This is undoubtedly the most emotional time in Yan Shengrui's life in front of outsiders. The deep fatherly love in Taohua's eyes can't help but surprise even the old emperor. He has almost been persuaded to finally make a decision. After a little contemplation Helplessly waved his hand: "Well, I'm not that unreasonable, but it's impossible for the emperor to marry, if nothing else, we still have to take care of the face of the Qing Kingdom and the royal family, and we can't let the surrounding small countries laugh at us. Right? Let the emperor decree to make Xiaowu the queen. You don't have to worry about the royal family. I will help you to get it done. As for the court, it depends on your own. too much."

"Thank you, my lord."

Hearing this, Jing Xuan couldn't be more serious in thanking him. He thought he would have to spend a lot of time talking. He didn't expect that the old emperor is the one who really loves their juniors, right?

"Don't rush to thank me."

Glancing at him angrily, the old emperor turned directly to Yan Shengrui and said, "Old Nine, you didn't want the throne back then, and I know why, but you are the prince of the royal family after all, the so-called capable people work hard, I am old, maybe someday If you really close your eyes, you won't be able to open them again, you can take over the position of the patriarch."

He has been thinking about this matter for a long time, but every time he mentioned this, the couple would deliberately change the subject. He also knew that they did not want to take this responsibility, but he could look at the entire royal family and have the ability and courage to serve as the patriarch, except for him. Can't find the second one.

"Your Majesty..."

Yan Shengrui subconsciously blurted out to refuse, but saw Ling Jingxuan shaking his head silently at him, the husband and wife have always been tacit and detached, even if there is nothing, Yan Shengrui seems to have realized something, and the blurted refusal turned abruptly: "In that case, I will Take it."

No matter why Jing Xuan changed his mind, since he had agreed, he had nothing to refuse.

"Okay, okay, this is the descendant of my Yan family."

The old emperor was so happy with tears in his eyes that his lips could not help shaking uncontrollably. All his wishes in this life have finally come true. The only pity is that he is afraid that he will not be able to see Xiaoqing married, but it doesn't matter, Yousheng Fu and Lao Jiu are here, Xiao Qing is friendly with Xiao Wen and Xiao Wu, and he is closer to the emperor than his own brothers. No matter who he marries in the future, he believes that he will not suffer.

Afterwards, several people chatted about Xiaoqi and Xiaowu getting married. After lunch at the Prince's Mansion, husband Yan Shengrui said goodbye and left, and Yan Shengfu sent them out of the house again.

"King Fujun, if you can, try not to let the old emperor worry too much, just follow him a little more, he... he doesn't have much time to talk about."

Before getting on the carriage, Ling Jingxuan stopped and turned to look at the old prince's mansion. Yan Shengfu took a breath because of this, closed his eyes and took a deep breath before clenching his fists and saying, "I may not be going back to Jingyun Villa recently, what can I do? Someone let me know."

Since Jing Xuan said that there are not many days, it really is not many days. As long as he thinks that the pillar of their family is about to be gone, his heart can't be described as uncomfortable.

"Well, I will also ask Xiao Leng to replace Xiao Qing, so please accompany the old emperor more."

Nodding, Ling Jingxuan climbed into the carriage, and Yan Si, who was the driver, shook the reins, turned the car and drove away from the palace. I don't know how long it took, and Yan Shengrui who was sitting in the carriage hugged Ling Jingxuan and whispered, "This is why you changed your mind and let me The reason for taking over the position of patriarch?"

"Forget it. After Xiaoqi and Xiaowu's affairs are settled, you can take over the position of the patriarch. If you find it too annoying in the future, just pass it to Xiaotuanzi or Xiaoqing."

Ling Jingxuan didn't raise his head and answered very calmly. He didn't say the most important reason, mainly because the old emperor was indeed a respectable elder, and he didn't want him to feel at ease in the final stage of his life.


Holding his arm tightly, Yan Shengrui lowered his eyes. Five years ago, he finally unloaded the burden from his body. Five years later, he took up the burden again in a different situation. Even now, he knew that he would never regret it. As long as Jing Xuan was with him, he would not be afraid of the heavy burden.

【End of this chapter】

Side Story 26: The imperial decree after the establishment of the imperial decree

The old emperor has been dealt with, and the rest are the ministers of honor and honor. Xungui has a former wife and an old prince, and basically does not need to worry about it. As for the ministers, although the military generals in the dynasty are basically in their hands, most of the civil ministers are also them. The people, especially the new blood injected in recent years, are almost all the poor students from Hanling Academy, but after all, this matter is related to the inheritance of the emperor, and it is not so easy to persuade those ministers. After discussion, Yan Shengrui and others People decided to issue the imperial decree directly. The big deal is that the soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil.

