The next morning, Chu Lang and Qi Shu showed up at the place specified on their admission tickets.

No one knows the location of the exam yet, and everyone only knows that the gathering place is in a square in Jinxin City.

When Chu Lang and Qi Shu got off the car, the square was already crowded with candidates. The recliners were still full of people, and it was obvious that they had been there since last night.

Chu Lang saw a familiar figure,"Jia Zhen, why are you here?"

Jia Zhen turned his head with dark circles under his eyes when he heard someone calling him.

"Chu Lang?"

"Yes, didn’t we exchange contact information with each other at the arena? Why didn’t you call me?"

"Although I live a simple life, I still have a lot of rooms at home."

Jia Zhen looked resentful,"Is that exchanging contact information? That's me giving you my business card, and you haven't called me back yet."

"I don't know what happened yesterday. I wanted to book a room close to here, but not only did I not get a room here, but my original room was sold out."

Chu Lang hurriedly stopped Jia Zhen, fearing that he would evolve into a chatterbox like Magnemite.

"Look, you must be hungry, eat some buns, the buns made by my senior brother are delicious"

""Big Brother?""

A big brother got up so early to make buns for his junior brother. Could he be plotting something bad?

Thinking that the buns in his hand might be...Jia Zhen suddenly felt that the bun in his hand was not fragrant.

At this time, there was a commotion at the entrance of the square, and a huge Roentgen cat stepped through the crowd with an elegant step.

This Roentgen cat was more than three meters tall and six meters long. It exuded visible electricity all over its body. Two sharp fangs appeared in its mouth, and it inadvertently revealed the supreme pressure of the gym owner.

It looked like a huge lion!

On the back of the Roentgen cat sat a middle-aged general wearing blue armor. He was Wang Hai, the commander of the Xihai City Legion.

Behind him, an even larger rock snake was winding. On it was Guan Xiong, the deputy commander of the Xihai City Legion and the commander of the army. Guan

Xiong was beside a general that Chu Lang had never seen before, riding a lobster that was also a gym owner.

In the past, Xihai City only sent out a few gym-level trainers to escort the college entrance examination, but this time, the three major legion commanders of Xihai City were all out!

It can be seen that Xihai City attaches great importance to this college entrance examination.

Wherever the three elves passed, the examinees gave way.

No matter what their family backgrounds were, it was the same.

In this examination system, the examiners were the most responsible persons!

"Everyone, be quiet."

Wang Hai walked to the center of the square and cleared his throat, signaling everyone to be quiet.

"I am Wang Hai, one of the chief persons in charge of this Xihai City College Entrance Examination, and also the person in charge of the safety of this college entrance examination."

"Xihai City is currently a small city with limited carrying capacity. Many students suffered last night. I would like to apologize."

"We have prepared the most comfortable ships for you. On the way to the big exam, you can take a good bath and have a good sleep."

As Wang Hai's voice fell, 10 huge ships broke out of the sea next to the square, setting off waves. There were waves of exclamations from the candidates below,"Damn, Kyogre-class battleships, is this a small city with limited carrying capacity?"

Not only the candidates from other cities, but even the locals like Chu Lang were all stunned.

This level of battleships can compete with the king-level elves. How can Xihai City, as a dilapidated tourist city, have such a thing?

Looking at the reactions of the candidates below, Wang Hai chuckled.

These Kyogre-class battleships were lent to him by the Lord of Donghai City, saying that he wanted to make the competition more popular so that his disciples could become famous after winning the championship.

Now it seems that these 10 battleships are indeed on the trending search.

"These 10 ships have special technology, each of which can carry 20,000 people. Your ship number and room number will appear on your admission ticket."

"The boat will arrive at the test site at 12 noon today. I will not elaborate on the rules of the competition. Let's get on board!"

Chu Lang glanced at his and Qi Shu's watch, both showing boat No. 1.

He was No. 001, and Qi Shu was also

"Why are we assigned to the same room? Is there something wrong with the system?"

"No...I don't know." Qi Shu blushed,"Let's make do with it for now, it's not night anyway."

"Then let's make do with this?"

Following the path shown on the watch, Chu Lang and Qi Shu easily found their room.

Their room was a huge flat, more than 200 square meters, larger than the dormitory of Chu Lang's family. It was hard to imagine that this was a room on a ship.

Chu Lang and Qi Shu sat on the bed, feeling uneasy.

Both of them were teenagers with surging hormones. It was their first time experiencing such a scene, and they were all panicked.

Chu Lang touched Qi Shu's arm carefully,"That...did you eat?"

"I ate it with you."


"Did you sleep well last night? Or take a nap?"

Qishu's face turned red like a ripe apple."What about you?"

Chu Lang couldn't help wanting to climb up the tree, but he was afraid of affecting Qishu's condition in the past few days.

"I trained too late last night, so I went to bed first."

After saying that, Chu Lang pulled his body over hard and covered himself under the quilt.

"Chu Lang, why is there a bulge in the middle of the quilt? Are you secretly raising some elves that I don't know?

Chu Lang:"......"

This thing is indeed very clever, and indeed very smart, but he is not smart at all....

Qi Shu was just wondering what kind of elf was inside the quilt, when she suddenly saw the quilt lifted and Chu Lang's big hand stretched out and grabbed her into the quilt.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

"I'll let you take a good look at this elf!"...(Five thousand words, no water)...

Four hours later, Chu Lang poked his head out of the quilt contentedly.

"Qishu, I see they brought lunch over, would you like to have some?"

"No, I'm full."

"Hehe, this time I am afraid that it will affect your state for the college entrance examination, I promise not to let you drink with your mouth next time."

Qishu pounced on Chu Lang with his teeth and claws bared,"You still say!"......

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