On the way back, Chu Lang and Qi Shu were still in the same room.

After taking the time to finish today's exercise, Chu Lang and Qi Shu hugged each other and watched TV.

The Xihai City Channel was broadcasting news about Orange University.

A beautiful host in a short skirt stood on a Pidgeot and explained the huge project behind her.

Two small Magnets followed behind her with cameras, constantly adjusting the shooting position.

"Hello everyone, I am Fang Qiong, the field host of Xihai TV. Today I will show you the birth of a super university."

"Behind me, in the southeast of Xihai City, a huge university will be built - Orange University."

"I believe everyone has heard some news about Orange University these days. The Ministry of Education of our Dragon Alliance has made great efforts to further improve the education level of our country."

"The university is expected to cover an area of 108 square kilometers, and will have venues with all attributes such as mountains, rivers, lightning, grasslands, etc., so that all students can receive a good education"

"Well, we won’t go into details about the things that everyone already knows. Please look behind me, Xihai City University!"

As Fang Qiong spoke, the two little Magnetrons pulled the camera to the distance.

In the direction of the sea of Xihai City, countless elves gathered on a deserted beach, most of which were rock-type and ground-type elves, and there were also a few steel-type elves.

The moment the camera shot over, the Onix at the forefront used the rock blocking skill on the sea surface in unison, summoning countless rocks out of thin air and spilling them into the water.

After a while, they pushed the land forward for more than ten meters.

The steel-type elves and ground-type elves in the back used a series of skills to build a gate engraved with red and white elf balls on the newly opened land.

Fang Qiong was still explaining on the side.

"As you can see, the speed of infrastructure construction in our Dragon Country is extremely terrifying."

"According to our TV station, the university will be completed within 10 days."

"On the day this university was built, it was also the day when school started."

"By then, our entire West Sea City will be among the first-tier cities!"

On the Kyogre-class battleship, Chu Lang and Qi Shu had been taking the exam in the secret realm these days, and it was the first time they heard about the area of Orange University.

"108 square kilometers...It's terrifying. It's bigger than the entire Xihai City combined, and even a little bigger than the urban area of Jizhong City inland."

"And this location is very close to my home!"

Chu Lang was a little excited. He originally thought that he would have a lot of academic work after entering university and would have no time to take care of the development of the farm.

He never expected that the school was on the beach not far from their home, which was also the place where Chu Lang wanted to jump off the cliff for the first time.

"Xiaoshu, do you have anything to do after you get home? If not, let's go to your home and take a look."

The completion of Orange University will surely attract countless students to study, which will surely boost the economy of Xihai City in disguise.

Chu Lang's home has also been transformed from a wasteland into a business paradise.

You know, Chu Lang has the title deed of the entire mountain.

At that time, the entire small hotel and so on will be...Wouldn't it be hard to find a room?

Even if those couples don't want a room, they still have to go into the grove, right? When Chu Lang returns, the first thing he will do is to plant fruit trees on the back hill and make a picking garden. Then you have to pay to enter the grove!

"Hey!" Qishu shook his finger in front of Chu Lang,"What are you thinking about, you bad guy? Why are you so angry?"

Chu Lang subconsciously said,"I'm thinking about the grove."

Hearing Chu Lang's words, Qishu's face suddenly turned red like an apple

"you...You are such a bad guy, how can you have such unhealthy thoughts?"

"Unhealthy?" Chu Lang was stunned."Isn't planting trees good? What's unhealthy about it?"

"Not only can we protect the environment, but we can also pick the fruit and sell it for money, killing two birds with one stone."

Halfway through, he reacted and looked at the strange tree that had already hidden under the quilt with a playful look.


"You don't think I'm talking about this little forest, do you?"

Chu Lang deliberately put on a coy tone,"If you really want to, it's not impossible......."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Shu's tender white feet came out from under the quilt and kicked Chu Lang on the butt.

"Get out!"......

After a series of twists and turns, the Kyogre-class battleship anchored at the shore of Xihai City again.

This time, Wang Hai and Xie Ze did not continue to appear in front of the students. Instead, they rode on the Metagross and turned into a stream of light, heading to the construction site of Orange University as soon as possible.

As the commander of the Xihai City military corps and the future vice president of Orange University, it was natural for them to be responsible for the safety here.

Chu Lang and his friends got off the ship on their own. Students who lived nearby went home directly. Some students from other places visited various attractions in Xihai City to get used to the customs of Xihai in advance. Some went to the secret realm of Xihai City or the trial secret realm of Qishu's house. It can be seen that Qiwen is going to make a small fortune again in the next few days.

"Let's go, little tree, let's go back and get busy."

Just now, Chu Lang has already ordered seeds of various fruit trees online, more than 4,000 trees, which is 30 times the number of fruit trees he currently has. The official shopping website of Dragon Country is very well-informed. The test results have just come out, and Chu Lang's overdraft limit has reached 5 million.

This is the alliance's investment in genius!

For Chu Lang now, using 2.25 million to buy thousands of fruit tree seedlings is not something difficult to accept.

His strength has surpassed that of ordinary gym-level trainers, and this strength has opened up a huge gap with ordinary trainers.

Because of his qualifications, most Pokémon are only���It's only level 19.

That's why the first watershed of the elf world is the stage of level 20-30.

The secret realm where the elves of level 20 or so are located will be explored by many people, so there are very few treasures left.

But at level 30, the elves at this stage rarely encounter opponents, so the probability of them holding treasures will be much greater.

With Chu Lang's current strength, he can easily make millions by hanging around in the secret realm for a few months.

Of course, Chu Lang will not waste his time just to make money.

As a student who just graduated from high school, Chu Lang's most terrifying thing is his potential.

As Kong Ming's last disciple and Qi Wen's son-in-law, Chu Lang only needs to develop his farm well and improve his strength at the same time!

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