"Illegal team formation?"

Xie Ze and Wang Hai both breathed a sigh of relief. As long as a large number of students were not eliminated, illegal team formation would be a small matter.

"Come on, follow me and take a look. If anyone cheats, just cancel his score. Don't be so nervous."

As the commander-in-chief, Xie Ze has great power in this exam. As long as he doesn't violate the rules, he can do whatever he wants.

He and Wang Hai walked to the monitoring room and pressed the button on the table.

"Metagross, open the permissions and open all the places that are not displayed."

In every competition, except when the chief referee is present, the seeded players will be protected to prevent someone from bribing the staff and obtaining the images of other players.

Hearing Xie Ze's voice, the Metagross in the sky shot down a red light, and several obscured image points in the monitoring room returned to normal.

"Lao Wang, come over and help. Apart from Chu Lang's spot, take a look at the other geniuses' locations."

"We have just been there, so there is no possibility of illegal team formation."

"Wang Jie from the Yulong family, Zhang Ming from the Yujian family, and Jia Zhen from the Jia family are the ones we should pay special attention to. They have prominent family backgrounds and outstanding abilities, so it is relatively easy for them to form an illegal team."


Wang Hai responded and operated the machine in front of him.

Soon, the images of Jia Zhen, Wang Jie, and Zhang Ming appeared on the big screen.

The first image that appeared was a young man with a paper sword. He had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and was dressed in a white robe. He had an independent temperament in his every move.

His paper sword was fighting with a monkey monster, and he forced the monkey monster into a dead end while dancing up and down.

Wang Hai couldn't help but nodded,"This little guy is not bad. He uses the abilities of their family very well. No wonder he was chosen as the heir of the Sword-riding Family so early." Xie Ze's eyes lit up,"Are the people of this generation of the Sword-riding Family so talented?

Before entering university, they have already practiced their family's unique way of communicating with elves to this level.

If he can enter Orange University, he can be one of the candidates for my disciple."

""Okay, I'll cut it first. This person didn't cheat."

Wang Hai pressed the button and looked at Wang Jie.

Compared with Zhang Ming's side, Wang Jie's scene looked more thrilling.

His mini dragon mastered the power of nature, flying up and down in the sky, raising rolling clouds, and using lightning to launch indiscriminate attacks on the agate jellyfish below. In just less than two minutes, more than a dozen points have been harvested.

Xie Ze couldn't help but sigh.

"Everyone says that quasi-gods are weak, but in fact, the characteristics of quasi-gods are still too strong"

"This mini dragon is only in his 20s, but he has mastered the ability to turn the tide. Even if his skills and racial values are a little weak, this ability can fully make up for it."

"Well, there is no need for him to cheat, let's watch the next one."Wang Hai said as he opened Jia Zhen's video.

In the real secret realm, Jia Zhen did not only use his Tiremew Pokémon, but also summoned a Bulbasaur.

For the Jizhong Jia family, Bulbasaur is the real trump card Pokémon!

Jia Zhen did not fight, but walked forward with his Bulbasaur and Tiremew, occasionally picking up a handful of soil from the ground and smelling it in front of his nose. After watching for a while, Xie Ze was a little confused.

"What is this little guy doing? Why don't we see him fighting with other elves?"

Wang Hai looked at Jia Zhen expectantly and explained.

"If I'm not mistaken, he's trying to identify the terrain and find a water source."

"The people of the Jia family are still scary. They have learned to survive in the wild at such a young age."

"When I was my age, I had not yet joined the army, and I did not know these wilderness survival skills."

Wang Hai was halfway through his words when Xie Ze suddenly exclaimed and interrupted him.

"Wait, what do you think he is doing?"

Wang Hai repeated,"Looking for water. Isn't this a normal thing to survive in the wild? Is there anything wrong with that?"

"This is not right!" Xie Ze's voice rose several degrees,"It's OK for other people to find water, but not for him. Don't forget who his family is."

""Fuck!" Wang Hai cursed as he came to his senses.

At the same time, a terrible thought flashed through his mind,"Is this guy going to poison the water?"

Xie Ze nodded solemnly and panicked again, even more panicked than when he accidentally angered the boss of the entire map.

"If this happens, we're both done for!"

"This kind of person should be directly recommended, why let him participate in the competition?"

"Captain Wang Haijun, quickly ask your people to stop him and tell him that Vice Principal Orange likes him very much and will give him a place in the admission list!"

Wang Hai said,"What about after that? Do you want to accept him as your apprentice?"

Xie Ze was silent. Although this kind of apprentice is very strong, he really doesn't dare to accept him....

Unlike the Sword Controlling Family and the Dragon Controlling Family, the Jia Family is a single-line family, and each generation is personally trained by the previous generation.

If he accepts someone as an apprentice and trains him well, it would be fine. But if he trains him badly, wouldn't that be asking for trouble?

"Then please tell them that Principal Juzi likes him and ask the vice-principal to give him a recommendation."......"


In the secret realm.

Jia Zhen led Tiremeow and Bulbasaur to roam in the forest."I don't know if we can find that guy named Chu Lang."

"That guy's young Kiras is too weak, I have to go over and help him"

"If Orange University didn't have it, it would definitely be a lot less fun."

"Tilei Meow, you must be more reliable and find their scent!"

Tilei Meow:"......"

He has said countless times that he is a cat, not a dog, but his master just won't listen.

Looking for someone in such a huge secret place is like looking for a needle in a haystack. How long will it take to find someone?

It's just a difficult question....

""Tsk, if you don't help me, I'll do it myself."

Jia Zhen squatted down, wanting to continue to rely on his own strength to find the way out.

Just as he squatted down, he heard the rustling footsteps coming from the side.

Bulbasaur, Tiremeow, and Jia Zhen all became alert at the same time.

"Bulbasaur, first cover the surrounding land with poison"


Bulbasaur nodded, and the seeds on its back shrank, spraying out countless pollens containing toxins. At the same time, it used the rooting skill to block in front of Jia Zhen to prevent its master from being hurt. Tiremeow also showed its claws and made a fighting posture.

At this moment, a work card flew over from a distance and landed in front of Jia.

"Classmates, don't get me wrong, we are staff members"

"The principal said that the vice-president will give you a recommendation. You don’t have to compete now. Come with us."

Jia Zhen:"???"

The game is over before it even starts?

He was still thinking about helping Chu Lang out!

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