Time flies, and soon it is the day before the college entrance examination.

Chu Lang has become a famous training master in the UP circle, and his fans have soared to 500,000.

Lalu Las's level has also been upgraded to level 15, and he has the ability to fight in this college entrance examination.

When Lalu Las's level was upgraded yesterday, young Kiras was stunned. This little guy only took half a month to complete his nearly three years of journey!

"Chu Lang, let's go get our admission tickets."

"Remember to dress up, we still have graduation photos to take!"

Qishu got up early today, changed into school uniform, and knocked on Chu Lang's door.


Chu Lang opened the door while brushing his teeth and took the meat bun from Qi Shu.

"You came so early today, didn't you get your admission ticket in the afternoon?"

Qishu raised the camera in his hand,"I want to take some photos with you, so that I can remember how we got to know each other."

"Okay, wait for me!"

Five minutes later, Chu Lang and Qi Shu got into Qi Wen's new car, with Nie Xiaowei, who was in the driver's seat, looking unhappy.

"Big Brother, you should be happy that the master gave you the Bentley he just bought."

"Although you look very cold in a suit and sunglasses, you can take off your disguise in front of us."

Nie Xiaowei's face twitched. He didn't know what sins he had done in his life that God let Chu Lang appear in his life.

This guy is handsome and strong, but he is also a chatterbox.


Nie Xiaowei tightened his hands and silently accelerated the speed of the car.

The performance of the vehicle was very good. Under Nie Xiaowei's control, it turned into a residual image and soon arrived at Xihai City Middle School.

There were 4 guards standing at the gate of the school. In order to allow people in the school to get their admission tickets smoothly, Qiwen deliberately closed the trial secret realm for a day and did not allow outsiders to enter the school.

Qiwen knew that all the people staying in Xihai Field were The group that knows the news about Orange University will have the most direct competitive relationship with his students one day later.

If you want to know whether you can enter Orange University, the best way is to come to Xihai City College Entrance Examination and check your ranking in the Xihai City College Entrance Examination.

What he can think of, other strong people must also think of.

Qiwen can't change the rules, but he can help his students as much as possible.

As soon as Chu Lang and his friends arrived at the door, a guard affiliated with the military came up and said,"Hello, Xihai City Middle School will issue admission tickets today. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. Please show your student card."

Chu Lang and Qishu were well prepared. They took out their cards and handed them to the guards, and entered the school unimpeded.

By noon, the photos in Qishu's camera had reached a terrifying 300+.

Chu Lang was like a zombie, fully cooperating with Qishu's instructions and posing himself in various actions.

In the afternoon, a familiar class bell woke Chu Lang from his zombie state.

"After leaving Qishu, we went to get our admission tickets!"...

"Classmates, tomorrow is the day of your actual college entrance examination. I believe that during this period of time, all of you have made great progress."

"Everyone has a rough idea of which university they can enter, but today I want to tell you a good news. Our Xihai City is about to build a new top university, Orange University!"

"If you are good enough, you can become the first batch of students of this university and become a witness of history!"

"In addition, the college entrance examination in Xihai City this time may be a bit cruel, so everyone should be mentally prepared."

"The Xihai City government and the Education Bureau just issued an announcement a minute ago that Orange University will recruit half of the candidates from Xihai City and the other half from candidates from across the country."

After hearing this, there was a commotion below.

The government actually changed the rules temporarily!

In this way, I'm afraid that the college entrance examination in Xihai City will be more cruel than expected!

Qi Shu looked at Chu Lang solemnly,"It seems that it will be difficult for us to get into the top 10 this time."

"The Xihai City candidates who do not participate in the national competition will get half of the Orange University quota. This temptation is too strong!"

Chu Lang smiled slightly,"That's not bad, it's just right to see what level we are in the country."

"With those stronger opponents, our improvement speed will be much faster than before."

Chu Lang didn't have too many worries about this game.

During this period, both Zoroark and Young Kiras had greatly changed in strength.

Ralts also learned to teleport, and Chu Lang's elves were almost invincible.

More importantly, he still had Gulden in his hands. Gulden's full-strength attack should not be able to be taken by many college entrance examination students, right?


The teacher on the podium coughed,"Everyone be quiet!"

"The specific examination rules will be reflected on the admission ticket."

"OK, without further ado, we will start distributing admission tickets. Your exam location and time for tomorrow will be on the admission ticket. Please carry it with you and don't lose it."

"In addition, you can choose the examination location yourself, and the deadline is 8 o'clock tonight."

Soon, Chu Lang and Qi Shu both got their admission tickets.

The admission ticket was in the style of an electronic watch, on which you could choose your own examination location.

Chu Lang did not think twice and directly chose Xihai City as the examination location. Other students followed suit.

A blue projection appeared, and the examination rules of Xihai City appeared in front of Chu Lang. The number of candidates in Xihai City exceeded 100,000, and the examination rules were now changed from a points system to a points elimination system.

Points system: Defeating a Pokémon earns one point, and capturing a Pokémon earns 0.5 points.

Elimination system: Trainers can attack other trainers during the college entrance examination, snatch their admission tickets to gain their points, but killing is strictly prohibited.

Examination time: three days.

The rules are very brief and clear, but also very cruel.

Unlike ordinary college entrance examinations, in ordinary college entrance examinations, your points will not be reset to zero no matter what, and even if you are beaten by Pokémon and lose your combat effectiveness in the middle of the exam, you are likely to get a good score.

But this time is different. With the existence of the elimination system, the order of elimination basically determines the ranking.

If you survive for three days, how many points can you get?

After reading the rules, those students who had no hope of entering Orange University sighed and changed their examination location to the neighboring Jizhong City.

More trainers are excited. As the teacher said, as long as they are good enough, they can become witnesses of history!

"Let’s go to the Catty Dog Breeding House to do some shopping!"

"This time I'm going to be a Medicine-type trainer, and the trainers in other cities should tremble!"

"In the past, based on our grades, it would have been impossible for us to enter a top university, but now we have a chance, so let’s give it a try!"...

Other cities.

A large number of flying elves took off into the sky, all heading towards Xihai City.

They had also received news about the changes to the college entrance examination in Xihai City, and all had to go to Xihai City to take the exam!

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