The next morning.

Chu Lang got up early. Young Kiras was already training his rockfall skills and had prepared breakfast for Chu Lang and the others. The tearful lizard looked at the farm wall with tears in his eyes. Outside was a group of gulls that had no work for the time being.

The tearful lizard had been beaten countless times by the gulls yesterday. Chu Lang estimated that he was about to evolve into a lizard.

However, there was also an advantage, that is, the tearful lizard would be beaten as soon as it went out, and it would lose the possibility of escaping.

Chu Lang was happy about this, so that he would not have to be stared at.

""Lalulas, Soroya, wake up!"

Chu Lang woke up Soroya and Lalulas who were sleeping, and carried them to the yard.

"Zoroark, you should get up and practice your Shadow Ball skills. Today, Lalulas and I will try our alchemy skills and provide you with good logistics support."


Soraya skillfully transformed into a strange tree, blocked Chu Lang's mouth with his fingers, and continued to sleep under the tree beside him.

Chu Lang:"......"

Damn, here it comes again!

"Soraya, please cheer up!"

"The university will start in a few days. There will definitely be frequent fights. We can't let Young Gilas and Gulden fight all the time, right?"

Fight all the time ?"

Hearing Chu Lang's words, Zoroa trembled violently and walked to the center of the training ground.

Gulden in the room also stood up suddenly, and even stopped eating the fruit in the tray on the ground.

Fighting is good!

Seeing the two guys looking impatient, Chu Lang suddenly lost his voice.

He is obviously a very gentle trainer, but what's wrong with these two guys?

Too warlike!

But it's a good thing that Zoroa is willing to train, otherwise Chu Lang really can't do anything to her.

"Zoroark, you and Young Kiras should practice combat. Remember to use Shadow Ball skills more often and cultivate your dual-blade awareness."

"Simply put, physical attack skills and special attack skills should be used alternately, and don't rely too much on your claws."

"Gu Leton, I know you like to fight, but you have to be careful about your energy, okay?...If you don't recuperate, when will you be able to recover to your peak state?"

Gu Leton:"Yes!"

It doesn't matter whether you are in your peak state or not, as long as you can fight.

Chu Lang:"......"

One punch costs 200,000, just kidding!

I borrowed the money from Qishu to bring back the tearful lizard yesterday. If I let Gulden train again, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay it back in my lifetime.

"Okay, Lalulas, let's go make medicine first and see if we can succeed."

Chu Lang was still looking forward to making medicine.

One of his tree fruits could only be sold for 50 yuan, but any bottle of medicine was at least 200 yuan. For example, the higher-level medicine could be sold for even more.

As long as he succeeded in making medicine, good days would come!

Chu Lang took the lead and walked towards the orange fruit tree. The fruit of this tree had the effect of healing wounds and was the main raw material for medicine.

According to Chu Lang's understanding, this kind of medicine should be the easiest to make.

"Lalulas, use the least powerful magic flame on the orange fruit in my hand."

Chu Lang raised the orange fruit, and wrapped his hand with light blue wave power to prevent himself from being burned by Lalulas.

Lalulas flew to Chu Lang carefully and touched the orange fruit in Chu Lang's hand with a finger wrapped in a ball of fire.

A"sizzling" sound appeared, and the orange fruit gradually melted and turned into a sticky potion, floating in Chu Lang's hand.

""It's done?"

Chu Lang looked at the scarlet liquid in his hand, a little unbelievable.

Is it that simple?

Coincidentally, young Kiras was hit four meters away by a shadow ball from Zoroa and landed at Chu Lang's feet.

"Here, this is the new medicine I made, would you like to try it?"

Young Kiras:"......"

Chu Lang poured the potion in his hand directly into the mouth of Little Kiras, and Little Kiras's expression suddenly became cheerful.

"How is it, is it effective?"


The effect is great!

Young Kiras nodded, leaped up, and rushed towards Soraya again.

Seeing that the potion was effective, Chu Lang became interested.

"Then let's continue. This time we'll still use the orange fruit and try to increase the intensity of the flame."


A minute later, Chu Lang shook his head and put the refined potion into the bottle that had been prepared long ago.

"It seems that the size of the flame has no direct relationship with the effect of the potion. It is exactly the same as the last potion."

""Lalulas, use the Frozen Wind skill on this bottle and see what happens."

Lalulas nodded, and a layer of snow-white frost appeared on his right hand, touching the glass of the bottle.

The potion in the bottle began to concentrate visibly, and finally turned bright red without a trace of impurities.

"The quantity is roughly reduced by half, I wonder if the effect can be more than doubled?"

"Young Kiras!"


Hearing Chu Lang's call, Young Kiras understood immediately and removed the shield in his mouth, and was knocked away by Zoroya again.

Without the shield in his mouth, Zoroya's shadow ball was extremely deadly to Young Kiras. This is the advantage of the dual-blade elf, which can carry out targeted attacks according to the opponent's physical defense and special defense.

"Come, try this potion and see if the refined potion has more than double the healing effect of the original one."

Young Kiras nodded, swallowed it directly, and then shook his head.

""Okay, I got it. You guys can continue to train."

After testing the effects of refining and refining, Chu Lang also had some thoughts in his mind.

In the future, he would focus on refining ordinary medicines. Just now, he and Lalulas didn't spend too much effort to refine two bottles of medicine.

According to the energy in Lalulas' body now, it shouldn't be a problem for them to refine 100 bottles of medicine every day.

If this news spreads...���I'm afraid it will make other alchemists cry.

It often takes two or three days for traditional alchemists to refine a batch of potions, and that batch of potions may only produce 20 to 30 bottles, which is equivalent to 10 bottles a day.

Chu Lang's efficiency is ten times that of theirs!

After deducting the raw materials from 100 bottles of potion, he can earn 15,000 yuan. From then on, he will also be a person with a daily income of over 10,000 yuan!

Moreover, the process of refining medicine is also a kind of training for Lalulas, which can release her energy repeatedly.

I just don't know if Lalulas's energy can be improved as quickly as her own wave power after it is released?

If it is possible......Getting rich is just around the corner!

Thinking of this, Chu Lang rubbed his hands excitedly and took out his mobile phone impatiently.

Is there anything that the omnipotent netizens can't solve?

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