After Lalulas finished refining 100 bottles of potion, he was so tired that he started to stick out his tongue.

"Lalulasi, wait a moment, I'll record a video first, and then prepare food for you right away."

Chu Lang pointed the camera of his mobile phone at Lalulasi.

"Brothers, long time no see. Today my Lalu Lasi started training, and then I became so tired."

"I want to ask, is there any easier training method?"

After posting the video, Chu Lang didn't wait any longer and went directly to prepare food for Lalulas.

Since completing the last challenge, Chu Lang's fans have reached a terrifying 400,000.

Chu Lang originally thought that Caibi would lose a wave of fans after losing his personality, but he didn't expect the fans to increase even more wildly.

Now many people send him private messages every day, probably asking him how to train elves.

It's just that Chu Lang seldom replies. After all, his plug-in is a system of listening to advice, not a system of persuading people. If he tells others about it, he might mislead the students....

Soon after the video was released, a large number of comments came in, but the current comments are somewhat different from the previous ones.

【Crazy fans of Young Kiras: I have been waiting for half a month and finally the update. It turns out that UP is a training master. No wonder he can make Young Kiras stronger and stronger!】

【Makkabaka: A new fan has arrived. When will the master release a science video to teach us how to train elves?】

【Time flies: Master is still as humble as ever, is he here to challenge me again? My brain says he will definitely come up with a cool move for you today!】

【Big Brain Axe: Ah, I'm going to die. You actually let such a cute Lalu Las train her? This is the shining Lalu Las. Wouldn't it be better to keep her raised forever?】

【Passing by the World: Seeing other people’s Shining Ralts working hard in training, I couldn’t help but slap the rebellious boy next to me. Who said that Snorlax doesn’t need to practice push-ups?】

【Red-roasted hemorrhoids: Such a lovely girl, her beauty is the best weapon, she must get a good beauty sleep every day! 】

When Chu Lang saw this comment, a startled sound suddenly rang in his mind.

【Ding! Receive reasonable suggestions, triggering C-level listening task: Little beauty should sleep more, let Lalulas sleep for 8 hours a day, and reward experience points according to the sleep time. 】

When Chu Lang saw this task, he was silent.

This kind of task should be given to Zoroya!

Lalulas, this little guy, has to work with him to make money to support the family, how can she sleep every day?

If this task is given to Zoroya, she will probably reach the maximum level faster than Gulden....

Chu Lang continued to look down, wanting to see if he could still trigger the advice that was suitable for Lalu Lasi.

【ME: I haven't seen young Kiras for a long time. Can you take a look at young Kiras? I want to know if he can learn the stomping skill by being angry.】

【Ding! Receive reasonable suggestions, trigger the D-level listening task, make young Kiras angry, and have a chance to master the stomping skill.

When Chu Lang heard about this task, he was a little surprised at first, and then ecstatic.

It seems that I have to cultivate some fans for my elves, so that they have a chance to get more opportunities to listen to advice.

As for making young Kiras angry, it is also very simple. This matter is left to the horn bud!

Chu Lang continued to look for a listening task suitable for Lalulas, but unfortunately he didn't find a suitable one in the end.

There was a comment that caught Chu Lang's attention.

【Caidaqicu: Master, you have hidden your training level for so many years and are willing to be a waste in Xihai City. Is there any special reason?

You chose to expose it during this period. Is it because you are going to college and have a favorite university in your heart?

After seeing this comment, Chu Lang realized something.

All colleges are about to start school, why hasn't anyone contacted him and sent him an admission letter?

After pondering for a while, Chu Lang replied to the netizen named Caidaqicu:

【I will consider letting Lalulas become stronger by sleeping, but I also want to ask, have all the high school students received their admission letters?

Why haven't I received any news about my admission letter yet? 】

Candidates in the comment area responded

【Student Xian: I received the admission letter a long time ago.】

【Listen to the Wind: Me too, Longjing University Notice.jpg】

Admission Notice?

【Alpine Dog: Damn, Longjing University issued this at the beginning of the school year? ? ?】

【Pass Subject Three in One Go: I received it too. Although it’s a fake university, the university promised that it would give me a Fujimoto after I reach my fifth year!】

【Siberian Wolf: @You must pass the third subject in one try, wake up my friend above, there is no such thing as a fifth year in college.】


After putting down his phone, Chu Lang looked at Tyrant Panda and Three Rat in a daze.

Could it be that the examiner hated him because he kidnapped a few elves to work for him?

He had just seen admission letters from many schools, even from Orange University.

But his was not among them....

Chu Lang felt a little confused, so he quickly called Qi Shu and got the news that Qi Shu also got the admission letter.

Chu Lang scratched his head and finally complained in the comment section of the account :

"I scored 700 points in Xihai City, and now I have 300 points and am still staying at home. Why is there no admission letter for me?"

After complaining, Chu Lang looked in the direction of Orange University.

"I'd better train first. Maybe I lost the admission letter. I'll ask about it when Orange University starts."

"Let’s go, Lalulasi, I’ll coax you to sleep!"......

Xihai City Education Bureau.

The director was sweating profusely and scolding his subordinates in the entire conference room.

"I asked you to deliver the admission letter but you can't do it properly. In three days, I must know where the number one student in Xihai City is!"

The director's secretary reminded carefully,"Director, this time we really can't have three days. Two or three days have passed. In another three days, it will be time to start the work."

"or...How about you try to contact the higher-ups?"

The director clasped his fingers and tapped the table a few times.

"Up there, where the hell can I find up there!"

"I have told you all that I suddenly lost all connection with the above. Is it because I don’t understand or you don’t understand?"

"Not to mention me, even the damn examiner of Xihai City is gone. I don't know how many people I have asked in the past few days, and they all said that they have never seen Wang Hai."

"And hey, go tell the security guard downstairs to stop playing with his phone and go out and look for me!"

"Whoever can find the top scorer in the college entrance examination will be promoted one level directly to become a formal employee, and those who are not formal employees will be promoted to formal employees directly!"

"If we still can't find it after three days, we'll all be fired!"

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