At the same time, several large armies stationed in Buming City also used the name of the drill to quietly split into four directions to talk to the northern barbarians. In the army, basically no one found out. In order to prevent the leakage of information, several generals of the Qing Kingdom's army also issued death orders. Any individual who is far away from the army, regardless of the reason, will be dealt with by military law!

"Brothers, are you ready?"

Everyone was busy with military affairs, and no one noticed that in the coaching field of Buming City, the Eagles were all armed, led by Yan Xiaowu, Yan Xiaoqing and Song Xiaohu, who were dressed in majestic military uniforms. They quickly gathered the young eagle team. This time, they are going to sneak out of the city with the army while there are no adults at home!

Everyone shouted in unison, after two months of training, they are no longer the thin and frail appearance they used to be, all of them are full of spirit and mighty, and the little bun, Yan Xiaowu, is dressed in military uniforms, inherited from his father's sharp tiger eyes, and he is young. He already has the style of a general. After his eyes swept over the brothers in the front row, Yan Xiaowu said in a condensed voice: "This time we secretly followed the army behind our father's back, so prepare me psychologically. , No matter whether we win or not, we will be subject to military law when we come back. If we are unlucky, we may die on the battlefield. It is too late to regret it. Those who are unwilling to take risks can stay. This king promises that we will never Blame him."

He knew that his father and father would not send them to fight Beimanzi. It was rare for father father and father and the instructors of Thunder Team to be absent. In any case, he didn't want to miss this only opportunity to fight Beimanzi. Maybe he was born in his bones. Just shed the blood of his parents' warlikeness. He has been determined to be a general since he was a child, and from this moment on, he will truly realize his dream.

"The Beimanzi killed my relatives and destroyed my home. If we don't destroy them in this life, we will come to this world for a while, and the big deal is death. After more than ten years, I will be a good man again, and I will be with the king of the county. Let's kill the northern barbarians together!"

"Yes, kill the northern barbarians!"

"Kill the northern barbarians!"

Under Qin Muyan's training, these youngsters not only became stronger physically, but also became sturdy and bloody, and their courage was too fat. Under the leadership of one of them, the others responded one after another, and the cries of killing the northern barbarians were deafeningly circling. On the coaching field, the long-awaited dàng was in their ears and hearts, in this life, they were born to kill the northern barbarians and protect the family and the country.

"Okay, the brothers of our Young Eagles team are all good. Let's check the equipment again. After a quarter of an hour, we will set off with this king."

Yan Xiaowu shouted with great pride and scattered flowers in an instant! This time, they not only have to equip swords, but also bring enough crossbows and bows and arrows that Ling Jingxuan specially helped them to improve. Of course, Yan Xiaowu is not a very happy person. Regardless of his young age, he is very thoughtful. He also asked everyone to bring a compass, and quietly went to his father's studio to steal a lot of various poisons and antidote. As for the military uniform, it was Xiaohuzi who came forward to get it. The most important thing is The thing is, he still has Xiao Hei, and this time he is fully prepared.

"Prince Wu, Prince Xiaoqing, are you sure you have left a letter to the prince?"

While everyone was checking the equipment, Song Xiaohu asked cautiously again, he didn't admit it, but they quietly followed the army out without telling everyone, so let people know where they went, right?

"Don't worry, the letter was written by Xiao Wu himself, and I put it in the small study room. When they go back at night, they will naturally see it."

Yan Xiaoqing hugged him by the shoulders, her slightly immature face was full of excitement, she looked at them separately without any fear, Song Xiaohu nodded with bright eyes, the eyes of the three little tigers burst into unwavering determination. They are bamboo horses, and they all aspired to be generals when they were young. Plus, when they came to the border, they saw or heard about the tragic situation at the border. It was rare to wait until the army attacked the northern barbarians. Yan Shengrui was not at home, Zeng Shaoqing The husband went to the army, Yan Xiaohua supervised the food and grass, and all the adults were not at home, how could they be willing to miss it?

Thanks to Ling Jingxuan's countless calculations, it is estimated that he would never have dreamed that his son actually calculated him fiercely under Rang's eyelids.

Dongcheng Tianmenguan

"Stop! Who?"

