Both of them are veteran strong men, and they fight without any delay.

Looking at the Pokémon of the two people, Chu Lang also roughly deduced their strength.

The main combat Pokémon, Gardevoir and Claws, are level 62 and 61 respectively.

The two teachers should be peak gym leader-level trainers.

Peak gym leader is a popular name for powerful gym leader trainers. As long as they have combat power above the gym leader level, but their own Pokémon are less than three king-level, they are called peak gym leaders.

Similar titles include Peak Gym, Peak Elite, and Peak King.

The strength of trainers with this title is generally quite different, so it is not used as an official reference.

Otherwise...If Chu Lang's Gulerton had some kind of adventure and recovered to level 100 combat power, and his other elves were still level 20, then would he be called a top elite?

"Gardevoir, use the Chi Bullet on this guy and kill him instantly!"

While Chu Lang was thinking, the two had already started fighting.

After the fight, Chu An'an's temperament was completely different from before, and she launched an attack directly.

Gardevoir's long hair danced wildly, and her well-proportioned figure showed explosive power. The fighting energy floating in the sky and earth around her madly gathered towards her.

In an instant, a dark red energy ball appeared in his hand.

The energy ball looked extremely unstable, as if it would explode at any time.

Fighting-type signature special attack skill - Chi Bullet!


A flash of red light flashed in Garnaiduo's eyes, and the Qi bullet in his hand rushed violently towards the Diamond Horned Rhino.

The Qi bullet was moving at an extremely fast speed, and it was about to hit the Diamond Horned Rhino in an instant.

Teacher Zhou Qiang did not seem to be panicked at all, but instead looked at Chu Anan next to Garnaiduo with a joking look.

"Is that all?"

"Although the Diamond Horned Rhino is only a gym owner, it is a pure mechanical creature that cannot be taken down by this level of attack."

Chu Lang, who was watching the battle, was a little surprised. Facing an attack that was twice as strong as his, Zhou Qiang had no intention of commanding at all!

The next moment, when the true energy bomb was about to hit the Diamond Horned Rhino, the high-tech electric drill on the Diamond Horned Rhino's head suddenly turned. It was unknown what metal the drill was made of. It made a"sizzling" sound when it turned, and some electricity was flowing on it, which looked extremely terrifying. The

Diamond Horned Rhino suddenly stood up and used the unique drill on its head to hit the true energy bomb used by Gardevoir, tearing the true energy bomb in the middle.

After gaining the upper hand, the Diamond Horned Rhino did not take advantage of the situation to launch an attack, but stood upright and patted its chest with its two front paws.

"Loto Loto!"

Chu Lang, Chu Anan:"......"

Zhou Qiang's face turned red."Wake up, Rotom. You are not a gorilla now. Use your ray skills to attack Gardevoir."

Rotom in the Rhydon finally reacted and quickly used his destructive ray skills on Gardevoir.

A white light flashed across Gardevoir's body, and it disappeared with Chu An'an, dodging the attack of the Rhydon with ease.

The next moment, something shocked Chu Lang. The Rhydon raised its tail and used the tip of its tail to send out another destructive ray.

Not only did it use two destructive rays at the same time, but it also used the tip of its tail to send out that destructive ray and accurately predicted the location of Gardevoir!

Chu Lang licked his lips. This guy is so fierce!

Gardevoir's teleportation skill is extremely difficult to crack, but Rotom used his computing power advantage to predict Gardevoir's location in advance.

If it were those inflexible Pokémon, the Rhydon might be able to fool the opponent. No wonder Mr. Zhou Qiang from Magic University is so confident in him.

This is not Rhyno, this is clearly a doubles match between Rotom and Rhyno.

Chu Anan calmly looked at the Rhyno who had the upper hand, without being discouraged at all.

There may be bad people among the trainers who can reach the gym leader level, but there will never be stupid people.

A little disadvantage cannot break her will.

"Gardevoir, his whole body has been transformed with steel materials, maybe it would be effective to try using fire skills."

Hearing Chu Anan's order, Chu Lang nodded secretly.

Although the fighting system also has a certain restraint on the steel system, for these steel materials, the fire system still has a slightly greater restraint on them.

This time, Gardevoir did not use a long-range attack, but flashed directly to the side of the Diamond Horn Beast.

A ball of fire suddenly bloomed from Gardevoir's hand and fell on the eyes of the Diamond Horn Beast that was caught off guard.

Chu Anan was looking for a way to attack the Rotom inside!

The next moment, without waiting for Chu Anan's command, Gardevoir suddenly used instant movement again.

Chu Lang was wondering why Gardevoir did not chase, and then he saw a blue ray emitted from the eyes of the Diamond Horn Beast, freezing a tree in Chu Lang's house into an ice sculpture.


Chu Lang swallowed his saliva, a little dumbfounded.

This Gardevoir's fighting consciousness is too terrifying, isn't it?

If I had put myself on it just now, I might have lost by now.

However...Not necessarily. I am taking the route of stacking attributes. One force can defeat ten skills.

Chu Lang thought about it and took Lalulas out of the room after taking a nap.

""Lalulas, get up and watch your race's fighting style, it's super cool!"

Seeing Chu Lang's actions, the two teachers fought more vigorously.

They were not afraid that Chu Lang would not learn their skills, but they were afraid that Chu Lang would not feel their fighting.

Now that Chu Lang brought the elves out to watch, it meant that Chu Lang had already recognized the level of the two universities in his heart!

On the ground, Chu Lang moved closer to Gulden.

"Gulden, they are fighting so brilliantly, why are you so sleepy?"


Too weak, if all this energy is given to me, I can kill them all with one strike!

Chu Lang:"......"

The two Pokémons fought more and more vigorously. After several exchanges, they had already started to fight.

After Gardevoir used the Fire Absorption skill, Rhynocar's body had been deformed in places. That was the inevitable defect of steel after being baked at high temperatures.

But Gardevoir was not feeling well either. Rhynocar's attacks were too dense and its energy was almost endless. If she wanted to dodge, she could only use teleportation repeatedly.

Unfortunately, the materials on Rhynocar's body were very strong, and it was difficult for her to break through the guy's defense.


Gardevoir temporarily stopped attacking and explained her status to Chu Anan.

Chu Anan pondered for a moment,"Prepare for crystallization!"

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