mountains and trigger the Tianmenguan gate guards, who are densely placed in the mountains, but the gains outweigh the losses. In addition, Tianmenguan has been hoarding a large number of Eastern soldiers all year round. It would be nice to be devoured by them.

It only takes about an hour to ride a horse from Qingguo Bumingcheng to Tianmenguan, and the carriage will be a little slower, but it is at most two hours up and down. Ling Jingxuan and his party set out from Bumingcheng early in the morning. Along the way, hidden in the dark The shadow guard quietly and silently dropped a lot of scouts from the East Kingdom, which aroused their suspicion.

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