They didn't even realize what their precious son was planning. When Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan's team arrived at Tianmen Pass, they were stopped by the guards. Qin Muyan, who was riding in front of them, was in charge of protecting them. He shouted: "Blind your dog's eyes, the carriage is my Prince Qing Guosheng and the princess, and they are the honored guests invited by your emperor. Let me get out of the way!"

"What is the Blue Country and the Blue Country? We only know about the East Country!"

"Ha ha"

One of the leading figures came out of the soldiers who stopped them, and all the soldiers in Tianmenguan burst into laughter when they spoke. It was such a big move. Qin Muyan Li Ruhong and the members of the Thunder team were all green with anger.


Just when they were about to fight back, Ling Jingxuan's voice came from the carriage. The two glared fiercely at the soldiers who mocked and ridiculed them, turned their horses and came to the middle carriage: "Master."

Damn, they let the master suffer such a big insult, if this revenge is not repaid, they are not gentlemen! In the future, I can just squat and pee.

There was no movement in the carriage for a long time. After a few minutes, the door shook. Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan got out of the carriage. The husband and wife stood side by side. Almost instantly, the surrounding aura changed completely.

The soldiers who deliberately ridiculed them for disarming them were unknowingly dumbfounded, and all kinds of invincible legends about the general king of the Qing Kingdom kept emerging in their minds.

Yan Shengrui's eyes swept coldly, and all the soldiers who were blocking him felt a chill on their backs. He felt flustered for no reason, and his whole body suddenly became shorter, while Ling Jingxuan, who was standing beside him, smiled instead of anger, for a moment. His smile makes people dazed, like the warm recovery from the winter, and like the most dazzling youth in the summer flowers, "Mu Yan, Ru Hong, and all of you remember, you are The lion, the lion is the king of a hundred shòu, and will never turn around just because of a few barks!"

But when the narrow phoenix eyes swept across Qin Muyan and others, the words he said were not so pleasant.

"Thank you for your teaching!"

Qin Muyan changed his eyes Li Ruhong from the air. Under their leadership, the nineteen members of the Thunder Team clasped their fists and bowed in tacit understanding. With a face full of anger, the previous soldier leader came to them with a sullen face, looked up at them and said: "Prince Qing Guosheng and Princess, do you have any credentials?"

Relying on the above order, the officer was unafraid to make things difficult for them, Yan Shengrui's sharp eyes suddenly focused on him, the officer trembled subconsciously, and then he straightened his chest and calmed down, don't blame him for being useless, an ordinary person. How can a city guard officer be comparable to the king of a great general of a country? He didn't sit down on the ground because of his great aura.

"This king is the proof!"

A few simple words, strong and powerful, thumping loudly, falling like thunder.

The Dongguo officer did not respond for a long time, and the Thunder Team members pouted in disdain, how dare they block the road and give them a sway with this little determination? Blind their dog eyes! But having said that, the prince with his full aura turned out to be so terrifying. Those jīngzhan eyes seemed to be able to stare at two blood holes in a person's body at a glance. Even they couldn't help being impressed by his aura. No wonder their master fell in love with him and willingly had children for him.

"Why do you need to have general knowledge with them, since the gate of the Eastern Kingdom is so difficult to enter, why should we make fun of ourselves?"

In this tense and almost suffocating environment, Ling Jingxuan was smiling all over his face. He raised his eyes and looked thoughtfully at the tower at the gate of Tianmen Pass. Ling Jingxuan leaned towards Yan Shengrui without shyness, his body was as soft as ever. The bone leaned against his strong chest. If you look closely, his smile didn't extend to the bottom of his eyes at all. Let's get rid of them, right? He wanted to see who was the one who finally surrendered.

"Oh? Does the princess have any advice?"

Taking advantage of the situation to embrace his waist, Yan Shengrui lowered his head to look at him, and cooperated tacitly, the tiger's eyes were still sharp and cold.

"My lord is really a concubine, and the concubine is no more than a person in the back house, so I don't dare to have any high opinions, but the emperor of the East Kingdom personally invited us to come, not only did no one come to greet us, but also let a group of gatekeepers Dogs are blocking our way. If we go in like this today, maybe tomorrow there will be rumors that my Daqing Kingdom is even afraid of the watchdogs of the East Kingdom. My lord, since they don’t welcome them, let’s Why don't you go home?"

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