Seeing Gulden's playful eyes, the leader of the nonsense tree broke his defense.

He had been in other secret realms for many years, but this was the first time he encountered such eyes.

In the past, all the trainers were full of solemnity when they saw him, and those who were less courageous would even walk around and dare not approach.

But today, his majesty was greatly challenged!

First, he was beaten evenly by a little guy, and now he was looked down upon by a red motorcycle lizard.

What's the matter, can't the red motorcycle lizard be very good at fighting?

No matter how much this world changes, it will not become like this!

The leader of the nonsense tree couldn't stand Gulden's eyes, and took the lead in using the rock blockade skill to attack Gulden.

Several boulders appeared in the sky out of thin air. Compared with the rock collapse skill of young Kiras, the boulders summoned by the nonsense tree were more than 10 times larger.

Those stones fell on Gulden like a hill, covering a large area in front of Gulden.

From the visual effect, Gulden had nowhere to escape.

Rock Blockade: Summon rocks to attack, blocking the opponent's movements and slowing down the opponent.

Hu Shuoshu remembered clearly that the reason he was knocked down by Young Kiras just now was because the speed when the two sides collided was a little too fast, causing his lower body to be unstable.

This time, history will never repeat itself.

As the leader, Hu Shuoshu can only defeat him once with the same move.


After using rocks to trap Gulden in the middle, Hu Shuoshu let out another arrogant cry.

He could see that Gulden was the strongest among the group. As long as he could deal with this guy, the others would be easy, including the young Kiras who was very good at fighting.

Give them all to the examiner to exchange for food!

At this moment, Hu Shuoshu suddenly felt an extremely dazzling light coming from the sky and the earth. The semicircular space-time disorder boundary in the sky seemed to be pierced by this light, turning from dim black and gray to fiery red.

Next, he saw the most terrifying scene he had ever seen in his life.

The"Motorcycle Lizard" in front of him was shining with red light all over. The light The light was extremely dazzling.

With just one look, Hu Shuoshu felt like he was looking directly at a god.

Too outrageous!

Although there are gods in this world, they are definitely not something he can reach at his level, right?

Under the gaze of Hu Shuoshu, Gulden's muscles bulged, and his strong legs stepped on the ground, making a huge vibration sound.

The rocks he summoned were like paper in front of Gulden, and did not cause any hindrance.

With just a slight collision, the rocks turned into powder, as if they had never existed.

It's no wonder he lost. He was shocked to find that he was crushed!

Beside the two elves, Chu Lang bent a Hu Shuoshu with a punch and said with some heartache.

"So take it easy, Leton, don't use your special ability, he can't beat you"

"Your special ability is too strong. The fruits we brought this time are limited, which is not enough for you to use."

Hearing this, Gultun retracted his special ability, and the sky turned dark gray again.

Gultun can clearly distinguish between being able to fight only once and being able to fight several times, and he must not overdraw nutrition on the first attack.

Seeing Gultun return to his original state, the leader of the Hushuo tree patted his chest in fear.

He felt that he almost died just now!

But...You are wrong to take back your power when you have the upper hand.

Hu Shuoshu grinned, hooked his finger at Gultun provocatively, and then activated his signature skill.


This skill can imitate the opponent's moves just used and use the same moves.

Hu Shuoshu laughed at Gultun,"Big Lizard, your skills just now were very powerful, but it's a pity that they are mine now."

Gultun was shocked. Could he be imitating his skills?


" No, brother, give me another chance to attack you. Don't commit suicide. How can I attack you if you commit suicide ?"...

Before Gultun could fully shout, he saw the whole body of the Hushuoshu leader glowing red.

He had already started to imitate!

Feeling the tremendous power in his body, the Hushuoshu leader looked at Gultun jokingly.

Don't you like looking at people with this kind of eyes? Then I will look at you with this kind of eyes too!

Not only will I imitate your skills, I will also imitate your eyes. Are you angry?


He really didn't want this nonsense tree leader to imitate his crimson pulse. Gods cannot be desecrated, let alone imitated.

This guy committed suicide, who else can he fight?

Nonsense was still immersed in the powerful force in his body, and he didn't realize that a raging fire had ignited on his body.

He used the rock blockade skill on Gulden again, but found that the rock energy in his body had been completely swept away, and he couldn't use the skill at all.

The next moment, he suddenly felt his body burning, as if he was in magma.


He cried out in fear, not knowing why such a change had occurred in himself.

Gulden was speechless. He had told this guy not to imitate, but he insisted on imitating.

Now he's scared? Too late!

Chu Lang noticed the battle situation on Gulden's side."Okay, Gulden, save him, don't beat him to death."

"This nonsense tree, except for getting really angry when fighting with young Kiras at the beginning, never thought of killing us afterwards."

With the power of wave, Chu Lang can clearly judge whether these Pokémon have killing intentions towards him.

The circle of trainers is not small, but it is not big either. You never know where you might run into them in the future. It is also a good choice to leave a way out when doing things.


Hearing Chu Lang's words, Gu Leton staggered towards the���The nonsense tree put its big hand on the nonsense tree.

The crimson energy rushed into Gulden's body like a stream flowing into the sea, making the originally weak Gulden recover to his full strength. It was hard to tell that he had just fought.

Chu Lang was a little surprised. The key point was that this nonsense tree could actually replenish Gulden's energy consumption.

If a dozen nonsense trees were planted on the farm......


Sure enough, making friends with these nonsense trees is an extremely wise decision!

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