I have to say that Sun Liang knew Yan Xiaoming very well after many years of monarchs and ministers, but he seems to have forgotten...

"Joke! Can this king lead troops to fight? When will it be Sun Xiang's turn to speak? Sun Xiang keeps saying for His Majesty, for the world, for the common people, according to this king, you are for yourself, right? A three-year-old knows that. , Your Majesty is the master of the world, and if he can assist such an emperor to govern the world, he will surely be famous in the future. In the end, Sun Xiang is only for his own feathers."

Yan Xiaowu snorted coldly, stood out and said unceremoniously, Junyi's face was red with arrogance, and if he looked carefully, there was an undisguised mockery in his deep peach blossom eyes.

Sun Liang has been very cautious since the time of the late emperor. He never made false statements, and his work was basically flawless. In the past, when he encountered situations that would offend Junyan, he would often retreat and push others out as living targets. Yi, on the contrary, whether it was a few days ago or now, he was the one who was at the forefront and the most fiercely opposed. What is the meaning behind it? Although it is not obvious to everyone, it cannot be hidden from some people. His eyes, but generally no one would say it, especially in front of other people's showdown, Wu Junwang undoubtedly did the opposite, except for Yan Shengrui and others, I am afraid no one knows, he is outspoken and fearless. , or intentional.

"You... King Wu, ask yourself the truth. You are the heir of the royal family, and you are in charge of the army and horses of the world. Could it be that you can't even see the drawbacks of being an empress?"

Sun Liang was furious, and seemed to have forgotten the existence of the emperor. He turned to face Yan Xiaowu and spoke harshly. During this period, his eyes swept to Prince Cheng's husband behind him more than once, secretly observing the changes in their expressions, but unfortunately, he was destined to To be disappointed, if Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan were so easily peeped into their hearts, they would not be able to stand in the court today.

"Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and disadvantages are always two-sided. Sun Xiang, this king does not agree with your statement."

Without waiting for Yan Xiaowu to speak, Yan Xiaobei walked out gracefully, and did not forget to pull the third brother's clothes quietly, signaling him to stay calm. This matter cannot be solved in a few words. If you do, you will definitely get a good result.

"I don't agree with this prince either. As we all know, military power has always been a taboo for emperors. It is no exaggeration to say that King Wu Jun holds almost two-thirds of the military power of Daqing Kingdom. There is no rift, but outsiders do not know that in order to reassure the people of the world, only the power of the monarchy and the power of the military can be combined. In this way, the people will truly believe that they can live and work in peace and contentment for at least a few decades, and no longer have to worry about the outbreak of large-scale outbreaks. The war between the emperor and the generals, or the conflict between the emperor and the generals, and the blood slaughter resumes, so this king personally feels that the advantages of the combination of the emperor and the king of Wujun outweigh the disadvantages, and there is no reason to object, unless you have bad intentions!"

Whether it was last time or this time, Yan Xiaowen, who didn't express his opinion, also walked slowly to the other side of his brother and stood still. The three brothers have their own strengths, but they give people different feelings. They are all the same excellent, the same one by one.

aggressive bī people.

Hearing this, many of the ministers kneeling on the ground shrank for a while, and invariably raised their eyes to look at the emperor at the front. The words of wickedness instantly overwhelmed them. If the emperor took it seriously, they would not Is it all wicked? Although everyone knew that Prince Sheng was completely nonsense, he couldn't be bothered by the fact that the emperor trusted him, and he was just angry.

Seeing the performance of the three brothers, Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan's tacit understanding changed their eyes. It seemed that they were really worrying too much. The children already have the ability to protect themselves and attack. .

"You, you... Your Majesty can't do it!"

In terms of eloquence, how could Sun Liang be the opponent of these three brothers? With trembling fingers, he pointed at them. Sun Liang suddenly cried and stepped forward and hugged Yan Xiaoming's thigh. Many ministers were dumbfounded. No, it can't be called dumbfounded, only surprised. When the late emperor was in power, it often happened. When the power of the monarch and the power of the minister collided, many ministers would cry, and even shouted to ask the late emperor to open his eyes, etc., but this has rarely happened since he ascended the throne today. , Because Emperor Wu was very impatient with this set of things, he would often kill the monkeys directly. Unexpectedly, Sun Liang, who has always been calm and bright, would suddenly one by one.

Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan both lowered their faces, Yan Xiaoming's eyes narrowed dangerously, and without thinking, he kicked him out: "Tangtang Zuoxiang is crying like a shrew in the courtroom, Sun Liang, you It really surprised me."

