Hearing Xie Ze's order, Metagross immediately called up the recorded video.

Chu Lang was knocked away by the three rats, Chu Lang beat up the three rats, Zoroark turned into a real sound wave dragon with combat ability, and Leton killed all the opponents with a motorcycle lizard....

One shocking thing after another constantly refreshed the three views of everyone present.

"I can understand that Chu Lang has the power of wave guidance, but his elves are too outrageous."

"What the hell is this Zoroark? Can't they only transform and not use moves from other races?"

"And that big motorcycle lizard, whose motorcycle lizard can beat up a Pokémon that is so much higher level than it?"...

After watching the video, Xie Ze couldn't help but sigh again.

"Is this guy still human?"

Wang Hai added:"Not only is he not human, his elves are also abnormal."

"The last time I saw Chu Lang, he was clearly a rookie. Now with his strength, he could be made a platoon leader in our army...."

Xie Ze agreed.���"No wonder Kong Ming came all the way here. His disciple is so talented!"

After saying that, he stood up solemnly and bowed to the staff around him.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to offend you today. You will all have to sign a confidentiality agreement later."

"Metagross, encrypt all the images to prevent Chu Lang's video data from being circulated, so that no university can compete with us for people."

Wang Hai was speechless,"Old Xie, you are too cautious. After all, your level is not enough to sign a confidentiality agreement, right?"

Xie Ze pointed to the big screen,"My level is not enough, but his is."

The big screen flickered, and a huge Gyarados appeared on the screen.

Behind the Gyarados, a middle-aged man was fishing.

" Is there something wrong, Xiao Xie? Why did you call me suddenly?"

Seeing the image of this person, all the staff present couldn't help but tense up.

The Director of Education of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance - Wang Teng, the existence that commands all the big universities!

This is not the Earth, but the Blue Star where the elves have overwhelming combat power.

In this world, those who are powerful don't necessarily work in the education field, but those who work in the education field must be powerful!

In addition to being the Director of Education, Wang Teng is also one of the ceilings of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance's combat power, and he is the only one who has survived from the last War of Gods to the present.

During the last War of Gods, Wang Teng was still the president of Jida, one of the top universities, and cultivated the leaders of the War of Gods.

Both background and strength are invincible!

"Director, we have found a very promising kid here, but his video footage was accidentally exposed in advance, so I have requested that all staff here sign a confidentiality agreement."

"Otherwise, if this video material is seen by the principals of other schools, it may cause a dispute."

"This little guy was born in poverty and is still young. I am afraid that he will lose his future because of a temporary gain or loss."

Wang Teng swung his fishing rod and caught a carp king.

"Why sign a confidentiality agreement for such a small matter? I think you are too cautious. Just enroll the students you like in Orange University."


If other principals compete with you for people, you can just take my level 90+ Gyarados and visit their schools."......"

He was not afraid of other schools, but he was afraid that the principal of Jida would not agree. After all, Wang Teng graduated from Jida, and Gyarados might not be on his side.

"Director, this is against the rules. I'm afraid Jida will not agree."

"It's okay, he will agree, and then the old students of Jida will be directly merged into Orange University, and the president will also be merged."

Xie Ze, Wang Hai:"......"

How could a group of little Karami like them hear such a big thing?

If this matter gets out, who knows how many people will try to transfer to Jida.

"My academic qualifications have not improved, but the academic qualifications of the school have improved."

This picture is very beautiful when I think about it.......

What they can think of, others can also think of.

Xie Ze and Wang Hai were silent for a while, then said:"So do we have to sign a confidentiality agreement now?"

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"At this age, the brain just doesn't work well. You should ask everyone to sign a confidentiality agreement and not let this matter be spread outside."

"No more chatting, I must catch a Magikarp today!"

Soon, an order reached the ears of all the staff.

"This time, Xihai City's college entrance examination information is classified as top secret. Except for the scores, nothing else is allowed to be disclosed."

"All staff are not allowed to leave the island before the university starts!"......

Three days later, the college entrance examination was over.

Alakazam exuded a mysterious aura and came over the island. He waved the spoon in his hand slightly, and waves of space swept across the entire island with him as the center.

All the candidates and wild Pokémon were transferred by Alakazam to the beach where Chu Lang and his team landed at the beginning. The wild Pokémon were on the west and the humans were on the east.

Xie Ze and Wang Hai climbed onto the platform and announced the end of this big exam.

Roentgen Cat and Metagross followed them closely, fearing that the Domineering Panda and several Pokémon would come out to fight them.

"Students, this year's exam is over. Fortunately, there were no casualties in our Xihaicheng exam room."

"The test scores have been uploaded to the website. You can check them after you go home."

"If you are planning to apply to Orange University, you can check the kill score on your admission ticket. If you have a score of 30 or above, you can go home and register."

"As for students who scored below 30 points, don't be discouraged. The Education Bureau will convert your scores into corresponding scores for admission to major universities across the country."

"This score is absolutely fair. The data of all candidates across the country will be screened and scores will be given according to your ranking."

"Even students with 0 points can still go to a very good university."

Listening to what Wang Hai and Xie Ze said, the students below immediately started a heated discussion

"It takes 30 points to get into Orange, is it that difficult?"

"That's horrible....Defeating a Pokémon only earns one point, which means that you have to defeat 30 Pokémon in these three days to be admitted?"

A male student wearing glasses pushed his glasses and said with a superior look,"You are not thinking right. The rules of the college entrance examination this time are different from the past. For example, although I only defeated two Pokémon in these three days, I also sneak attacked 6 trainers." The male student wearing glasses was talking when he suddenly felt a punch on the back of his head.

"Damn it, you old fool, I finally met you, give me back my points!"

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