There are still four days before the college entrance examination.

Chu Lang finally chose to practice the Flowing Armor by using falling objects from high altitude to hit himself, but this time he still did not use water flow, but let Young Kiras practice the rockfall skill above him.

The feeling of the stone falling down is much stronger than the oppressive feeling brought by the water flow. Chu Lang believes that it can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

In addition, Young Kiras is still running constantly, trying to increase his speed as soon as possible.

What is more painful than not being able to beat the enemy?

Young Kiras: It is that I can obviously beat it, but I can't catch up!

Zoroa was not idle either, and was lazily practicing the claw sharpening skill.

Her skill can be used on almost most attacks, and it is a once-and-for-all skill.

Even the most idle Lalulas was constantly looking in the mirror and completing the tasks given by Chu Lang.


A familiar voice came from outside the training room door, followed by a bang, and the door was pushed open.

The chatterbox Magnemite floated into the training room excitedly,"No one has spoken for the whole morning, it's so annoying, now I can finally come and call you to eat."

"If I had known my brother was such a taciturn person, I would not have brought him out. Now I am getting depressed day by day."

"Chu Lang, Lucario, Zorua, young Kiras, that brave red motorcycle lizard, and the cute Ralts, follow me to eat!"


Lalulas called out politely and continued to look in the mirror. The other people and elves ignored the chattering Magnemite.

"Wow, you guys are really rude. Look at Lalulas, she is beautiful and kind-hearted. No wonder she is the most popular queen in the elf world."

"I declare that from now on, all my votes in beauty pageants will be for Ralts, Gardevoir, and Kirliam."

"You guys stop training, hurry up, follow me to eat."

Chu Lang:"......"

This guy was brought here by myself. You can't fight him. Hold on!

The chatterbox Magneto keenly sensed the dangerous aura coming from Chu Lang and the others, and couldn't help but take a step back.

"You guys can't talk, but now you're thinking..."

Lucario on the side couldn't help but said,"After they finish this round of training, they will go to eat by themselves.""

"If you dare to disturb their training again, I will twist your head into a ball and kick it out."

The chatterbox Magnemite shut up decisively and floated to the side of Lalulas who had no ill will towards him.

"Little Larue..."

"Shut up!"

The chatterbox Magnemite looked at Lucario with resentment and decisively backed off.

He wanted to say,"Don't bully the poor young man," but he couldn't say it.

Lalulas noticed the loss in Magnemite's heart and used her limited telekinesis to pull Magnemite aside and let him look in the mirror with her.

Maybe because of her racial talent, she didn't think Magnemite was so noisy and felt very calm inside.


The moment Magnemite approached, a subtle change occurred in the magnetic field around Lalulas.


The next moment, Lalulas disappeared from the training room.

Lucario's body suddenly burst into a blue flame, and he looked around vigilantly.

He was watching here quietly, but Lalulas disappeared?

Taking away a Pokémon cub in front of him, isn't it a bit disrespectful to his level?

Almost subconsciously, Lucario emitted an extremely violent aura, making everyone near the gym extremely palpitating, and feeling a sense of accelerated heartbeat.

Magnemite also instantly exploded, and his body was covered with thick lightning, as if he was going to start a war if he disagreed with anything.

Lalulas disappeared beside him. If something really happened, he couldn't explain it!

"Lucario and Magnemite are not enemies.

Chu Lang hurriedly stopped Lucario, fearing that he would do something irrational.

"It was Ralts who had learned the teleportation skill, and she used the teleportation herself."


Lucario was a little confused. As a top-level elf of the King class, his wave power could easily cover half of Jinxin City.

Even if Ralts had mastered the teleportation skill, it would be impossible for her to teleport half of the city, right?

She is just a child, don't be so outrageous!

Seeing that Lucario didn't believe it, Chu Lang stopped training, withdrew his own wave power, walked to the place where Ralts had just disappeared, and picked up the mirror on the table.

""Look, Ralts is here!"

Hearing Chu Lang's words, Lucario, Magnemite, and Chu Lang's elves all came over and looked at the mirror curiously. The scenery in the mirror was the same as outside, and each of their faces appeared in it....Behind them, the figure of Lalulas also appeared!

"Ah! It's haunted!"

The chatterbox Magnemite backed away frantically as if he had seen a ghost.

"Sister Lalulas, I don't know what I did to you. No, I didn't do anything. Don't take revenge on me!"

Seeing Magnemite's look, Chu Lang suddenly stopped rushing to call out Lalulas.

It's rare to see this guy get humiliated. I have to watch it for a while!

In the mirror, Lalulas flashed and appeared"beside" Magnemite, opening his big mouth and biting down.


Magnemite's fear reached its extreme, and he madly knocked the door of the training room away and fled with the door.

Chu Lang laughed comfortably. After knowing the talkative Magnemite for so long, he finally got back at the enemy!

"Hahaha, come out and pull the Lalu, let us see your current teleportation distance"


Lalu Lasi called out softly, and appeared on Chu Lang's shoulder in a flash.

"Can I adjust my position when I walk out of the mirror?"

Chu Lang was a little surprised. He thought that the position where Laltulas appeared in reality was the same as her position in the mirror.

Now it seems that Laltulas's teleportation is much more flexible than he imagined. She can actually change her position at any time. In this way, there is no need to worry about the enemy predicting Laltulas's position in advance!

Lucario's worldview was shocked again. If the scene of young Kiras becoming stronger some time ago was barely considered normal, then Laltulas was completely abnormal.

He has followed his master in battles all his life and has never seen such an outrageous teleportation.

Is this still a body movement? This is called magic!

Chu Lang looked at Lucario with a smile,"Uncle Lucario, don't be surprised. The way my Laltulas teleports was taught to me by a good brother on the Internet"

"I will report my work to that good brother later, and then you will know what is going on."

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