The rapid ups and downs of his chest showed that Yan Xiaoming was really angry this time, and Sun Liang, who was kicked out by him, ignored the pain on his body, and hurriedly squatted on the ground: "Your Majesty, calm down, Wei Chen is in a hurry, Your Majesty is enough to dominate the world. , the ministers in the court and the people of the world are all looking forward to the arrival of His Majesty's children. Seeing that His Majesty is going his own way and is about to cut off the incense, Wei Chen couldn't help but ask His Majesty to forgive his sins. Heart!"

Sun Liang can be said to be punishing every word, and every sentence is inseparable from his own line, so that people can't pick out any mistakes.

I see! Sure enough, the old Jian is cunning!

Seeing that many ministers who had been frightened by Yan Xiaowen started to move again, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help sneering. First, he deliberately angered Xiaoqi, and then deliberately pleaded for mercy to clarify his loyalty, incite the ministers, and even suspected of coercion. What a good plan, he I underestimate this Sun Liang. Thinking about it carefully, since Xiao Qi ascended the throne, all the ministers in the DPRK and the central government have basically changed their faces. Only Sun Liang has been sitting firmly in the position of the left minister. It's unreasonable, but since he let him sit on the position of left minister back then, he can still pull him down today, huh, my brain is moving

Do you really think they are all stupid?

【End of this chapter】

Fanwai Twenty-seven Killing the monkey, it has been decided after the establishment

"According to Sun Xiang's words, if Your Majesty makes Wu Jun Wang the queen, it will make the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty and the people of the world chill. This concubine is stupid and pure, I don't know where Sun Xiang came to the conclusion?"

Sun Liang was pretentious, and seeing that the wind was about to stir up again, Ling Jingxuan, who had never said a word, straightened his sleeves and stood out. When he saw him speaking, not only Sun Liang, but also the civil and military people of the whole dynasty shook. Years have passed. , To say that they still can't see the person of Princess Sheng, then they really lived in vain. How many people who were enemies with them died in good health? He opened his mouth, and they basically had nothing to do with them, unless they dared to fight for their lives.

How bright is Sun Liang? Wouldn't you understand the benefits? Can...

He is already on the ropes, and he has to send it if he doesn't send it. "The fact that anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly, does the princess still want to open her eyes and deny it?"

If Prince Wu was as monstrous as him, and could give birth to heirs, he would not have objected so fiercely, but he was infertile. The emperor is a rare master, and it is undoubtedly a blessing for him to be able to assist such a master. No matter what he said, he couldn't let the emperor's life be stained.

"Ha ha "

The clear laughter suddenly sounded, Ling Jingxuan lightly covered the corners of his mouth, and smiled charmingly. He was in his thirties, but he was still handsome and charming, and it seemed that the years had not left any traces on him.


"Sun Xiang just explained the fact that everyone can see clearly, right? Does the converse mean that all those present who did not coax with you are all blind?"

Sun Liang was puzzled, but Ling Jingxuan didn't give him a chance to refute. The long and narrow Danfeng eyes suddenly narrowed, and the voice was not loud, but it clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

"How unreasonable, dare to call this king blind!"

"Okay, Sun Liang, Ben Hou kicked you to death"


In the next second, both the royal family and nobles attacked. The royal family has a good education, and it is relatively polite, that is, everyone just stared at him very unfriendly. Don't look at the fact that they usually have five people and six people. They seem to be very noble. If you irritate them, they will show you vulgarity in an instant. They are not inferior to local ruffians and hooligans. For a time, in the courtroom, which should be serious, the honorable people greeted Sun Liang's mother and grandmother. Ancestor's voice made Sun Liang's lips tremble with anger. He wanted to interject to deny but couldn't, and his body gradually trembled with anger.

"I only know today that we are all blind, and only Sun Xiang is the real virtuous person."

In the civil servant class, the civil servants from Jingyun Villa were headed by Ling Jinghan. Ling Jinghan hooked his lips and sneered. Ling Chenggui and others showed various expressions such as dissatisfaction or disdain. There are also suffering words, they are equivalent to isolating the two brothers in an instant.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Sun Liang quietly turned his head and gave the censor a wink, and the censor who received the information frowned, but he had to stand up: "Your Majesty, Princess Sheng and the right minister are obviously deliberately inciting the royal family. He Xungui, they are simply outrageous, the minister wants to play them..."

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