"Which onion are you?"


Before Yushi Yanguan said anything, everyone felt a gust of wind swept across. In the next second, Yanguan flew out backwards and slammed into the pillars of the main hall, his head was tilted, and he was unconscious. Knowing whether he was dead or fainted, the perpetrator didn't care, raised his eyebrows and sneered: "This king's concubine is also your turn to participate in the performance?"

Regardless of whether the other party was dead or alive, Yan Shengrui turned around and returned to Ling Jingxuan's side. This was not the first time he had acted in the court, and it could not be the last. , how invincible he was in the past, and the effect is clear by seeing those ministers shaking like a sieve one by one.

Prince Sheng is getting older, but his temper has not changed at all. This fact undoubtedly caused severe pain in the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney of many people present.

"Sun Liang, and you guys, don't talk to this concubine about what it is for the country and the people. Although this concubine has not been in the capital these years, it is still clear what you have done in private. Who of you dares to say that you have never He has taken every needle and thread from the common people? The emperor's enactment of the empress and concubines is his own matter. As ministers, what qualifications do you have to object? With thousands of soldiers under his command, it is a question whether the Qing Kingdom still exists. How can you have a good day today? Now that this concubine's son wants to marry the emperor as his wife, it is understandable that you disagree with this concubine, and this concubine is also willing Take a step back and let Xiao Wu marry the emperor, but you are still not satisfied, you dare to dislike my son in front of this concubine and the prince, do you really think that this concubine has a good temperament and will not care about you?"

Not wanting to talk nonsense with them anymore, Ling Jingxuan said in a cold and sharp voice, how fierce and fierce the Dongguo was back then, and how weak the Qingguo was. They conquered the world, and they drove the internal economy of the Qingguo. , Now they just want to fulfill the affection of the two children, what qualifications do they have to object? In their eyes, he is a bloodthirsty person, so he doesn't mind being a little more arrogant.

This remark made the civil and military officials of the dynasty blush. Although what he said was indeed the truth, they have also worked hard for so many years. It is impossible for a country's prosperity to be the credit of one or two people, right? Princess Kesheng...

Everyone was dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to refute him in front of him. The past actions of Princess Sheng had brought too much influence on them, and none of them dared to mess around at this juncture.

"I have made up my mind about setting up Prince Wu as the queen. If there is any objection, I can sue my elders and return to my hometown. I will never stop it!"

After Yan Xiaoming finished speaking indifferently, Fuyou stepped on the steps and sat back on the dragon chair again. All the ministers were frightened. Is the emperor going to use imperial power to oppress people? Today's Qing Kingdom is different from when the emperor first ascended the throne. Even when he first ascended the throne, those ministers with bad intentions were killed and withdrawn by him. They would rather inject a lot of fresh blood than compromise, let alone now. Having said that, if they continue to face him, there is no doubt that the emperor will definitely withdraw them all and instead use a large number of new people again.

"His Majesty..."

"The left minister has been an official for many years and has worked hard and made great achievements. Now that he is old, I can't bear to drive him, and I specifically allow him to retire and return to his hometown, which will take effect today. , Ling Chenggui, who returned from Xiu Mu, will continue to serve as the minister of households."

As soon as Sun Liang opened his mouth, Yan Xiaoming robbed him for a while, and his position as the left minister was instantly lost. Sun Liang was completely paralyzed on the ground. Many ministers headed by him were trembling with fear. The emperor was killing the monkeys. Just a few words. It's just kung fu, the left prime minister fell, and the left and right prime ministers were all occupied by Jingyun Villa. If they continued to talk, would they make more space for others?

At this point, no one dared to raise any objections to the emperor's establishment. Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan looked at each other and swept over Sun Liang at the same time. He didn't have any sympathy. , everything he has is also given by the emperor, the emperor can bestow it on him, and can easily take it back.

"Wan Aiqing will be solely responsible for everything after the establishment."

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoming's indifferent gaze turned to Wan Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and he no longer gave any chance to object.

"His Majesty..."

"What? Wan Aiqing also wants to retire and return home?"

Wan Shangshu is not without embarrassment, but Yan Xiao raised his eyebrows, as if he would be deprived of everything in the next second, Wan Shangshu couldn't help shivering, and quickly crawl: "Wei Chen obeys the order!"

"Zhao An, you will do your best to assist me. All expenses will be paid by the internal treasury. I only marry one queen in my life, so I don't need to save me money."

"The slave obeys the order."

