"Did a good guy on the Internet teach you?"

Lucario was stunned and became interested in that"good guy"

"I didn't expect there is such a wonderful person in this world, who gave me such a precious method. If I have the chance, I must meet him."

""Okay, I’ll let you meet her after I finish testing the data with Lalulas."

Chu Lang nodded with a smile and agreed to Lucario’s proposal.

Next, Chu Lang tested Lalulas’s teleportation and confirmed that she could teleport to any place in the mirror, and there would be no restrictions when she appeared in reality. The maximum distance of teleportation is 120 meters. For an elf who has just mastered teleportation, this distance is terrifying enough.

Lalulas is indeed a king-level talent!

Looking at Lalulas’ experimental data, Chu Lang excitedly took out his mobile phone. He remembered clearly that there was still a wave of traffic on Douyin waiting for him to harvest!

He skillfully opened the Douyin homepage, clicked on the previous video, and searched for the Iron Palm Gang’s big liar. Comments.

During this process, Lucario was also watching Chu Lang's comments section.

After watching for a while, Lucario became angrier and angrier.

How could these guys teach Chu Lang how to learn teleportation? They were clearly teasing him!

Especially the one called the Big Fraudster of the Iron Palm Gang, he was simply trying to destroy Chu Lang. He also said that his hometown had the power of reversal, which was a lie?

Legends are just legends, and it is impossible for them to be reflected in reality.

The legend of Dragon Country also had a black Rayquaza, and now no one has heard of anyone mastering the special skill of Rayquaza.

He thought about it and thought that the reason why Ralts successfully learned teleportation might be because Magnemite generated a special magnetic field.

"Do you know that this guy is a bad guy?"

Chu Lang nodded,"I know, but this does not affect me letting Lalulas practice teleportation according to his method."


In his eyes, Chu Lang has become a silly and innocent

"Okay, you go play, I'm going to do something."

After leaving Chu Lang, Lucario made a phone call


There is a big liar in your city, his ID is...Help me beat him up!...

Seeing that Lucario had not returned, Chu Lang stopped waiting.

"Lalulasi, come over and take a video. Just keep your teleportation distance to about five or six meters."

"call out——"Lalulas went from Chu Lang's arms to Zoroark's side

"Yes, that's right, but you acted a little too relaxed. Let's do it again, and this time you act a little more tired."


In Chu Lang's mobile phone camera, Lalu Lasi disappeared out of thin air, and then reappeared out of thin air. Her cute face looked amazing even when facing the camera.


Combined with Lalu Lasi's last lazy cry, even Chu Lang, the planner, felt that the effect of this video had reached its peak.

"Okay, this is it!"

Chu Lang moved his fingers a few times, uploaded the video, and then @铁掌帮大骗悠, replying to his comment with this video

【@Iron Palm Gang, thanks for your guidance. I have teleported successfully. Next, I want to ask you how to quickly upgrade Ralts?

After posting this video, Chu Lang went straight to eat.

When they entered the room, the chatterbox Magnemite was gesticulating with the shiny Magnemite, looking anxious.

"I'm telling you, Ralts has really turned into a ghost!"

Magnemite didn't even raise his head,"Gengard?"

The talkative Magnemite slapped his head anxiously,"Everything I said is true!"

"What's true?"Chu Lang held Ralts and patted the chattering Magnemite on the head.

At the moment when the chattering Magnemite turned around, Ralts in Chu Lang's arms cooperated and made a face


Magnemite rushed out again, and the world was quiet.

Zhang Yu looked at the back of the talkative Magnemite in confusion,"Xiao Lang, why did this kid go out during dinner?"

Chu Lang said seriously,"He said it was too noisy here, so he went out to get some quiet time."

""Oh, let's eat first, I'll prepare food for him later."

After dinner, Chu Lang didn't rush to the training room to train, but took out his mobile phone as soon as possible.

He had a hunch that his account was going to explode!

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, Chu Lang's fans increased by another 10,000, and the growth rate showed no sign of slowing down, with a trend of breaking through 200,000 one day.

Chu Lang clicked on the video he had just posted, and was thinking about how to get the Iron Palm Gang's big liar to give him another outrageous suggestion, when he suddenly saw a hot comment that had been pinned to the top.

【The Big Liar of the Iron Palm Gang: Damn it, it turns out that the blogger is a genius, and I actually dared to doubt the blogger.

Now it seems that I was too abrupt, I am an idiot, an idiot who eats shit! 】

Chu Lang:"???"

This guy has always been unruly, why did he suddenly change his character?

The comments below this post are full of doubts, wondering if there is something wrong with the big liar of the Iron Palm Gang.

【Brazilwood replied to the big liar of the Iron Palm Gang: Brother, why don’t you fight? Although the blogger’s Lalu Lasi has indeed mastered teleportation, you can continue to brag.】

【A piece of rag: I am now convinced that the blogger is a training master, and the previous videos were all for teasing us, but I have become an even bigger fan of him!】

【The director of National Highway 307: The blogger, as a training master, was having so much fun playing with us, why is there no supporting role now? The big liar of the Iron Palm Gang is getting arrogant!】

【Talking about love and case: Was the account of the Iron Palm Gang's big liar hacked? According to his previous personality, he shouldn't be so weak. Is he impressed by the blogger's training level and afraid that the blogger's fans will expose him offline?】

【The eldest son of No. 81 Fengmen Village: Several breeders in my family have analyzed it all. They came to a conclusion through the blogger's previous video that this blogger is a training master, and those strange training methods are just for show effects. Also

, I wanted to go and get the master's goodwill, but unfortunately I went too late.

When my people arrived at his rental house, the black man was already swimming in the pit.

Black man swimming in the pit.JPG】

The young master of No. 81 Fengmen Village sent this picture, and Chu Lang clicked on it without thinking.

He was also curious about what this black guy who kept sending him tasks looked like. Isn't it just a little shit?


As a result, Chu Lang vomited immediately after clicking it.

This black guy looks more disgusting than shit!

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