[You can make any suggestion, but if you frown, I lose!]

Seeing Chu Lang's reply, the black man was almost mad, and slammed his hands on the keyboard in front of him.

"Damn, this damn guy actually dares to ignore my existence like this!"

"In this case, then pay the price!"

The black man's face was ferocious, and he came up with the most vicious idea.

This time, he not only wanted to ruin Chu Lang's reputation, but also made him lose this precious flashing Lalulas.

Soon, the black man picked up the keyboard on the ground and typed a comment.

【Big Liar from the Iron Palm Gang: There is a legend in my hometown that there is a strange world in the mirror, called the reverse world, which contains the power of space.

Let Lalulas try to send himself to the world in the mirror with his mind, and he will definitely be able to master teleportation. 】

Seeing the comments of the Big Liar from the Iron Palm Gang, the netizens watching were shocked.

Too vicious!

The world in the mirror is just a myth that no one has ever seen, but this guy let Lalulas learn the teleportation skill by entering the mirror.

Apart from anything else, at least it eliminates any possibility of Chu Lang cheating.

Even if Chu Lang secretly learned the teleportation skill in other ways, it is impossible for Lalulas to enter the world in the mirror.

At that time, Chu Lang will be ruined no matter what!

【Xiaotiantian's Jiaduobao: @Iron Palm Gang Big Fraud, you are going a bit too far, brother, at least tell me something reliable, how can you let people learn skills like this?】

【Yebiyebiye: @The Iron Palm Gang's Big Liar, eh...You are indeed a little outrageous.

Let me suggest an idea. Let Lalu Las use the method of moving objects to gradually master the skill of teleportation. Brothers, please like it and rank me first. This is just right to verify whether the up master is really capable.

Chu Lang’s original fans and the black fans who have added in recent days all liked the two comments. Fans want to see Chu Lang’s true level and are liking the comments of"yebiyebiye". Those who like to laugh at the joke like the comments of the Iron Palm Gang's big liar.

Qi Shu looked at Chu Lang's phone nervously, clasped his hands together towards the sky, and kept muttering in his mouth

"The big liar of the Iron Palm Gang must die soon. The big liar of the Iron Palm Gang must die soon. It’s obvious that this guy is here to take revenge on the society. God, please open your eyes and let the normal person’s comment win!"

Chu Lang put down his phone and ran to the side to plant trees. No matter who wins or loses, it makes no difference to him. In the end, they will all learn to teleport, but the process will be a little different.

Instead of wasting time, it is better to plant a few more trees and strive to achieve self-sufficiency in Gulden.

If one day Gulden can still have energy left over for self-improvement while releasing his power unscrupulously, then Chu Lang will truly become a genius trainer.

Chu Lang's physique is improving extremely rapidly now, and he can be called a holy body for farm work.

In the past, it took him 5 minutes to plant a fruit tree seedling, but now he can plant 5 fruit tree seedlings in one minute, and his efficiency has increased by 25 times.

Qishu was watching from the side, and Chu Lang was embarrassed to use Jiuwei Dihuang Pills, otherwise the efficiency could be doubled.

Qishu walked to Chu Lang with a towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead,"Chu Lang, come and see, the comments of that big liar of the Iron Palm Gang have surpassed that of the other person. Should I buy some water army to suppress him?"

Chu Lang's hands kept moving," Don't worry, just let them fight. No matter who wins, Lalu Las can learn the teleportation skill in their way."

"Really?" Qi Shu was still a little worried."You obviously have the ability to let Lalulas learn teleportation, but you can't delay Lalulas's growth because of your anger."

"If you are short of money, you don't have to take such a big risk. I can give you tens of millions of dowry in advance."

Chu Lang stumbled and almost fell into the tree pit he had just dug.

The rich woman's ability to make money is really terrifying....

"Don't worry, I know my limits. Just wait and see that guy's joke in a few days."

After comforting Qi Shu, Chu Lang continued to plant trees, planting them even harder than before.

If he didn't work harder, he would only be supported by the rich woman!...

An hour later, the time set by Chu Lang expired, and the comment by the Iron Palm Gang's big liar was pinned to the top by a slight margin.

At the same time, Chu Lang's mind recalled the voice of the system.

【Ding! Receive reasonable suggestions, trigger the S-level listening task, let Lalulas look in the mirror for two hours every day, and have a chance to master teleportation and control the power of reversing the world.】


Chu Lang couldn't help but swear when he heard the system's voice.

This big liar from the Iron Palm Gang was so cute that he actually sent him an S-level mission to listen to advice, which even involved reversing the world.

This was the power of the gods, and it was no less powerful than the Cliff Sword of Young Kiras!

Chu Lang picked up Lalulas, picked up the Qishu beside him, and kissed Qishu hard on the face.

"Our Lalu Las is going to be invincible!"

Qishu blushed and lowered his head.

Humph, men, if you want to kiss someone, just say it directly, why go around in such a big detour!

It's a pity that it was too sudden, and I didn't even feel what it felt like........

Chu Lang didn't notice Qi Shu's state, and couldn't wait to reply to the comment of the Iron Palm Gang's big liar.

"Thank you for your suggestion, big brother. Wait for my video. I will reply in the next video!"

After replying, Chu Lang continued to plant trees with a smile on his face.

The system is really awesome!

Now his four elves have all mastered the path to the god level. Young Kiras has the inheritance of the cliff sword, Zoroark has the inheritance of the black dragon, and Lalulas has the inheritance of the reversal force just one day after birth.

Not to mention Gulerton, this guy is originally a complete god.

According to this trend, Chu Lang feels that he will be invincible in the world within 5 years!

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