The treasury is divided into an outer treasury and an inner treasury. The outer treasury is naturally used for the country, while the inner treasury is used for all expenses of the emperor and the palace. Yan Xiaoming has no concubine, and he has not recruited palace maids and eunuchs into the palace for many years. Instead, every year He also gave away a lot of court ladies of the right age, so his inner treasury didn’t cost much at all, and he was already fat, and the economic foundation determined the superstructure. He used his own money to get married without spending a cent from the outer treasury. No matter what, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks about the wedding.

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to the queen, long live your majesty!

Seeing this, the old emperor, who came to the court on purpose, knelt down with the support of Yan Xiaoqing, and the royal family headed by him quickly followed: "Long live the emperor, long live!

"Long live the emperor, long live! Long live the maiden!"

"Long live the emperor, long live!

! "

With the old patriarch of the royal family taking the lead, Yuan Shaoqi, who led the nobles, and Yuan Shaoqi, who led the generals, as well as the civil servants who were led by the new left and right ministers, also knelt down one after another. They couldn't hear the meaning of happiness, but they didn't care, as long as their relatives congratulated them sincerely, Yan Xiaoming and Yan Xiaowu stared at each other affectionately, and both smiled brightly.

"Father, Daddy, thank you."

After the dynasty disbanded, Yan Xiaowu happily thanked his parents. He knew that things would never have gone so smoothly if his father and father hadn't expressed their powers one after another today.

"Go back and prepare your dowry."

He glanced at him angrily, Ling Jingxuan deliberately soured him, and Yan Xiaowu, who had been complained about since he was a child, couldn't help but have black lines all over his forehead, staring at his father with puffed cheeks, what kind of dowry, he It is to marry a daughter-in-law, but in a different form, and it should be a betrothal gift if you want to prepare it.

"Ha ha..."

Seeing this, Ling Jingxuan stretched out his hand and poked his cheek, laughed and left with Yan Shengrui. Not long after, a little eunuch came over. Yan Xiaowu instantly forgot what he was angry about, and turned around and walked into the depths of the palace. , Yan Xiaobei, Yan Xiaowen and others who followed behind just saw this scene, and the brothers all smiled at each other.

"Is it your turn next?"

Yan Xiaobei said as he walked, his eyes also pointedly glanced at Yan Shangqing, who had always been inseparable with Xiaowen, their marriage was relatively simple, but Brother Jue took Xiaowen as a half child early in the morning.

Following his line of sight to look at Yan Shangqing, who was already a little red-faced, Yan Xiaowen's smile became even stronger, and he stretched out his hand to hold his hand without hesitation: "When will the eldest brother marry a daughter-in-law for the king?"

"Hehe... when I want to marry."

Yan Xiaobei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said with a smile, the brothers all laughed in unison, they were still happy when they grew up.

【End of this chapter】

Fanwai Twenty-eight Sikong Qi asks for marriage

The matter of Emperor Wu's establishment has been settled. Compared with civil marriages, the emperor's establishment is no trivial matter. The wedding date is set on the seventh day of the seventh month of next year, and there is still more than a year left. The little bun has a lot of resentment about this matter. He originally thought it was a marriage. It's settled, I can be with his dear brother Yan soon, who knows? This wedding is so long, it's an inhuman torture for him, but it's a pity that no matter how resentful he is this time, Yan Shengrui waits. People don't pay attention to him anymore. In his father's words, what do you want when the wedding date is set? Do you really want to kill those ministers one by one on the Golden Throne Hall?

Relatively speaking, the marriage between Yan Xiaowen and Yan Shangqing was much simpler. With the precedent of the emperor setting up his first cousin, it would not be so difficult for Yan Xiaowen to marry his first cousin. Besides, Sikong Ting had already taken Yan Xiaowen as his half son. Look, Yan Xiaohua is soft-hearted and listens to his daughter-in-law. Rao is Prince Subaru, so he can only let it go. This makes Yan Xiaowen the latecomer.

The calendar entered July, one of the hottest months of the year. Ling Jingxuan and the others had been back for almost a month. Yan Shengrui took over as the royal family patriarch. According to the regulations of the Qing Kingdom, the royal family patriarch could not control the political power or military power. Yes, but because his family's little bun controls most of the military power of the Qing Kingdom, he wants to establish a navy, and no one dares to say anything. Therefore, he and Sikong Tam have basically stayed in the Golden State Camp for the past month. The two have combined their overseas experience for several years to form a navy and improve the naval system, and they have seen some results. However, on the first day of July, they had to rush back from the Golden State Camp.

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