Chu Anan explained with a temper:"Chu Anan is my name, our university is Longcheng University, located in southern Hebei, not far from you."

"If Chu doesn't want to hire someone else to take care of the farm, we can also give you the right to use the Steel Raven in the school, so that you can ride the Steel Raven back home every day."

""Yeah, I want it!" Chu Lang nodded his head like a chick pecking at rice.

He never expected that the university could give students such high treatment and the right to use the special steel-armored duck.

If this happened when he was in high school, he would have asked to use the principal's car in the school, and the teacher would have been lucky not to give them a big purse.

Of course, that was before he met Qi Shu, and he rode in the Qi family's car many times afterwards.

Since he had this condition, Chu Lang decided to come back every day.

If it was before when the farm was not profitable, it would be fine, but now that the farm makes so much money every day, there is no way he won't come back.

Chu Lang also figured it out just now. He is different from others and doesn't have to You should focus all your attention on studying.

With the existence of this guy Gulden, as long as his ability to make money can keep up, it will be a very safe thing for him to become a divine beast man in the future.

Seeing that things are going so smoothly, Chu Anan is a little bit incredible.

Their Longcheng University is not a top university, and she is not a particularly beautiful woman. Even her strength is only at the peak gym master level. The peak gym master of Longcheng University is quite powerful, but for those geniuses who can win the provincial champion, they are actually not particularly powerful figures. It is very likely that everyone will be at the same level in the future.

It's just...Chu Lang is not just a provincial champion.

They have all heard about the big exam in Xihai City this time, which is simply abnormal.

According to the calculation of Longcheng University, Chu Lang should be a national champion, which is terrifying.

There is a great chance of becoming a king!

Although there is only one level difference between a king and a hall owner, a king can be considered a leader in the entire Dragon Country, while a hall owner is limited to some small cities.

The gap is obvious.

In the past, when she came into contact with those champions, which of those geniuses did not offer a sky-high price?

But this Chu Lang almost gave her an illusion.

Could it be that she has some incredible identity?

Or is there something wrong with her own aesthetics, and she is actually a stunning beauty?

Chu Anan shook her head and threw all these unrealistic ideas out of her mind.

"If Chu has no other objections, let's sign the contract."

""Okay, okay." Chu Lang nodded repeatedly.

This is not a teacher, this is a sponsor!

As long as he signs a contract, he will be a beast man in the near future.

Chu Lang immediately reached under Chu Anan's skirt and took out a pen, fearing that Chu Anan would regret it.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of metal collision outside.

A giant mantis armed like a mecha fell from the sky. Compared with the ordinary giant mantis, this giant mantis is not only twice as large, but also has a metallic luster all over its body, with exaggerated barbs at the joints, and two heavy artillery on its shoulders.

Especially the eyes of the giant mantis seemed to be flashing with a strange luster, which looked extremely dangerous.

On the shoulder of the giant mantis, an old man dressed in a sophisticated manner was so anxious that he almost jumped down.

"Student Chu, please don't be too upset!"

"Let me introduce myself. I am a teacher from the Admissions Office of the Magic University. Give me a chance and give yourself a chance too!"

The moment Chu Anan saw the teacher from the Admissions Office of the Magic University, she stood up and covered Chu Lang's eyes with her white snow.

"Classmate, he is a liar. This guy chased me all the way just to snatch this contract for his grandson. Sign it quickly!"

Chu Lang:"......"

This teacher Chu Anan is such a bad liar. How can this old man be a liar when he drives such an exaggerated mecha through the streets?

If he is a liar, I am afraid he would have been shot down from the sky long ago.

"Teacher, you are boring...No, you smell so good to me, please put your weapon away first, we can talk slowly if there is anything."

"Okay~" Chu Anan also realized that this was not right, so she took a step back and stroked her hair awkwardly.

"I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, Mr. Chu. The teacher was just too impatient just now. However, we at Longcheng University can meet all the conditions I just mentioned."

"It's okay, teacher." Chu Lang said with a smile, not angry at all for being taken advantage of.

"Can I first receive this old man from the Demon University?"

Chu Anan nodded with a smile, pulled his shirt down a little, and then said:

"Of course you can, but I hope you can discuss with me. If there are any conditions that you are not satisfied with, Longcheng University can add more."

"Students, please believe me. Longcheng University is much more sincere than any other university."

"They are used to being high and mighty, and will not condescend for the sake of top students, but we are different, we can offer all the conditions you want."

Hearing this, Chu Lang also roughly understood the sincerity of Longcheng University.

It was too much!

If it wasn't for the sincerity, no one would hand over their details.

What a pity....If the person who came was not from the Demon University, he might have signed directly.

His future mother-in-law was from the Demon University, so he had to give some respect to the people from the Demon University.

The giant mantis in the sky fluttered its wings slightly and slowly landed on the ground.

The old man on his back jumped directly from the giant mantis's shoulder and walked to Chu Lang's side.

"It’s classmate Chu Lang, right?"

"Let me introduce myself. I am the admissions officer of Magic City Elf University.���Ren Zhouqiang"

"I have heard about your situation. It was our fault that we did not send you the admission letter immediately, so we have prepared a compensation plan for you."

Zhou Qiang took out a Pokeball with a metallic luster from his waist.

Seeing this action, Chu Lang narrowed his eyes.

He had seen such a Pokeball in Qi Shu's hand, which was specially used to hold Magneto when necessary.

The biggest function of this Pokeball is to hold the steel-type Pokemon that has been mechanically modified.

Could it be that this teacher named Zhou Qiang wanted to give him a mechanically modified Pokemon?

As soon as Chu Lang had this thought, he heard Zhou Qiang's full-bodied voice.

"This teacher from Longcheng University, please stand a little further away, or you might get hurt.

Look carefully, classmate Chu, this is a unique product of our Magic University, a mechanically modified diamond-horned rhinoceros!"

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