"Zorroya, stop it, we are all friends."


Zoroya in the form of a sonic dragon punched a nonsense tree away, and flew back to Chu Lang reluctantly.

Seeing that Zoroya ran away, the nonsense trees fighting with him became anxious and rushed over with stones in their hands.


Chu Lang gave Gulden a look, and Gulden instantly understood Chu Lang's meaning, holding the half-dead leader of the nonsense tree and blocking in front of Soraya.

"We are friends, right?"

Nonsense Trees:"......"

What you say is true, the leader has been captured, what can they do?

"Since we are friends, then it is easy to say!"

Chu Lang squatted down and took out an iron box from the big backpack behind him.

When you get close, you can smell a faint fragrance emanating from the box.

Those nonsense trees curiously looked over and wanted to see what was inside.

But the box was sealed very well, and they couldn't see what was inside at all.

Chu Lang smiled mysteriously, raised his right hand high, and smashed it hard with his fist covered with wave power, and the box shattered.

As the faint fragrance became stronger, the things in the box rolled to the ground, forming a hill half a person's height. They were all energy blocks, including blocks made of various fruit trees, and they were all attributeless.

Although not as compatible as those with rock attributes, they were also rare and excellent food for the nonsense trees.

These things were prepared by Chu Lang in advance, and then compressed with a special machine to supply Gulton for the battle. Now they are just right for socializing.


The trees were all excited when they saw the things on the ground. They were all the food that the human had given them before they came here, and the quality seemed to be good.

However, the human gave them very little, and only let each of them taste a piece, saying that after the work was completed, they could use the trainer's watch to exchange for more food.

But now......I haven't done much work yet, but someone has already paid me?

""Do you want to eat?"

The nonsense trees nodded frantically, wanting to eat a lot.

The nonsense tree leader in Gu Leton's hand struggled a few times, trying hard to make his brothers remember him.

"" Pah!"

Gulden slapped him,"Ah!""

You are a tree, not a maggot, why are you twisting?"

The nonsense tree leader:"......"

After this episode, the other nonsense trees calmed down and glared at Chu Lang and his elves.

They couldn't sell out their leader just for a little food!

Chu Lang looked at the nonsense tree leader with a smile,"It seems that you are the one who makes the decision, brother. Then I will make it clear."

"If you follow me, I will provide you with food and lodging. If you don't follow me, I will kill you and bury you."

Leader Hu Shuoshu said nothing and curled his lips in contempt. He had learned clearly before coming here that killing was not allowed in this secret realm, otherwise he would not have come. If these candidates killed him, their grades would be greatly affected. It is said that this big test determines their fate. Although the man in front of him said it fiercely, he would definitely not joke about his own future.

"To tell you the truth, I am actually a farmer, and I have quite a few elves at home."

Seeing that intimidation failed, Chu Lang began to deceive.

This time he must get these nonsense trees back!

He calculated clearly that if Gu Leton used tree fruits to replenish an ordinary battle, it would cost more than 100,000.

But it would be much cheaper to replenish with the leader of the nonsense tree.

How much does the leader of the nonsense tree eat?

Even if he only eats energy cubes for every meal, a little tree fruit, and no rations, he can't eat 100,000 in a week.

Because of their size, the appetite of other nonsense trees should be even smaller.

"Are you really a farmer?"

Seeing that Chu Lang was telling the truth, Leader Hu Shuoshu became interested.

Seeing Chu Lang and the others start this topic, Gu Leton was silent for a while and walked away from Chu Lang.

This guy...It started again.

There is a broken hill called a farm. Even shell companies don't dare to package it like you do.

Chu Lang said calmly,"Yes, my farm covers a large area. I am the only farm on the whole hill. There are currently four tribes, all of which are relatively peaceful."

"After you go there, at least you don't have to worry about fighting with others for territory in the secret realm all day, and there will be frequent supply of energy blocks."

Gulden began to protect his ears. Sometimes he didn't understand why humans were so deceiving. His farm was the only one on the whole mountain, but it didn't mean that his farm owned the whole mountain.

There were four tribes, but one was devoted to collecting nectar, one belonged only to trumpet buds, and the other two tribes were obedient.

But those two tribes...Three big milk cans, three braided sheep, Chu Lang said he was a tribe, so let him be......

When he and Chu Lang met for the first time, he thought he was going to be at the peak of his life again. But after he went to the farm, he realized that he had thought too much.

If Chu Lang wasn't a good person, he would have taught him a lesson with his two dragon claws.

Just like Gulerton when he first met Chu Lang, the eyes of the nonsense tree leader were almost shining.

The life described by Chu Lang was the life of his dreams, without disputes, full of food, and when he was bored, he could chat with elves from other tribes.

It's comfortable just to think about it!

After a brief negotiation, the nonsense tree leader turned on the switch of the time and space confusion zone, and waved to Chu Lang and his group with the nonsense trees.


Don't forget to pick us up!

Chu Lang stretched out his right hand and waved behind him.


On the No. 1 battleship, Xie Ze and the technicians he brought with him were frantically debugging the equipment.���Chu Lang was fighting in the time-space confusion zone, and wanted to record an excellent promotional video to be used as news material later.

As a result, not long after Chu Lang fought, Gu Leton had just made a move, and the radio camera in the sky malfunctioned.

At that moment, Xie Ze was confused. This is a high-tech camera that can take pictures into different spaces, how could it break so easily?

And it broke at the wrong time. He was just about to see where Chu Lang's potential was, and the screen went black with a crackling sound.

"Wang Hai, have your people arrived? Who found those nonsense trees? Are they trustworthy?"

"If a king-level elf dies in this college entrance examination, then our lives will be over!"

Wang Hai took a deep breath,"Don't worry, the people who found the elves are my confidants, these elves will not hurt people, at most they will beat them up"

"Although some people lose their lives in the exams every year, they are only a minority after all."

"Chu Lang should not be in great danger in the Xihai City area. His spirit has some connection with the one in the secret realm of Xihai City."

Hearing Wang Hai's words, Xie Ze became even more panicked.

"Didn't you assign a few people to protect him secretly?"

Wang Hai shook his head as a matter of course,"Of course not, everything is fair in the exam."

Xie Ze:"......"

Damn it, I understand that you want everything to be fair, but he is an elf favored by the gods.

If you let him participate in the secret realm like an ordinary student, what if he gets hurt? What if he dies?

"So what are you waiting for? Let's go there in person!"

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