While Young Kiras and Chu Lang were exchanging glances, Gultun had already rushed towards the next few elves.

As a fighting god, Gultun has always believed in one thing: life and death are indifferent, and he will fight if he doesn't obey.

Since the opponent has come, his mission is to beat the opponent down!

Almost instantly, a fierce agitation came from Gultun's body, and the dim forest suddenly turned into a sunny day, which strengthened Gultun's attack again.

At the same time, a burst of flames suddenly appeared on Gultun's body. This flame covered his whole body, and the whole body showed a backward posture, which increased Gultun's speed by a level.

One of the signature skills of the fire system, the energy-accumulating flame attack!

This skill can increase its own speed by a level while causing damage, which is very suitable for speed attackers.

After using this skill, Gultun, who was already extremely fast, almost turned into an afterimage, and appeared in front of the leading Nidoking with a ball of purple energy.


With the blessing of sword dance and scarlet pulse, Gulden's attack power has reached an extremely terrifying level.

With one claw, the level 30 Nidoking was like paper, and was directly slapped away by Broton for more than ten meters.

Seeing how powerful Gulden was, the other elves retreated, but it was too late.

Gulden turned into a red lightning and passed by Raichu, Ninetales, and Aber.

When Gulden's figure stopped, all the elves had fallen to the ground.

After doing all this, Gulden's body became shaky.

There was very little energy in his body and he could not support such an outburst.

Chu Lang immediately threw an iron box at Gulden,"This is an energy block without attributes. Eat it quickly."

"Your physical condition is very poor now. If you don't take in energy for a long time, I'm afraid your level will regress."


Gultun nodded, and gently slapped the iron box with his left paw. The compressed energy blocks immediately turned into a small hill and were all sucked into Gultun's mouth.

Looking at the elves who were knocked unconscious, Chu Lang rubbed his hands expectantly and walked towards them.

The energy blocks in that iron box are worth more than 200,000 yuan, and this money must be counted on them.

I wonder if these elves brought treasures?

Seeing Chu Lang walking forward, the domineering panda who was fighting with Soraya subconsciously took a step back.

If he had some ideas about Chu Lang at the beginning, then after seeing Gultun's fighting power, he had no ideas at all.

If he hadn't been able to outrun Soraya, he would have run away now.

"Hehe, it's okay, don't look at me, you guys fight your own battles."

Chu Lang ignored the domineering panda and left it to Solomon as an experience baby, and ran towards the leading Raichu.

He heard it clearly just now. The other elves should have intended to attack all the students taking the exam indiscriminately, but they were all called over by this guy with a sentence"every grievance has its perpetrator, and every debt has its creditor".

Unfortunately, Chu Lang is the creditor now.


Chu Lang fumbled around on Raichu for a while, and finally found a yellow stone with electric light.

This stone looked of poor quality, and it should only be regarded as a low-quality thunder stone.

But Chu Lang didn't care, anyway, he wasn't using it for himself, just to sell it. Continue to touch. This time Chu Lang set his target on the Abo monster, but it was a pity that this guy was as poor as the domineering panda, and had no goods on him.

"Little Kiras, catch this guy and send him to Hushuoshu and the others first."

"This guy caused me a loss of 200,000, he must work for me to earn it back!"

The Domineering Panda's anus tightened, pretending that he couldn't beat Zoroark, and secretly moved a few steps to the periphery.

Chu Lang narrowed his eyes,"Want to run?"

The Domineering Panda was suddenly startled and dared not move.

Chu Lang hooked his finger at the Domineering Panda,"You carry that old man monster and follow me, I'll take you to meet a friend later."

"After this exam is over, you and Awaguai must go out with me and help me earn 200,000!"...

On the boat, Xie Ze and Wang Hai sat at the table drinking tea with a look of regret on their faces.

Wang Hai leaned lazily on the table,"This little guy's development is really terrifying. When I met him half a month ago, he was still a famous waste boy in Xihai City."

"At that time, his potential was very weak, but he had a fierceness, just like me when I was young."

"At that time, I saw his potential and gave him two mines. I didn't expect that after such a short time, he has become Kong Ming's disciple and has such a strong fighting power!"

Xie Ze's eyes turned red when he heard that Wang Hai had given Chu Lang something.

"It's a pity that this guy is not from Longjing. It would be better if he was from Longjing."

"Hahaha, you won't meet people like Chu Lang from a poor family in Longjing."

Xie Ze said sadly,"There are people from poor families, but there are not many who work as hard as Chu Lang."

"But fortunately, I will be the vice principal of Orange this time, maybe I can find a good apprentice"

""No, no, no!" A hurried shout suddenly came from outside the door, interrupting Xie Ze's words.

Xie Ze was immediately angry,"No what no!"

"I want to find a disciple with better qualifications. What does it have to do with you? Why don't you say no here first?"

The adjutant outside the door panted heavily,"No, I'm not talking about this, I'm saying it's not good."

"There may be a bug in the scoreboard. You need to contact the giant gold monster in the sky."

Hearing that there was a problem with the scoreboard, Xie Ze and Wang Hai both became serious.

The scoreboard is related to the final exam results, and there must be no problems.��

"What's wrong with the standings?" Xie Ze asked his adjutant as he walked out.

"Could it be that someone was bold enough to hack into the rankings program?"

"Or are there a large number of students being eliminated?"

At this point, Xie Ze and Wang Hai looked at each other, and both saw a little bit of guilt in each other's eyes.

"If a large number of students were eliminated, that would be fine, we two know the inside story."

The adjutant shook his head like a rattle,"No, that's not what you said, the first and second place are 700 points apart!"

"Because of the problem with the video just now, Metagross has allocated some computing power to solve the problem of the video. Now we can't see the list"

"And when we checked the video, we didn't find any clues. We asked Metagross, but Metagross said we didn't have enough authority."

"We believe that this time someone is illegally forming a team!"

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