Half an hour later, Chu Lang returned to the farm yard with two thermos buckets filled with milk.

"It's nice to have a farm. This milk should be enough for Lalulas to drink for four or five days, and it saves a few hundred dollars."

Chu Lang skillfully put the milk into a bottle, heated it to 45 degrees, and handed it to Lalulas.

"Here, drink it, it tastes great."

As he said this, Chu Lang opened the Douyin video that he hadn't opened for a long time and checked his homepage

"Huh? There are 150,000 fans!"

Chu Lang was a little surprised. He hadn't updated his videos for a long time, but he still had so many fans.

And there were a lot of comments on the first video, which was a bit abnormal.

Chu Lang clicked on the first video to see what happened.

There was nothing special about the video. It was just a video of a young Kiras being beaten by a hornet sprout. But the comments below were interesting.

One of the comments had 30,000 likes and was pushed to the hot comments.

【Explosive netizens: This guy is a liar, his Little Kiras is not really weak, but he is acting. If you don’t believe me, just look at my homepage!

Chu Lang opened that person’s homepage, which only had one video.

In the video, Chu Lang was sitting on a high platform, watching his Little Kiras fighting with other elves.

In the short 10-minute video, Chu Lang and Little Kiras changed opponents several times, and all of them were crushing.

The video was shot yesterday, and it was a scene of Chu Lang defending the gate of the Electric Gym.

The video was already full of comments, all condemning Chu Lang’s actions.

【Such a young Kiras said that he couldn't beat the trumpet sprout, purely for the sake of attracting attention!】

【If he can't beat the Bell Sprout, then he can't beat the Charmeleons on the stage? And the Beedrills?

Qi Shu worriedly blocked Chu Lang's phone and said,"Don't worry too much about their opinions. I know you were short of money before...."

"We will ignore them from now on. No, you can post a photo with me and say that you have successfully found a rich woman and quit the Internet from now on."

"I envy them so much!"

Chu Lang:"......"

As expected of a child from a rich family, even the reason for quitting the Internet is so strange.

If Qi Shu was not his girlfriend, he would have to cut open Qi Shu's brain to see what was inside.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry."Chu Lang swiped his phone to the shooting screen,"Since the weak character can't stand, then show my genius character!"

Chu Lang aimed the shooting screen at the Lalu Las who was drinking milk, and took a short video.

Attached copy:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have never said that I can't do it. The weak qualifications of young Kiras are objective reasons. I can make him stronger because of my ability.

The next challenge, have you seen this newborn Lalu Las cub?

You can make any suggestions, no matter how outrageous the suggestions are, I will choose one and use that method to let her master the teleportation skill!

Chu Lang's video was not processed too much, and he chose to publish it directly. With the existence of Shining Lalu Las, this video does not need any modification or editing, and it can become the hottest traffic password!

Qi Shu looked at Chu Lang's actions, worried that Chu Lang would be condemned by the whole network.

Netizens' mouths are murderous knives!

"Xiaolang, why don't you just forget it? Even if Lalulas is a gym leader, it will be hard for her to learn teleportation in such a short time."

"Otherwise, I can hire tens of thousands of internet trolls, post a comment asking you to use the skill machine, and then let this matter go."

"It's okay." Chu Lang hugged Qi Shu in his arms, put his mouth close to Qi Shu's ear, and whispered:"I tested Lalulas's qualifications when I was in the gym. She is a king-level cub."

""A king-level cub!"

Qi Shu jumped up from Chu Lang's arms and looked at the suckling Lalulas in disbelief.

"Are you saying that this little fellow who is still breastfeeding will grow up to be a king-level Gardevoir, the super-powered queen of West Sea City?"

"As long as she wants to."Chu Lang nodded lightly,"Now you believe she can learn to teleport in a short time, right?"

Qi Shu came back to his senses from the news that Lalulas was a young king, and nodded vigorously.

All the elves with king-level qualifications are gifted without exception.

As long as they don't make mistakes on the road to growth, they want to learn a skill, it's just a matter of time.

"Look at their comments, I can't wait to see them get slapped in the face"

""Alas, it's so easy to learn a skill for a king-level cub!"

Chu Lang nodded,"Okay, let's watch it together."

Less than a minute later, there were more than 100 comments under the video Chu Lang posted.

【Ruthless Ultraman: Damn, you said you didn’t make any dirty money. If you don’t make any dirty money, then how did you get this Shining Larulas?】

【Ultraman Squad: Zero Division: Flashing Rallus!!!

Woohoo~ I'm so envious, I also want to make black money】

【Young Master No. 81 of Fengmen Village: A few days ago, I thought the blogger got the Xicui Soroya by luck, but now it seems...This is the greatest plan I have ever seen. I admire it.】

【A die-hard fan of Yokilas: Hahaha, I said Yokilas wouldn’t be such a weakling, turns out he is acting, I like it!】

【The Secret of Cool Love: Young Master No. 81 is so courageous. He was deceived into this state, but he was praised. He is indeed a rich man with a different way of thinking.】

【Sunny Mom: What’s the use of the young master’s courage? It doesn’t mean that netizens will forgive this up master.

What else can be said? No matter how outrageous the method is, Lalu Las can learn the skill of teleportation. It’s just his last struggle. 】

In a dark rental house, the black man who once gave Chu Lang outrageous suggestions, but was trained by Chu Lang to have the skill of sharpening claws, glared at Chu Lang’s post.

Damn guy, last time I don’t know how your Zoroark learned the skill of sharpening claws, and he came to lie to me.

Because of you, my coyote dog wasted a whole half month, let me see how I will retaliate against you!

The black man grinned and waved his hands on the keyboard.

【The Big Liar of the Iron Palm Gang: You are such a boaster, why don’t you just say that you are a training master?】

【The Big Liar of the Iron Palm Gang: You are deceiving the feelings of all of us netizens to achieve your own goals, you shameless liar!】

【Iron Palm Gang's Big Liar: You said you would let Larulas learn teleportation in a short time. If she can learn it within a month, I will call you daddy! 】

Seeing this familiar ID appear, Chu Lang knew that this time he had secured victory.

Reply: I don't need a son like you, but I don't mind your opinions.

You can make any opinions, and if you frown, I lose!

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