Xie Ze and Wang Hai rode on the Roentgen cat and rushed towards the time and space confusion area where the nonsense tree was.

The Roentgen cat was wrapped in a terrifying electric current, ignoring everything in the entire examination area, and its body lightly passed over the plains, mountains, tree trunks and other landforms.

It turned into a meteor and madly approached the place where the signal disappeared.

"Wang Hai, can you go faster? I'm afraid they'll get into an accident!"

The wind howled and poured into Xie Ze's mouth, but Xie Ze didn't care about his image at all and kept urging Wang Hai.

"It can’t be fast. My Roentgen cat is not an elf who focuses on speed. He usually likes to exercise his muscles!"

"Don't worry, I have called all the teachers and soldiers around, and they are rushing over there, Chu Lang and his elf will not be in danger."

Xie Ze breathed a sigh of relief,"That's good, let Roentgen Cat watch over you when you run, don't let it affect other candidates."

Wang Hai shouted,"Don't worry, it won't affect other candidates, Roentgen Cat is just like me, and the most important thing is fairness."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a muffled sound from under Roentgen Cat, and a black and white elf flew into the sky

"I understand that you care about fairness for the candidates, but don't hit other Pokémons, I saw he just hit a naughty panda, and now there is a domineering panda chasing behind us, it should be the father of the naughty panda!"

Wang Hai laughed,"It's just a domineering panda, it's not worth mentioning, when the exam is over, just give them two more compensation."

Xie Ze looked resentful,"But you not only hit a naughty panda, but also a Diglett, several Abrax, a Pikachu, two Nidorans, and a Vulpix......."

"If you keep crashing like this, the difficulty of the exam for the candidates will probably increase again."

"If they can't catch up with us, they will definitely find other students to vent their anger."

Wang Hai felt a little guilty,"It should be okay, even if the difficulty is upgraded, everyone will upgrade, as long as it is fair."

Xie Ze:"......"

"I hope that the candidates left in the secret realm can make up the number of people that Orange University wants to recruit."

"It would be funny if there weren't enough people in the end."...

When Xie Ze and Wang Hai arrived at Chu Lang's side, Chu Lang was cooking instant noodles in a big pot. Under the pot was a Lalulas spitting fire. Zoroa and Gulden were lazily leaning against a tree, eating the food Chu Lang gave them.

Young Kiras was even more outrageous. He was holding a thousand-pound boulder and practicing weightlifting.

Xie Ze and Wang Hai looked at each other. This guy didn't look like he was in danger.

It would be fine if he was just eating, but why did he train during the exam?

Shouldn't normal candidates spend all their energy to survive and take the opportunity to rest as soon as they find a chance?

Why is Chu Lang's style so wrong!

"Uncle Wang Hai?" Chu Lang used the power of the waveguide to sense the person behind him, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Aren’t you the chief examiner? Why are you patrolling here in person?"

"Have you eaten yet? If not, have some instant noodles. Although the taste is not very good, it is simple and convenient."

Wang Hai did not answer the reserve,"Did you enter a time and space disorder area just now and encounter the nonsense tree tribe?"

"What happened after Young Kiras fought with the nonsense tree leader?"

Chu Lang nodded,"Don't worry, Uncle Wang, it's all taken care of."

"They were very nice. After discussing with Young Kiras for a while, they decided to go home with me after the exam."

Wang Hai, Xie Ze:"???"

It is true that the elves they found are more friendly, but they can't be good brothers with someone they just met, right?

""What's going on with that red light?" Xie Ze stared at the eyes of the rat wolf and asked the key question.

Judging from his many years of experience, the reason why the camera lost this piece of footage is definitely related to the red light.

Chu Lang's heart suddenly stopped, and then he used the power of waveguide to force it back to normal.

Gulerton and the system, these two things are his biggest secrets, and he must never tell anyone.

Chu Lang organized his words,"That red light is the way my master taught me to use energy. It is something unique to the fighting department."

Hearing that Chu Lang already had a master, Xie Ze was stunned.

"Who is your master?"

"Master Kong Ming!"

Kong Ming?

The best among the kings, the owner of the wave power, the most promising person in the young and middle-aged generation to win the fighting championship.

If this is not enough, he has an even more terrifying identity.

The Lord of Donghai City!

Xie Ze's pupils trembled, and he immediately understood everything.

No wonder a small West Sea City would have a Kyogre-class battleship, and no wonder Chu Lang could be good brothers with those nonsense trees.

I'm afraid Chu Lang has also mastered the special ability of King Kong Ming - the wave power!

With this kind of power, plus Chu Lang's background, it is normal for those nonsense trees to follow him.

Not to mention the nonsense trees, even the rock-type overlord tribes of the entire Dragon Kingdom combined are not enough to fight Kong Ming's disciples!

It's just a pity that the disciple he liked was taken by someone else....

After a brief moment of loss, Xie Ze also breathed a sigh of relief.

He and Wang Hai did not come here to explore Chu Lang's secrets. The reason they asked about the red light was that they were afraid that Chu Lang's safety would be threatened.

In any case, as long as others were safe, it was fine.

Although he could not accept Chu Lang as his disciple, this did not affect Chu Lang's ability to become his student in the future.

""Student Chu Lang has misunderstood." Xie Ze chuckled,"We are just worried that the red light will affect your safety. I understand the rules of the alliance. We will not explore your secrets."

"only..."After hesitating for a while, I finally said the following words

"It's just that we thought you were in danger this time, so we came here in a hurry, which angered many tribes and the overlords of the time and space chaos zone."

"Simply put, the difficulty of this assessment should be a little higher than expected, so Chu Lang needs to be mentally prepared."

Chu Lang was stunned. He wanted to ask,"You have angered many tribes, what does it have to do with me?

It's good that he is peaceful here. Those elves will not chase him across half an island to fight him, right?

"It's okay, teachers. It's just a little more difficult. So do you want to eat instant noodles?"

Chu Lang pointed to the noodles that had been soaked in the pot, his eyes were a little resentful.

The implication was to send the guests away.

"Oh, then I won’t disturb Chu Lang from eating!"

"Now the signal here is almost restored, so let's retreat."

Xie Ze waved his hand towards the sky, and the giant golden monster in the sky emitted a red light, taking Xie Ze and Wang Hai away.

"Chu Lang, remember to pay attention to safety!"

After the two left, Chu Lang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the instant noodles in the pot with distress.

This was the crab roe noodles he bought after he became rich. It cost ten yuan a bag, but it was ruined by these two guys.

Don't waste it, eat it quickly!

Chu Lang buried his head directly in the pot and ate it with a slurp.

Halfway through the meal, Chu Lang suddenly felt the ground behind him loosen. Before he could come to his senses, three khaki heads appeared out of thin air and instantly knocked him flying.

The instant noodles, the pot, and Chu Lang took off and scattered in the sky.

Chu Lang looked at his instant noodles in despair,"I spent a huge amount of money to buy crab roe noodles, who attacked me!"

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