"Follow the sky, the emperor's edict said."

In the court on this day, not only the returning Prince Sheng came to court, but also the concubine. Even the old patriarch of the royal family, who had not appeared in the court for many years, all came. Realizing that today, I am afraid that it will not be easy to disperse the dynasty, but as expected, after they shouted long live, Zhao An not only did not shout as usual, but did not start to retire from the dynasty, but instead directly launched an imperial decree to read aloud, the eunuch The unique high-pitched voice spread throughout every corner of the hall, and every word slammed into their ears, hitting their hearts over and over again.

"...Let the King of Wu Jun be the empress, please accept this!"

The content of the imperial decree is very long, and most of them are compliments and awards in some situations. The last few words are the key. When the officials heard the words, they raised their heads and widened their eyes. No one in the court spoke. It's not that they don't speak, but that they are still caught in the content of the imperial edict and can't get away from it. Is this the emperor's decision to make Prince Wu the queen?


"Your Majesty, you are cousins. The matter of succession is too important. How can you be so childish? I beg Your Majesty to withdraw the imperial decree."

Sun Liang, who was the first to react, hurriedly leaned over to object. He knew that Prince Cheng's husband would definitely not be able to come back at this time. He originally thought that several days had passed, and they did not mention the matter of the emperor getting married. They should have given up. Oh, I didn't expect to make the King of Wu Jun as the queen? What about the Crown Prince of Daqing Kingdom? In the future, when His Majesty is old, what will be the fate of the Daqing Dynasty?

"My minister agrees!"

Wan Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites seconded Sun Liang without thinking, and the others said in unison, "Chen wait for second opinion."

Not only the civil servants, but even some military generals agreed. No matter how arrogant Prince Sheng was, facing the Daqing Dynasty, they would not be able to rely on him blindly anymore, but the strange thing was that by the old emperor The royal relatives who led the country and the nobles who were led by Zeng Hou did not move. Of course, the right minister Ling Jinghan and others also did not.

Yan Xiaowu, who was standing in the train, was instantly furious and almost didn't jump out to scold him. Thanks to Ling Jingxuan next to him, he was pulling him, while Yan Xiaoming, who was sitting high on the dragon chair, was calm and slowed down after a while. He got up slowly, walked down the steps step by step, and stood in front of Sun Liang with one hand behind his back: "Sun Aiqing, if I remember correctly, you personally said in the court a few days ago that as long as I don't get married, you will No objection, can I get married now?"

Looking down at him, his eyes were a little cold, and his tone was indescribable. Yan Xiaoming's voice was not loud, but it clearly reached the ears of everyone present, and many people only remembered it at this time. Come on, it turns out that this is the reason His Majesty has repeatedly confirmed that day, and Sun Xiang has long been trapped by him.

"Your Majesty is unmarried, but you can't make Prince Wu the king..."


The vigilance of that day really appeared, Sun Liang wiped the cold sweat on his head and tried hard to jump out of his language and fell into it, but Yan Xiaoming interrupted him with a scolding: "Sun Xiang is the first assistant in the court, the commander Most of the civil servants in the court, one person under ten thousand people, dare not admit what they say, and still want to excuse me, is this emperor really so kind?"

The handsome and domineering face was covered with frost, and Yan Xiaoming did not give him a chance to defend himself.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen admitted that he did say at the time that as long as your Majesty does not marry, you will have a concubine, and Wei Chen will never object, but the queen that Your Majesty wants to appoint is your cousin, the great grandson of my Qing Dynasty. King General, not to mention whether His Majesty will have children after the union with King Wu Jun, and how to inherit the throne, even if King Wu Jun is the queen, it is impossible to lead the thousands of troops. Men, not only among the nobles, but also among the common people are not welcomed and valued. In those days, Princess Sheng suffered too much because of this. The emperor has always loved the king of Wujun, can you really bear the heart of Wujun? Because of this, the king is despised and can't even lead his troops on an expedition?"

The head-on opposition didn't work, so Sun Liang had to change the direction to analyze the pros and cons. Although the emperor was young, he was not a person who would casually compromise. If he wanted to change his mind, he could only start with the people he cared about.

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