Seeing Jia Zhen being taken away, Xie Ze and Wang Hai both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Metagross, is the list ready yet?"

"If the list is not good, can you guess where the person with 700 points is?"

After Xie Ze asked the question, a cartoon image of a fund monster appeared on the screen in front of him.

A mechanical voice sounded,"No, master, the computing power required this time is too great."

Xie Ze glanced at Wang Hai's big hands, whose fingers were almost worn out.

"Metagross, please help me cut the scene where you think cheating may occur. It's too slow for us to flip through them one by one."

""Okay, master."

After the giant monster answered, countless lights and shadows flashed on the screen in an instant.

At this moment, he had monitored everyone's screen!

Some lights and shadows kept rotating and disappearing or expanding. The lights and shadows on the screen became fewer and fewer, and more delicate and real.

In the end, there were only two pictures left on the screen.

One said contestant No. 3382, Chu Lang.

The other said contestant No. 3256, Qi Shu.

Qi Shu and Chu Lang?

Looking at the only two names left, Wang Hai was a little confused.

"Didn't we just go to see Chu Lang? There shouldn't be any problem with him."

"The words of the strange tree...It shouldn’t be like that. I watched this child grow up."

Wang Hai waved his finger and clicked on the avatar that symbolized Qi Shu.

As soon as the screen opened, everyone in the command room fell silent.

Is this a battle in the elf world?

How did it become a science fiction movie!

The place where Qi Shu landed was a beach, and there were mostly water elves around. She was lucky.

Except for Motorcycle Lizard and Buzzing Bat, all her other elves were electric, and they could deal with the current situation very well.

It’s just that the scene of her battle was a bit scary, even more outrageous than Wang Jie’s Mini Dragon.

The Mini Dragon only summoned a thundercloud and indiscriminately attacked the elves below.

But Qi Shu On top of the tree were two cyber versions of Magnemites. After they were launched into the air, they used a skill similar to a light wall and a reflective wall to trap the water elves below.

At the same time, they carried unknown electrical items in their bodies. Their backs could be opened like sliding doors, from which two small stones flashing with thunder fell, accurately hitting the trapped water elves.

Occasionally, small flying fish would take advantage of their inattention and fly into the sky, trying to escape from the unknown light wall, but would be hit by the laser weapon on the side of Magnemite.

Xie Ze was completely dumbfounded,"Is this a steel elf transformation?"

"Why does he come to take the entrance exam for Orange University instead of Magic University?"

"At this rate, she can't be the one who got 700 points, right?"

Wang Hai explained,"This girl is the daughter of the leader of the city's electric gym. Her mother graduated from the Magic University and is a genius in steel transformation."

At this time, the staff member who was responsible for monitoring the admission tickets said,"Report to the commander, according to the video footage, this person can match the current 4th place."

"No, now she is number 3...Second place!"

Xie Ze was still a little confused. As the appointed vice president of Orange University, his sense of honor was tied to Orange University.

If one of those who was admitted to Orange University was a talent in steel transformation, it would be funny!

No, it had to be done behind the scenes!

"Take a quick look at Chu Lang's picture to see if he is the first"

"If his points are exceeded, then Orange University will become a joke this time!"

Wang Hai smiled but didn't say anything. If Xie Ze knew that Qi Shu and Chu Lang were in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, he would be in a panic.

The scene switched.

Chu Lang was still sitting in the place separated from Wang Hai and the others, and he didn't even put out the bonfire.

Seeing this scene, Xie Ze pursed his lips and said:

"Brother Wang, didn't you say he worked very hard? Why hasn't he made any moves yet?"

Wang Hai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

He didn't know why Chu Lang stopped. According to his understanding, Chu Lang was the kind of person who worked very hard.

"Could it be that his master asked him to keep a low profile to avoid unnecessary trouble?"

Xie Ze nodded,"That seems to be true...."

"Kong Ming is worthy of being the man who can become the lord of a city. His mind is so meticulous!"

"Who else in the whole north would dare to compete with him for the disciple he wants?"

Wang Hai smiled,"This is also normal. If I had such a disciple, I would definitely not let him take the college entrance examination and directly send him to a military university."

Xie Ze nodded,"Okay, switch the screen to find the No. 1. I was looking forward to what kind of result Chu Lang would get this time."

"Now it seems that we can't see where Chu Lang's limit is this time."

"Metagross, please help me cut out other possible first place pictures"


The Metagross let out a speechless cry, and then rotated the screen in front of them.

After rotating, everyone was stunned.

There were 5 bosses densely placed on the ground, and all the bosses had lost the ability to move. They looked like they had been completely knocked unconscious.

Chu Lang's elves were standing fine, and Gulden leaned against a tree, trying to knock the fruits off the tree.

Zoroark was sleeping at the roots of a tree like an ordinary kitten.

The most outrageous thing was the young Kiras, who was holding a domineering panda and practicing push-ups.

Xie Ze and Wang Hai looked at each other,"Have all the bosses that we accidentally angered been gathered together by him?"

The latter's eyes were full of disbelief,"If the image of the Metagross is correct, it should be like this.��"

"But how did he do it?"

"Pick out any Pokémon here, except for that three-mouse, none of them can be defeated by him, right?"

"These elves are all around level 30, and most elves that pass the exam are only level 15 to 20. How did he do it?"

"None of this matters!" Xie Ze slapped the table excitedly and stood up.

"Metagross, put everything else aside and retrieve Chu Lang's live video"

"I have a feeling that as long as Chu Lang enters Orange University, his battle scenes will be Orange's best recruitment promotional video this time!"

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