As Zhou Qiang spoke, a metallic luster flashed out of the Poké Ball and landed on the open space between Chu Lang and Chu An'an.

When the dazzling metallic luster faded, a diamond-horned rhinoceros with an extremely exaggerated shape appeared in front of Chu Lang.

Ordinary diamond-horned rhinoceros are only 2 to 3 meters tall, but this diamond-horned rhinoceros is more than 6 meters tall, much taller than Chu Lang's house, and even taller than most of the fruit trees on the farm.

Not only that, unlike ordinary diamond-horned rhinoceros, it actually flashes with metallic luster.

Chu An'an and Chu Lang both opened their mouths in surprise. Aren't ordinary diamond-horned rhinoceros rock-type and ground-type elves?

Why does this diamond-horned rhinoceros look like a steel-type elf?

With a curious attitude, Chu Lang used the Eye of the Elf on this unique diamond-horned rhinoceros.

Diamond-horned rhinoceros: Level 44 (Weak flesh and blood, mechanical resurrection, diamond-horned rhinoceros resurrected by the Demon King using special technology, the core is actually a Rotom.

Revive, your beloved pet!)


【Features: Lightning Rod (Attracts electric-attribute moves to yourself, does not take damage, but increases special attacks)】

【Taijing attributes: None】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (31), Special Attack (15), Defense (31), Special Defense (15), Speed (15)】

【Skills: Megaton Punch, Flame Fist, Ice Fist, Lightning Fist (Mastered), Sword Dance, Megaton Kick, Tarzan, Flame Jet, Ice Beam, Destruction Ray, 100,000 Volts (Mastered )、Shootdown, rock blast, straight drilling】

【Carrying items: A full set of strange high-tech weapons, including but not limited to the super alloy drill on the head and the ray emitter in the mouth】

【Qualification: Museum Owner]

Seeing this, Chu Lang was completely stunned. He had always thought that the technological level of this world was average, but he didn't expect that the technological tree was so distorted.

He, who had never even seen a Boeing 747 in this world, actually saw a robot first!

Seeing Chu Lang's reflective eyes, Zhou Qiang smiled.

Sure enough, there is no man in this world who can refuse a mecha.

If there is, it must be because the mecha is not handsome enough.

"Classmate, as long as you come to our Magic University, this diamond-horned rhinoceros will accompany you until you reach the level of gym leader."

"Although this guy's level is not high, his technological weapons are very sufficient, and his energy storage is also very large. His combat power is comparable to that of an ordinary king-level warrior."

"As long as you nod, you will be the strongest person in your city in the next moment."

Before Chu Lang could speak, Chu Anan on the side couldn't help but interrupt Zhou Qiang.

"Even if you give this gym leader-level elf to Chu Lang, he won't be able to control it. It's not certain who will listen to whom at that time."

"Look at the motorcycle lizard next to you. It just exchanged glances with the diamond-horned rhinoceros, and the two elves are about to fight. Are you sure Chu Lang can control them in the future?" After hearing Chu An'an's words, Chu Lang turned around and glanced at Gulden....This guy looked like he was going to tear the diamond-horned rhinoceros apart.

According to Chu Lang's understanding, Gulerton must have felt that his status was challenged.

Seeing that Chu Lang was a little shaken, Chu Anan walked over to Chu Lang and continued to persuade him.

"The conditions at Longcheng University are more suitable for you. I think the elves you are training now are very good."

"I have seen your Zoroar and Lalulas in the video. With their qualifications and sufficient resources, Mr. Chu should not worry too much about his future."

"It just so happens that what our school can provide is resources!"

"Come to our Longcheng University. As long as you develop normally, our president position may be yours in the future!"

Hearing Chu Anan's words getting farther and farther away, and the pie getting bigger and bigger, Zhou Qiang suddenly became anxious.

"We are recruiting students, what are you talking about? The position of the principal has been taken out, why don't you say that he can be the director of the Dragon Alliance and the owner of the Catty Dog Breeding House?"

Chu Anan was not to be outdone,"If I have the ability, then I will definitely give it to him, this is our sincerity!"

"You guys at Demon University have money and resources, but you’ve been strong for so many years, and you don’t even know what it means to burn your boats and fight!"

Seeing the two people arguing more and more fiercely, and looking like they were about to fight, Chu Lang quickly stood between them.

"Let's not talk about the two teachers first. Both of them are leaders in the education field. Harmony is the most important thing."

"If we get more and more angry and accidentally start a fight, wouldn't it be a joke to others?"

After hearing Chu Lang's words, Chu Anan and Zhou Qiang's eyes lit up at the same time.

"Chu's suggestion is good. Today I will let Chu see the difference between mechanically modified elves and normal elves (the difference between normal elves and mechanically modified elves)!"

Chu Lang:"......"

I swear to God, he really didn't fan the flames!

As he spoke, Chu An'an had already summoned a Gardevoir wearing glasses that could kill men.

Compared to Chu Lang's Ralts, Chu An'an's Gardevoir exudes an incomparably charming temperament.

Just one look at it makes people feel ashamed.

Of course, Chu Lang didn't have this feeling. With a legendary beast and many powerful elves in his hands, he wouldn't be affected by anything.

Chu Lang was a little curious about the level of Chu An'an's Gardevoir. He wondered when his Ralts would have this domineering feeling?

Gardevoir: Level 62 (Inclusive Pokémon, the evolved form of Kirlia. When it senses that the trainer is in danger, it will use its strongest mental energy.)

【Gender: (Female)】

【Features: Telepathy (to a certain extent, read the opponent's moves. PS: In the game, it is to dodge your own moves.)】

【Tai Jing Attribute: Fighting】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (18), Special Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Defense (21), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Magic Flame (Mastery), Frozen Wind, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, Lightning Fist, 100,000 Volts, Electromagnetic Wave, Psychic Power, Sleep, Mind Hammer, Magic Flash, Absorbing Kiss, Enchanting Voice, Instant Movement (Mastery), Meditation (Mastery), Inspiration Bomb (Proficiency)】

【Things to bring: glasses】

【Qualification: King of Heaven]

Chu Anan and Gardevoir floated into the sky together and looked at Zhou Qiang calmly.

""Where is your spirit? Is it this diamond-horned rhinoceros?"

Zhou Qiang was not to be outdone, and also let the giant mantis carry him and took off into the air.

"Today I will use this diamond-horned rhinoceros to defeat you and show you how powerful mechanical transformation is!"

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